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  • V.Dull – One for the Hi-Fi bods pls – Speaker cable suggestions pls…
  • MrWoppit
    Free Member


    +1 (Also in the absence of geetee’s wife and contribution to the gene pool…)

    Free Member

    I thought RichPenny was a bloke. I’m sure that came up on a thread a little while back.

    Free Member

    they take all sorts at Naim.

    Free Member

    absolutely tons of bass detail and even a good chunk of volume


    Look, I’m a scientist of sorts, and a musician of sorts with a good ear. I’m not going to pretend to explain why it was better or bang on about it, but it was a clear improvement. I was there, you weren’t, so naff off 🙂

    Free Member

    I was there, you weren’t, so naff off

    Molgrips, they’re guilty of ‘I can’t comprehend how you can comprehend it, so therefore it must be incomprehensible’ syndrome.

    Free Member

    Open up your speakers and amp and gave a look at how they are wired inside. Bet its not with ultra expensive unobtanium multi strand oxygen free copper wire or whatever.
    Really can’t see the point of expensive speaker cables if the first and last few inches are almost bell wire.

    Free Member

    Open up your speakers and amp and gave a look at how they are wired inside. Bet its not with ultra expensive unobtanium multi strand oxygen free copper wire or whatever.

    Er they are actually but the rest of your comment is spot on.

    Free Member

    Open up your speakers and amp and gave a look at how they are wired inside. Bet its not with ultra expensive unobtanium multi strand oxygen free copper wire or whatever.
    Really can’t see the point of expensive speaker cables if the first and last few inches are almost bell wire.

    My thoughts exactly. They may be short runs but they are utter cr@p. And if anyone can explain the benefit of bi-wiring with science and not magic audiophile pixey dust I’m all ears.

    Free Member

    I reckon my hi-fi sounds much better now I’ve put some holograms on the speakers.

    Free Member

    kimber cables..

    Free Member

    I have a pair of British made relatively expensive speakers and they are certainly not wired with Gucci cables inside! Neither was my Cambridge Audio amp.

    Free Member

    Mr Woppit – Member

    Naim Amp = NAIM speaker cable. I can’t believe you have had a NAIM Amp for 20 years and not used their cables. But, admittedly I used Nordost for 10 years with a NAIM amp before I saw, or rather heard, the error of my ways 😀

    Free Member

    I second, or third, or whatever, the Van Damme suggestion. Cheap, capable and very well regarded by those that know, or have nothing better to do, or whatnot.

    Free Member

    I am a bloke, have been called Rich all my life. If the doubts about my gender persist, I may be forced to post supporting photographic evidence 😯 Trust me TurnerGuy, no-one works in HiFi for the money!

    Full Member

    To gain audible loudness from changing speaker cables requires an increase of 1dB output. This means that with an 8 ohm speaker the previous cable had a resistance of more than 2 ohms. If the old cable was cheap bell wire then the runs would need to be 100′ long. Do you live in the Palace of Versailles?

    Never forget that you can’t hear without using your brain, and the power of the placebo effect is stronger than
    The Force when it comes to psychoacoustics!

    Free Member

    There is actually a reason why biwiring makes a difference – a speaker designer told me once but I have forgotten now.

    However he also pointed out that the designer would not voice the speaker (for those who don’t just use computers but listen) using the speaker biwired and would also use fairly normal cable like the Van Damme.

    By playing around bi-wiring and using different types of cable for the bass and treble drivers you are basically overriding the expertise of the speaker designer.

    Free Member

    I’m good friends with a reviewer from the worlds most highly esteemed hi-fi mag.. and so I’ve had the rare priviledge to have listened to an awful lot of kit and cable.. and I’ve also had endless opportunities to compare huge varieties of combinations of cabling and kit back to back from the comfort of home with the benefit of time.. (and good food and wine and music)

    there is an undeniable and remarkable difference in the quality of sound when using different cables..

    it’s got absolutely nothing to do with loudness and everything to do with depth… richness and quality of sound..

    Free Member

    And if anyone can explain the benefit of bi-wiring with science and not magic audiophile pixey dust I’m all ears.

