Ne Parcas Nec Spernas (neither spare nor despise) and can trace our family tree back to the Dunoon massacre of 1646 where my great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great great,great,great,great,great grandfather who was a clan chief was hung from a tree and then buried alive, we tried to trace it further back but records were a bit patchy and unreliable, i do like our clan motto and the clan house, ardlamont although smallish would do me fine. Our lands used to encompass the Cowal peninsula and i spent a month wi a tent and bike exploring them a few years ago which was a strange experience knowing my ancestors lived there and roamed the land, i found the ruins of my great* grandfathers house….a strange wild place that gave me the heebie jeebies but i guess that was from knowing the history of what went on.