My brother came up with a weird theory at the weekend, which he said he came to whilst walking from Preston to Middlesbrough, via the Yorkshire Dales……
A ducks bum looks like an otters face! He reckons that when a duck has it’s head in the water looking for food, it sticks it’s bum in the air and as a defence mecanism it looks like an otters face…..
I think it was getting a bit dilusional when he came up with this theory, but when I think about it, it could make sense…..
Supposedly people used to think that barnacle geese hatched from goose barnacles, hence both names. They do look pretty similar in a different kind of way.
I’m sceptical though that people could be that stupid even in olden times.
I reckon it would have been easier to just land on the moon than it would have been to keep all the thousands of people quiet who were involved in creating the illusion of landing on the moon.
who was proberbly sat under a tree and thought, “i know im going to go and drink that white stuff which has come out of that cows udder”…isn’t that weird…..but then again I suppose it goes for all food stuff, someone at some point must have said “let’s try this”
sucklingmatt – Member
who was proberbly sat under a tree and thought, “i know im going to go and drink that white stuff which has come out of that cows udder”…isn’t that weird…..but then again I suppose it goes for all food stuff, someone at some point must have said “let’s try this”
Ever tried neat Campari? I have no idea how anyone who was making a drink suddenly thought they had hit the jackpot with a drink that is so bitter it is undrinkable without mixing it!
Possibly about kidney beans – they are poisonous when uncooked, so why do we eat them & who worked out we needed to boil them for at least 10 mins?
My theory goes that Stigs brother ate them and died.
Stig coveted his Grandma’s cave because it had running water so he decided to kill her. Not wanting anybody knowing he did it, he decided to poison her & added kidney beans to her stew.
As we all know old ladies boil their veggies far (far) too much so she started her stew boiling and went off to watch the stonage equivalent of Corry & came back to her delicious stew… Stig didnt get the cave but he did discover a classic foodstuff.
As I see it there can be no other reason why we eat them.
Foxes can swim, they just choose not to. It’s part of a plan.
A friend of mine insisted that people’s behaviour was noticeably changed by the full moon. The theory being that the moon effects the tides and we being comprised of so much water are equally pulled about a bit.
Possibly about kidney beans – they are poisonous when uncooked, so why do we eat them & who worked out we needed to boil them for at least 10 mins?
There are loads of instances of primitive peoples having to do stuff like this. When you’ve nothing to do but search for food all day and your life depends on it you’ll get pretty canny.
my brother used to go out on the “pull” with a braclet of concors to give to a lucky lady. there were 10 on it because he said it tuned her to the moon