I hear they’re putting traffic lights at the gap itself for bank holidays and weekends 8)
The Gap has an unusual recent history in that it is regarded as ‘dual status’ ~ it is on the Highway Authority’s “List of Streets” and therefore they regard it as having vehicular rights. However, it was recorded as a RUPP and since the NERC Act [Part 6 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 is concerned with Rights of Way and mechanically propelled vehicles] that makes it a Restricted Byway which has no Mechanically propelled vehicular rights. This apparantly legally over-rides the List of Streets and indeed the TRO signs at each end of the Gap route. If you ask the Highway Authority they say it has vehicular rights, if you ask the ROW Officers they will tell you it does not have any vehiculat rights! So, it would be interesting to know who is doing the repairs 🙄
I wonder if it has anything to do with safety reasons after the icy winter plus easing vehicular access for emergency vehicles to a very popular walking area.
Edit: Or it may be being done by the farmers/graziers to allow easier access to their hill grazing (so possibly not spending your taxes although I bet there was some form of grant available if this is the case)/Edit