Got home early enough for a Friday head clearer. Turned out to be the opposite as a couple of new(ish) features at the local got into my head and I had to make sure I rode some other stuff I was more comfortable on so as not to completely psych myself out. The other stuff will still be there another day...
Riding the single speed on a Friday afternoon is a fair bit better than enduring a visit from the in-laws
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First stop on our Alps trip is Verbier. It's 12 months since we were there and it didn't end well.
With rain forcast for the afternoon we went out early whilst it was still dry.
Did a few runs and managed to finish just before the rain arrived
Finally some dusty trails and blue skies
Mrs 100th is organizing a ladies sportive that goes tomorrow, so I went to the golfie, somewhere I've only been a couple of times. 0800 start to avoid the ebike crowds. Great fun. NY -NY, repeat offender the wardells way. Trying out the fun bike before summer euro riding.
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Little cycle tour with the kids
Ilkley Moor this morning before the sun got out.
After a chance meeting with the rider of this Cleland Aventura on Saturday near Tring
I ended up taking my old Cannondale M500 out for a Sunday spin
on the 40th anniversary ride of the Wendover Bash featuring two more Cleland bikes of different vintages.
After being ill for a week I finally went out on the bike for the first time in seven days. Generally nice and dusty and sunny on the standard Eastern Moors loop. Nice pub stop as well, although the brambles were out in full force on one section.
Lovely weather and looking forward to making the most of it over the coming week.
3 day weekend for us so headed out on a chunky south loop of the Rhinns of Kells with my old boss.
A small detour to the final resting place of Mosquito DD795
Final descent down to Fred Olsons Forrest Estate