Home Forums Chat Forum What little things do you do to make daily life a little bit more enjoyable?

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  • What little things do you do to make daily life a little bit more enjoyable?
  • rockbus
    Full Member

    Think I’m going through a bit of a case of the January blues and just feel like I’m stuck in a rut at the moment.

    Don’t really have a lot to moan about, great wife and family, decent job, no money or health issues (other than needing to lose a bit of weight!)

    But just finding the daily grind is getting the better of me and I’m constantly tired, bored and frustrated.

    Spoke to Mrs today and she suggested booking a holiday as something to look forward to but that’s actually the opposite of what I think I need. I want to find something that makes my everyday life a bit more enjoyable.

    I know for most on here the answer will be to ride your bike but anyone have any other suggestions?

    Free Member

    Drink vast quantities of tea.

    Full Member

    Be nice to a random stranger.

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    Full Member

    Have a cup of good coffee. Life is too short to drink bad coffee

    Free Member

    Drink coffee
    Smoke tobacco
    p/s: listen to German minimal techno with ear buds

    Full Member

    Finding enjoyment in the small things is a good way to help you out of a slump, for sure.

    Joking apart, things like taking time to make a decent lunch and then taking time to eat it for example. Audio books, podcasts on subjects you enjoy, short walks to break up the day. For me, adding in something you can slowly get better at over a period of time, that has tangible upside really helps. Swimming once a week. Technique, fitness etc, that sort of thing.

    Routine is a blessing and a curse!

    Full Member

    Decent walk to see the deer in the fields at lunchtime

    Nice beans for the coffee machine

    Cheeky glass of vino midweek

    Stop watching the news

    Free Member

    All of the above!
    Nice coffee and walking the dogs in the fields is always good.
    Cooking takes my mind off troubles also.

    Free Member

    Sex, nice food, disconnect from social media and the news, go for a paddle.

    Not necessarily in that order!

    Free Member

    For me, it’s the breadmaker. I work from home most of the time and make a variety of loaves for my lunch; decide what is today’s recipe, put it together and get the machine going. Enjoy the process, the smells and the demolition..

    Full Member

    at the moment i keep thinking/saying march 12th date as it is the date that my nightmare neighbours will bleep off out of my life for ever (their tenancy won’t be renewed).

    i seem to say it a lot by their wall.

    Full Member


    Honestly, January blues are pretty common. My g/f gets it bad every year, it’s (for her at least) a combination of a lack of sunlight and a crash after the holiday season. (Blue Monday isn’t a thing though, it was invented by a holiday company to sell more holidays.) Maybe a SAD lamp or a vitamin D supplement might help? Or I guess, just know that you’re not on your own and it will pass.

    Why are you bored? Lack of motivation or lack of anything to occupy yourself?

    Free Member

    Time with the dogs.
    Nice beer – really into the Vault City modern sours atm.
    Cheesy guilty pleasure tv 😁

    Full Member

    The dog.

    Just makes life more pleasurable overall. From his stupid sleeping positions, constant desire to play with balls, toys, tear up cardboard. And long weekend walks.

    I’d be lost without a dog.

    Full Member

    I like a decent breakfast. Nothing too out there, but make porridge with nice things in (dates yum), some fruit while it cooks, a nice coffee, and watch the birds if I time it right. Then cycle to work.

    Also, go on to a four day week if at all possible. That has been a game changer for me.

    Full Member

    Getting outside is essential. Half an hour stroll outside everyday, even it’s looking gloomy, really helps me. Only just started again after a period of the winter coughing that’s been going around.

    Full Member

    I have a nice large mug of coffee every day about 11ish

    Nowt too fancy just good  coffee (Monsoon Estates) from the aeropress – v strong with extra hot water to make a long black

    It seems to help

    Full Member

    Getting out for a ride, even if it’s just for an hour.

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    * Not sure tasimo pots actually constitute a real cup of coffee, but addicted to those milky latte’s.

    ** This is actually doing damage now, need to quit but finding it impossible.

    ***Nothing beats a good steak, cooked medium with some smoked salt and a blue cheese sauce.

    And a little bit of weed now and again, once or twice a year to the value of 20 quid.

    Free Member

    Take the time to binge-watch some really good TV. Also get out for a walk every day as well.

    Full Member

    Lucky enough to be able to ride to work every day; only 20 minutes, but never fails to lift my mood. Also like to pop the headphones on and listen to a bit of music before bed when everyone else is asleep.

    Full Member

    Try a home workout fitness app as you have a weight loss goal. No equipment required and no need to go anywhere, so no excuse not to. I’ve managed to make it a post-work routine and it gives me a bit of a pick up and feels good to make some progress.

    Full Member

    Coke and hookers.