    Me too. However, having bi wired and bi amped, there is a huge difference.

    I think it’s got something to do with the fact there’s no crossover. Although that should only affect the middle range, whereas what happens when you bi wire/amp is you get way way more at the top and bottom as well as a much clearer middle.

    My cheap bi-amped system now sounds far clearer than anything else in my price range and anything I’ve listened to at five times the price. So I’m a bit locked in. No way I could go back to one amp. The only thing I would ever upgrade to for purely sonic reasons would be another 2x power + control setup.

    Full Member

    Until those comparisons are done in a true double blind ABX fashion then I will not believe them, the brain is too easily swayed by other external information. I’m fortunate to work in this field and it’s endlessly fascinating but cable voodoo does not stack up.

    Free Member

    it’s got absolutely nothing to do with loudness and everything to do with depth… richness and quality of sound..


    As I only had 2x 1.5m cable run, I had some £60/m stuff I blagged when buying my amp a while back. Out of interest I wired them up with my old Silver anniversary stuff first, then swapped. The difference was pretty astounding in my system.

    Free Member

    How can I get a working bi-amp system then? Two identical amps? How is it all wired up?

    Full Member

    True biamping with an active crossover and EQ can work very well indeed – Linkwitz takes this approach with his amazing Orion designs. Biamping with passive crossovers is a waste of money, biwiring likewise. You can’t do multi-way loudspeakers without some kind of crossover be it active or passive electrical, acoustical or mechanical.

    Free Member

    You can either use one mono (or a stereo power amp bridged for mono) amp per speaker or if your speakers have bi wire connections you can use one stereo power amp for bass and once for treble.

    It’s pretty easy to do.

    There are many diagrams on line.

    I tend to agree with the post above if you’re going for many amps best but costly to go active.

    Lots of people like speakers without or with the bare minimum of crossovers mine for example have one component in the crossover to stop the tweeters blowing.

    Full Member

    Aarghh, it’s like talking to scientologists!!! 😉

    Free Member

    No convincing arguments yet then! I can accept biamping improves things but would say it’s a result of the extra power on tap. I still can’t see how biwiring helps.

    Free Member

    the brain is too easily swayed by other external information

    that’s a valid point… and not one that I would care to debate..

    the cheapest and most effective upgrade for any hi-fi system is a 400 microgramme dose of good LSD

    Free Member

    Until those comparisons are done in a true double blind ABX fashion then I will not believe them, the brain is too easily swayed by other external information.

    Well that’s a flawed statement anyway you muppet.

    You’re saying you’ll only believe there is a difference is someone can hear a difference based on a double blind test in order to remove the possibility that the differece they are hearing is all in their mind.

    Well der! Of course it’s all in their mind, how else are they hearing it? Whatever it is they ‘believe’ they are hearing differently is what they are hearing differently.

    Besides, are you really sitting there and suggesting that you are better qualified to define my experience of reality than I am?

    Have you any idea how stupid that makes you look?

    Free Member

    Geetee on that basis change your mind and your reality changes. I did and it saved me a small fortune in cables that make no difference.

    Free Member

    Joolsburger that’s great; I have no problem with that either.

    I use very ordinary NAC A5 in my system. I’ve auditioned cable that cost £1000 for two 3m runs and there was an audible difference in the character of the sound. I couldn’t work out whether that was different better, different worse or just different so I didn’t bother buying it.

    I have heard what I perceived to be both a difference and an improvement in other systems between different wiring looms as well.

    What I don’t understand is why the majority of sceptics seem happy to concede that changing components will have an impact on the quality of the reproduction, but not the speaker cables or the rest of the loom.

    Free Member

    Yeah, what perplexes me about biwiring, is that it’s all coming out of the same source at the amp, isn’t it? So what’s the point of removing that little gold plated link bit, and running wire into the bass and treble contacts?

    Personaly, I think a lot of hi-fi stuff is utter guff, and the kit is bought by middle-aged blokes with diminished hearing anyway, simply as status symbols. I appreciate that some expensive kit sounds better than ‘budget’ or cheap gear, but I’d rather take the word of sound engineers who have proper scientific qualifications in this stuff, and who use electrical flex to wire up concert halls, than hi-fi buffs who swear blind they can tell the difference between cables and other such stuff, when science can prove they can’t.

