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  • What are your prejudices?
  • Lifer
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    emsz – Member

    People who say stuff like “I don’t watch television” and those people never don’t watch telly they don’t watch television or they only watch ( apparently) the news or some other dull ready stuff and then they turn it off.

    I guy I work with ‘doesn’t watch tv’ but somehow still knows what’s happening in all the shitty dramas/reality/’talent’ shows.

    Free Member

    Fat people and/or religious people en masse, can cope with say, 3 at a time of each but more than that I can’t deal with.

    That’s an impressive prejudice – you have issues coping with crowds of fat religious people ?

    How do they manage to find you – do you hang around churches/weight watchers clubs or something ?

    Free Member

    Women in Minis. They’re bloody dangerous.

    Free Member

    Emsz … has got a couple of goodies (or is that baddies?) there.

    Its Rugger Buggers for me… never liked them and there oversized egos… nobs

    And for the finer sex … overtly flirtatious women…please love you ain’t that special and I’m not that stupid

    Strange enough it’s normally the rugger buggers who fall for the type of bird who’d drape herself over you after only knowing you for 2 seconds.

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    footflaps cos hes thin and has no tattoos

    Wahoo! I’ve finally made it as somebody else’s prejudice!

    Free Member

    scousers, the constant chip on shoulder victim mentality from a bunch of whining gits that have given nothing to the world other than a mediocre pop act and now will never shut the ….. up about it

    I love people who make assumptions about millions of people based on a very small few.

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    scousers, the constant chip on shoulder victim mentality from a bunch of whining gits that have given nothing to the world other than a mediocre pop act and now will never shut the ….. up about it

    You see I thought they were all criminal scum and had no idea they had a chip on their shoulder! You learn something new every day….

    Free Member

    People who feel the need to brandish ‘hard’ dogs…

    Free Member

    I’m not defending it, but I automatically assume that everyone who’s been in (exactly) the same role for upwards of 5 years is going to be a jobsworth.

    Have probably just offended loads of people…. sorry about that

    Free Member

    Probably more of us are indeed criminal scum than have shoulder based chips.

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    People with some sort of innate sense of entitlement and superiority, leading to general nastiness, and a total absence of empathy. So… Tory’s, basically

    And the Irish 😀

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    Pretty much everything and everybody

    so I’m told

    Free Member

    Ro5ey, bloke I live with plays rugby, and while the players themselves are generally lovely lovely guys, the people that watch them play sometimes let themselves get too drunk I think

    I’ve been a waitress and watched rugby for the sidelines and had my arse pinched and been winked at by blokes who probably have daughters my age, and probably are company managers or whatever. Sad

    Free Member

    What are my prejudices?

    What have you got?

    Free Member

    People with some sort of innate sense of entitlement and superiority, leading to general nastiness, and a total absence of empathy. So… Tory’s, basically

    Agrees with binners shocker…

    Free Member

    The desperate snobs who (mis)use the word “artisan”.

    I’m thinking of buying a honey badger and training it to attack every time it hears the word in an effort to rid the planet of them, one vicious, brutal, slobbering beautiful attack at a time.

    Free Member

    Binners I work with this girl, she’s nice enough but her attitudes to a lot of stuff is just shocking. Pay to see the GP, no council houses, immigration is a bad thing (Marina who is Romanian and can hand stitch… Like beautifully, sits just behind me) mum and dad buying her a house!!

    Just laugh at them really

    Full Member

    emsz – A certain type of middle aged bloke that watches rugby, they are generally fat, generally massively obnoxious loud misogynistic idiots

    I have horrible feeling that having quit playing 10 years ago (I did 25 seasons) I might be that man. I’ll try not to be misogynist, but the rest? Oh dear.

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    Diesel drivers

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    Anyone who tries to buy authenticity rather than earn it.

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    Cranberry – if you need any help with your campaign, just let me know.

    emsz – I know just such a girl. Grew up with her. Beneath the polished, over-manicured facade, she’s a truly vile human being! Never worked a day in her life, drives a brand new Merc SLK that mummy and daddy bought her (private plate, naturally), as well as her huge house.

