I used to post on svrider, a US motorbike forum and it was a popular theme there. And all I could think was 1) If I fall off my bike I don’t want to land on a big lump of steel and 2) How the **** do you even draw a gun on a motorbike, in leathers and gloves, let alone shoot it? By the time you get it out, you could be quarter of a mile away doing 100mph. But they were not convinced, even when one of the guys fell on his 1911 and shattered his pelvis. Oh and another one carried one around in his tankbag and got it stolen when he went to the shops, his response was “I should get another gun” not “I shouldn’t leave loaded guns lying around”. As yet none of them is ever to actually try and use it, thank god, as they’d get instantly killed to bits by some dude who is prepared to use his weapon, and already has it in his hand.
So anyway, bikes. Even more likely to crash on it. Less likely to want to use it. Not to mention all that weight!1!onE. And picture the scene, you’re riding up an orrible climb, someone jumps out to rob you, you try and draw your equaliser (sorry, equalizer) while wearing your riding gloves and breathing out of your arse… Chances are you fall over and shoot yourself saving your robber a bullet.
Finally, bears. Shooting bears with a pistol is a ****ing terrible idea, the chances of killing one quickly are very small but the chances of really pissing it off majorly are very high. Bearspray works though.