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  • What have they done to the gap?
  • krag
    Free Member

    Ruined 🙁

    Anyone know why they’ve covered it all in mud and gravel?

    Free Member

    How very disappointing

    Because someone has a budget and if they don’t spend it all this year, they get less next year ?

    Free Member

    So mincers can now say they’ve ridden it?!
    Shame, that was a nice little reward for the boring climb up!

    Free Member

    Tragic!! I mean what is the benefit of smoothing it out???

    Free Member

    We encountered the JCB about half-way down the descent on Monday afternoon. I can’t believe he actually went that far up!!! It was the first time we’d done the route so i have no idea what the part he had already ‘smoothed’ over was like before but at least we got to ride the upper section which i thought was great.

    Has this been done to improve vehicle access perhaps?

    It was a fun route and a great way of getting in some great views…..well….i guess they would be great views. It had snowed up the top when we did it and we arrived at the Gap in a blizzard so didn’t hang about!

    The bridleway just through the narrow gate at the end of the Gap descent was actually better than the Gap itself, i thought.

    Free Member

    maybe someone thought it was getting dangerous for horses?

    Free Member

    Just be grateful there arent any cones!

    Has this been done the whole way down?

    I wouldnt worry too much – given the weather in Wales & the fact we cant build a road that lasts more than 6 months in this country it will be washed away by May!

    Free Member

    Just realised this must have been done for vechile access, as you can no longer get to the Gap from the Talybont side due to the heavily eroded gully near the upper most reservior.

    Free Member

    This is what it used to look like:

    Or covered in ice like this:

    Free Member

    We met the JCB at the point at which the descent becomes pretty much a double track. He had already smoothed over a 200m section further up.

    Just give it a few torrential downpours and it’ll be back to how it should be.

    Free Member

    Nevermind Krag….should have done it last weekend then…sorry 😉

    Free Member

    That section was hardly challenging anyway. Infact the most challenging part of a Gap ride is the boredom.

    The best parts of riding about there are just off from the usual Gap route.

    That section was hardly challenging anyway.

    I had to get off and push going up. 😳

    Free Member

    lol. Yes. Peddling up is challenging.

    But most push up. Just like most push down when theres ice on there.

    Free Member

    Nevermind Krag….should have done it last weekend then…sorry

    I’m actually in new zealand at the moment but was looking forward to a blast around there when visiting home soon 🙁

    Ah well, plenty of other good stuff though to ride in the area 🙂

    Free Member

    Oh that is rather tragic – I’ve a lot of good memories of that ride. Per Mr L above- how much has been “improved”?

    It’s not just bridleways though. The only tricky sections of the Whites Level ascent at Afan and at Cwm Carn have been taken out. These werent dangerous and weren’t unridable – just a bit tricky- so trail centres are culpable as well.

    Free Member

    Thats shite news – I doubt it is for vehicle access – they banned it for most of the year anyway. When it was open only proper 4x4s and Trail bikes gave it a go – they also enjoy a challenge just like us.

    Perhaps its for horses, eitherway it seems daft that the council spends money on stuff like that. Are there not schools to fix, pot holes to fill and old peoples home to run ?

    We will just have to go and find some un sanitised cheeky bits to enjoy.

    Free Member

    I saw this last night on a friends facebook pics and was furious!!! 👿

    What is wrong with leaving this “natural” surely this required some sort of planning consent or consultation?? It’s up to the individual person be it a walker, cyclist, horse rider, 4×4 driver etc to decide if they want to attempt a “tricky” section, part of the thrill surely is the challenge and potential risk?

    Was there any signs up in the weeks prior to this happening?

    Even more reason for more folk to do the Brecon Beast on a CX bike now 🙁

    Full Member

    I have to admit I find this sort of stuff absolutely infuriating even at the best of times, let alone when we should be focusing on how tax-payers money is spent. They did this to a similar one near Hindhead a few years’ ago – I suspect they wanted to remove the challenge for 4x4s but in doing so they trashed a cracking bit of technical rocky trail.

    Free Member

    That section was hardly challenging anyway.