    Failing that, a sunny stroll down the towpath in my lunch break, getting a proper coffee in a nice cafe, helping a colleague or friend with something.

    Free Member

    Oh and strangely, not only drinking coffee, but I find drinking out of a nice mug or cup also makes a difference!
    It’s the same when cooking – very nice pans make it much more enjoyable for some reason (personally)

    Full Member

    look after my 2 and 3 year old grandkids as much as possible.
    today was local playgroup day. 20 screaming wailing noisy toddlers……… awesome.

    ride my bike every single day, short rides, longer rides, pub rides, cafe rides.

    listen to music loudly on my earphones. dont help the tinnitus but i love it.

    and every thursday,me and the mrs have a bit of slap n tickle………… magic.

    Full Member

    Might not be your thing, but we’re really enjoying board games as an alternative to mindlessly scrolling through tv/streaming services.

    Favourites at the moment are Catan for the family, Root for the older folk.

    And pastries; pastries are ace. Offset by exercise to get fresh air (even on bad weather days) and to work off some of the pastries-based calories!!

    Full Member

    I know for most on here the answer will be to ride your bike

    Yep, that and decent coffee. Life’s too short for shite coffee.
    I always cut down on booze at this time of year, although not completely. The rule that applies for coffee works here too, as it does with food in general.

    Full Member

    Have a wander down to your local one night, midweek, and just sit and have a couple of pints and read the paper or a book for an hour or so. It’s the male equivalent of having a nice long bath with some scented candles

    Just remember the ground rules

    Once that happens, we then refer to it as a ‘Midweek Sports Special’, and it will often involve watching the footy and more than ‘a couple of pints’ 😃

    Free Member

    Oh and strangely, not only drinking coffee, but I find drinking out of a nice mug or cup also makes a difference!
    It’s the same when cooking – very nice pans make it much more enjoyable for some reason (personally)

    That’s true for me too.

    I recently bought a £5 mug just to drink my coffee and tea. Nice design and the right weight.

    Same goes with having a good casserole pot, bought one too recently, which have I used it for deep fried, stewing and making soup.

    Free Member

    I sack off work, then pick the young un up from school, then we go out and fly his RC plane.
    I say we, basically its watching him fly it as I had the audacity to crash it when I tried.
    He has autism , and usually kicks off after school due to having to reign it in all day, so this couple of hours make him happy and we go home with a smile on his face. Which puts a smile on the wife’s face , which puts a smile on my face.
    Don’t know what’s going to happen if its raining though 😉

    Full Member

    Sounds lovely.

    Full Member

    I go to bed earlyish and then read for an hour (French novels), then fall asleep listening to the news in French on the radio (France Info). Normally half wake up a bit confused about 11.30 and take the earbuds out.

    Full Member

    I know for most on here the answer will be to ride your bike

    As someone here once referred to as cyclotherapy.

    Full Member

    Get out the house before WFH for a walk (or maybe a ride)

    Get out the house at lunchtime for a walk (or maybe a ride)

    Drink loads of tea

    Drink loads of sodastream

    Buy bike parts to tinker with

    Full Member

    Go for a walk in daylight if you would otherwise be in a building or car all day


    Book or plan a spring/summer trip or purchase, makes working to pay for it seem more meaningful.

    Full Member

    Just read the whole of the OP’s post, didn’t read the last bit.
    Doh, I think for me, it’s more than just riding a bike. It’s the wildlife I see or the amazing light or clouds or sunrise/set. Yesterday, just riding through the local woods and I got a very quick glimpse of a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker which really did make my day.

    Free Member

    I was struggling with that feeling through dec/jan. Getting outside helps for sure. Now the weather has picked up I’ve been feeling much better as have been getting out of the house more. Not riding at the moment but walks and gardening. Always feel great when I’ve done something in my garden. Another thing that gives me joy daily is tending to my house plants. Growing things from seed is ridiculously satisfying. My 1st batch of chillis have just popped up and I like checking their progress every day. Nurturing them from a seed right through to a delicious home made hot sauce is awesome.

    Full Member

    Walk on the beach . Unless its pouring down .
    Get stuck into a Jigsaw puzzle .
    Occaisional bars of dark chocolate .
    Bakewell Tarts and Custard ( not a euphanism) heated , lush.
    Wholesome food . Been using the slow cooker, big wedge of bread and a stew.

    Full Member

    -At least 5 minutes outside in daylight.
    -Say the random nice observations you make in your head out loud – tell people their dog is cute, their dress is fab, the music in the cafe is good. People like it and it feels good to be smiled at.
    -Make proper food/lunch with care and love, rather than just as fast fuel.
    -Do something that’s on your ‘I should really…’ life admin list. They weigh on you more than you realise.

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