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  • Well done Sustrans!
  • Harry_the_Spider
    Full Member

    there are guideline that have to be followed about track widths

    I wonder how the width compares with that of the machine that made it.

    Free Member

    Cyclists complain about muddy, rough, unsuitable route.

    Authority improves route to practically B-road standard.

    Other cyclists complain that they liked it muddy and rough.


    If it encourages more people to commute by bike then it’s done it’s job. The average Joe wanting to do his/her bit for the planet by cycling to work and back will welcome the changes. The Mon-Fri cyclist doesn’t want to get dirty or defy death on their daily commute, they want a safe, clean and easy journey.
    Although it doesn’t look appealing to us weekend warriors there are other places we can get muddy. Encouraging people to use the network has got to be the ultimate goal here. I’d rather see more 10ft wide tarmaced paths than 50ft wide dual carriage ways.

    More bums on bikes can only be a good thing.
    Speaking of my own experience, choosing to cycle rather than take the car or bus helped me to develope more of an awareness of the environment and take more interest in environmental issues. It also encouraged me to take better care of my health and eat better. Recycling, energy saving, brown rice eating etc etc.

    More cyclists means more bikes, more bike means more bike problems which leads to people googling about said bike problems and being directed here. Countless masses will tap into the knowledge of the stw hive mind and the budding Sheldon’s among us can basque in their mighty bike knowledge.

    Free Member

    I wonder how the width compares with that of the machine that made it.

    another point entirely but certainly something that looks like an issue in this case! I first heard about the width issue as there was an article on road.cc about a canal path being refused a grant due to being too narrow to meet sustrans requirements.

    Full Member

    Whatever, it is done and you can now get from Radcliffe ASDA to a footbridge in the middle on nowhere without getting dirty.

    was having a little think about this since I posted and you are right there. It’s a lovely bit of commuting matériel for getting somewhere quickly and as effortlessly as possible on any kind of bike including road bike, unfortunately it then dumps you into a park with only gravel tracks or mtb singletrack leading anywhere else so your roadie has to pull a u turn. Also wondering is that tarmac going to be a horrible mess in 1 or 2 years*? and what about snow/ice/frost in winter? PITA on tarmac, less so on gravel IME. Would a gravel track as per the rest of drinkwater not have been a better alternative? Less trouble with ice and less likely to break up maybe*?

    * i know bugger all about this stuff

    Full Member

    As a ranger,what do you actually do,I’ve had a(quick)look on their website,but can’t seem to find out. I think I might like to do this,depending on times,locations etc.

    What- and however much you can or want to do. I signed up to do litter picking and now organise work sessions to do that and improve / maintain the paths where councils fail. eg our last session[/url].

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