I do confess, when there are nesst apearig in my sheds, I get rid of them, as I’m in and out of them frequently and they really don’t like that.
last year I only needed to get rid of 1, previous years it’s been a few.
I’d managed to block off a lot of potential entrances and spray old perfume/GT85 around any gaps I couldn’t seal properly as they don’t like strong smells.
they have been year on year gradually making their way around the inside of our dormer roof. Last hear they were in one of the corners of the bedroom, this year they’ve set up camp above my bedrom window. I can see the entrance, but as they are wanting to get into the nest, they don’t bother with the window, though I suspect late summer that will change once the new queen abandons the nest. They’re not doing any damage up there, possibly insulating the roof a bit more with their paper, but it can get a little irritating when they wake up early mornings as you can hear a very subtle popping noise, which I believe is the grubs clicking for food.
if they become a problem, I’ll nuke them.