    I’ve had a couple of off on it. I didn’t even attempt it the first time – Mind you I was riding a Halfords hybrid 🙂

    Nevertheless, it’s been made completely unchallenging. booo

    Free Member

    Amazing that they can find the money to do bits of trail like that yet on my commute home I am forced to mix it with busy traffic on narrow, unlit roads because the alternative off-road multi-user trails have just remained as little dashed lines on the 2006-2011 council local plan map and nothing in reality on the ground.

    Free Member

    I hear they’re putting traffic lights at the gap itself for bank holidays and weekends 8)

    The Gap has an unusual recent history in that it is regarded as ‘dual status’ ~ it is on the Highway Authority’s “List of Streets” and therefore they regard it as having vehicular rights. However, it was recorded as a RUPP and since the NERC Act [Part 6 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 is concerned with Rights of Way and mechanically propelled vehicles] that makes it a Restricted Byway which has no Mechanically propelled vehicular rights. This apparantly legally over-rides the List of Streets and indeed the TRO signs at each end of the Gap route. If you ask the Highway Authority they say it has vehicular rights, if you ask the ROW Officers they will tell you it does not have any vehiculat rights! So, it would be interesting to know who is doing the repairs 🙄

    I wonder if it has anything to do with safety reasons after the icy winter plus easing vehicular access for emergency vehicles to a very popular walking area.

    Edit: Or it may be being done by the farmers/graziers to allow easier access to their hill grazing (so possibly not spending your taxes although I bet there was some form of grant available if this is the case)/Edit

    Full Member

    maybe someone thought it was getting dangerous for horses?

    If they did then it was someone that doesn’t ride horses! Downhill there is fine and uphill is quicker than a pro MTBer.

    Free Member

    Krag – your first picture is not visible but from your description, won’t a heavy downpour just wash it all away?

    Free Member

    , won’t a heavy downpour just wash it all away?

    Not once they get the tarmac on it… 😯 😆

    Free Member

    It’s a cryng shame :o(

    It’s been done before, last time was about 8 or 10 years ago i think. Not sure who does it but it’s ‘for’ the 4×4 access although most of them, even those on a day trip from chelsea, must be peeved at just how flat it is now. It will wash out again, but it’s going to be 3 to 5 years before it is any fun to ride from a technical point of view I’d guess, unless Welsh weather gets even wetter than it has been.


    Free Member

    Doh… really enjoyed it last year and am booked to go again in May 😀

    Free Member

    That sucks.

    Free Member

    I have to say it’s not exactly a huge loss. I didn’t find it very challenging at all but just wanted to tick it off the list so to speak.

    It was a very easy way to climb to a decent height and enjoy a fun descent on the other side.

    The flatten section is in fact a small percentage of the overall ride after all!

    Free Member

    Sacrilage! 👿 Glad I rode it when I had the chance (even if I stacked in front of a group of red socks on the first attempt 😳 ).

    Free Member

    There is another uber-cheeky and much better alternative. And I will be doing that when I next go there.

    Free Member

    That section was hardly challenging anyway. Infact the most challenging part of a Gap ride is the boredom.

    I concur

    Full Member

    That’s insane, done it a few times and always a good ride. I know the other route talked about but not done it, may do it later in the year. Like others say probably done for the horsey brigade. There was one sanitised in he peaks about 5 years ago for the horses (Royce Clough?).

    Full Member

    sanitised in he peaks about 5 years ago for the horses (Royce Clough?).

    That was done to stop water erosion and is back in good/bad riding shape 😉

    Free Member

    That’s sad, green laners have been slowly wearing down that section over the last few years, now the council have finished the job.

    The fact that a few people on here can apparently ride it with their eyes shut and don’t find it challenging enough doesn’t make it ok to drive a jcb up there . Bizarre argument. But you did get some attention….

    If that’s the attitude of the local authorities then I’m getting checky on the Beacons arse, no holds barred.

    Free Member

    ” I’m getting checky on the Beacons arse, no holds barred.”


    Free Member

    There is another uber-cheeky and much better alternative. And I will be doing that when I next go there.

    Give us a hint.. 😉

    Free Member

    A real shame and a waste of money. I know the Gap is not everyone’s cup of tea but it is a relatively wild part of Britain, especially the south, its a national park and close to the highest point in south Wales so why the f*** does it need road so smooth my mum could drive her Micra up it? How suburban does this country have to be? It is so exasperating.

    Full Member

    In it’s previous state I saw a 2CV drive up it.

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