    Spends her entire cosseted life moaning about how hard done too she is. She bangs on constantly, without a shred of irony or self-awareness, about a ‘culture of entitlement’ among the unemployed, immigrants etc (shall we just call them all ‘scroungers?), and thinks all benefits (apart from her own, obviously) should be stopped.

    No prizes for guessing who she votes for. She is the very living embodiment of the present Tory party.

    Come the glorious revolution….. 😉

    Free Member

    emsz – A certain type of middle aged bloke that watches rugby, they are generally fat, generally massively obnoxious loud misogynistic idiots

    I thought you liked me 😥 (I’m not that fat)

    Full Member

    … in fact – anyone who derives status from something they have bought – or maybe, buys stuff for the perceived status, is the better way of expressing it

    Free Member

    Well off Lefties.
    Ok I understand if your northern, everything is still Thatchers fault no doubt, or public sector workers, you want job security for your made up local authority position, or the unemployed, as much free money as possible.
    But those who have a decent job who still thinks its acceptable to support the Labour party. Utter morons of the highest order.

    Full Member

    Well off people who aren’t lefties. Anyone who has money but despite this doesn’t have the generosity of spirit to want the best opportunities for everyone.

    Well off Lefties.

    But those who have a decent job who still thinks its acceptable to support the Labour party. Utter morons of the highest order.

    People who think the modern labour party is somehow “left wing”.

    Full Member

    Vegetarian folk that eat quorn or other pretend animal shapes…you gave up the right to eat yummy meaty things, so stop trying to make synthetic chicken nuggets, burgers, sausages etc and stick to mauling a carrot or something. Oh and” vegetarians” who eat fish?!

    Full Member

    jekkyl – Member
    People who when you ask what sort of music they like, reply with ‘I like everything really’

    You’d really hate me, then!
    I belong to the Tom Ravenscroft school of music appreciation; I ignore genres, just go by what I like the sound of, so just about everything, then.

    Full Member

    Well off Lefties.

    That’s me done for then…

    Full Member

    And another here. And Warren Buffet actually.

    I’ll be ok whatever the government. I want someone to look after the less fortunate.

    Full Member

    Well off Lefties.
    Ok I understand if your northern, everything is still Thatchers fault no doubt, or public sector workers, you want job security for your made up local authority position, or the unemployed, as much free money as possible.
    But those who have a decent job who still thinks its acceptable to support the Labour party. Utter morons of the highest order.

    People who temper their grasping, selfish me-me-me-ness with a social conscience, and a view that society extends further than themselves, and their own selfish interests


    Thanks for so graphically illustrating my point about why I despise Tory’s though. You can’t help yourselves really, can you? Life contains no nuance.Everything really is that simple. 🙄

    Free Member

    richmtb – Member
    “Diesel drivers” Agree also them electric loco’s. Prefer steam.

    Free Member

    Tazzy if you can point to the bits of animals where nuggets burgers and sausages grow, then I’ll stop eating them. Really though there are just convenience. The protein I eat comes packaged the same way, but isn’t made from the flesh of dead things

    Thanks (kisses)

    Free Member

    Well off Lefties.
    Ok I understand if your northern, everything is still Thatchers fault no doubt, or public sector workers, you want job security for your made up local authority position, or the unemployed, as much free money as possible.
    But those who have a decent job who still thinks its acceptable to support the Labour party. Utter morons of the highest order.

    Like most labour MPs then, with their lah-de-dah ways and public school education
    I don’t really have any prejudices – but I have a very low tolerance of “travellers”

    Free Member

    “Tory’s”, er, what, exactly?

    Full Member

    Oh yeah… thanks for reminding me Wopster. Also….

    Free Member

    People that bob their heads when they pedal.

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    No one’s said stem watchers yet…

    Full Member

    Emsz- nuggets come from the small kfc gland, situated at the rear of the animal, sausages are actually dog, everyone know this, but just pretends that they are made of bits of eyelid and sphincter, why else would we have sausage dogs like dachshund, just whop the legs off em and hey presto. Burgers are just horizontal sections of the leg of an elephant that is also sold as the spinny meaty thing in kebab shops. See its all perfectly logical.

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    I shouldn’t laugh but good effort tazzy

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