Home Forums Bike Forum What is a Cannondale SM1000 worth?

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  • What is a Cannondale SM1000 worth?
  • paperjohn1
    Free Member

    I have a tatty SM1000, needs a lot doing but don’t know how to price it so I would be forever grateful if someone could shed a light in my direction.I gotta shift it to make room as I’ll never have the time to renovate it.

    Pics Here:

    Free Member

    It seems to be lacking most of the bits that made it an SM1000 in the first place, so to an enthusiast it’s a frame and fork. I got an SM700 (same frame, same year, nearly all the original bits but in considerably worse condition) for £45 a couple of years back, but you can probably get more than that for it. Have a look at the For Sales on http://www.retrobike.co.uk, there’ll be some on there I’m sure 🙂

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