    Yeah so some NAIM gear might sound better than stuff a tenth of it’s price, but there’s an awful lot of snake oil surrounding ‘hi-fi’.

    That Russ Andrews bloke, in particular, needs a slapping.

    Full Member

    The point of ABX blind testing is that if you can consistently correctly identify whether X is A or B, when X is randomly changed without your knowledge then you can hear a difference. Without this you can subconsciously will yourself to hear a difference whenever you’re listening to what you believe is the superior item. Sorry.

    Free Member

    Well that’s a flawed statement anyway you muppet

    the flaw in CGGs argument.. and the glowing neon sign above CCG that proclaims muppet.. is the fact that CGG is trying to construct an argument based on volume gained.. (of a whole flippin decibel ferchrissakes!!)

    from this we can assume that CCG has absolutely no flipping clue what is being discussed in this thread..

    and any work that CGG does in this field or any other is nothing to do with hi-fi or audiophilia

    Free Member

    Personaly, I think a lot of hi-fi stuff is utter guff, and the kit is bought by middle-aged blokes with diminished hearing anyway, simply as status symbols. I appreciate that some expensive kit sounds better than ‘budget’ or cheap gear, but I’d rather take the word of sound engineers who have proper scientific qualifications in this stuff, and who use electrical flex to wire up concert halls, than hi-fi buffs who swear blind they can tell the difference between cables and other such stuff, when science can prove they can’t.

    Yeah so some NAIM gear might sound better than stuff a tenth of it’s price, but there’s an awful lot of snake oil surrounding ‘hi-fi’.

    I kind of lose track of how many times you contradict yourself in this statement Elfin.

    Can you just clarify something for me.

    Are you saying that there is potentially a difference between how one system sounds versus another or are you saying that there is never ANY difference between any system you care to sample?

    Full Member

    I have to say that the great think about hi-fi snake oil is that it is very good for the economy.

    The dB point was regarding one example earlier. So how many crossovers have you designed? 😉

    Full Member

    Not the kind of thread I normally get involved in. However…. this one’s so amusing that I couldn’t resist.

    Part of my job is in professional audio – stadiums, theatres etc – some of it gigs, the majority permanent install – I often design the systems.

    You won’t find these really quite ridiculous pixie-dust cables used anywhere in professional context. Most pro users will have cables made from bog-standard 2core or 4core x 2.5mm or 4mm dependent on use – £2 per metre tops. Van Damme stuff if you’re feeling a bit more flush.

    Free Member

    You won’t find these really quite ridiculous pixie-dust cables used anywhere in professional context. Most pro users will have cables made from bog-standard 2core or 4core x 2.5mm or 4mm dependent on use – £2 per metre tops. Van Damme stuff if you’re feeling a bit more flush.

    cos it’s cost effective..

    besides the fact that you wouldn’t pick up the difference between a few hertz here and there on the midrange with the ambient sound of joe public milling around the acoustic monstrosities that you work on..

    So how many production crossovers or enclosures have you designed?

    none.. but your free party rigs/car stereo boomboxes etc are a gazillion miles away from the listening experience of an audiophile..

    Free Member

    Yes I accept there are differences between the sound from different systems, and I know from experience a system costing several grand can sound better than one costing a couple of hundred quid, but stuff like what Russ andrews comes out with is just utter bullshit. Let’s be honest.

    Makes me laugh, some of the systems I’ve seen in some people’s houses; twenty thousand pounds plus worth of kit, in a bog standard new build house with cavity walls, laminate flooring, soft furnishings etc. Complete and utter waste of money. I’ve actually heard such systems in rooms so acoustically bad, you’d be just as well off with a ‘budget’ £300 Richer Sounds set-up. Had to stop meself from laughing listening to blokes with less than good hearing, waffle on about how fantastic their hi-fi sounds. Do me a favour.

    Elfin’s Top Tip to improve the sound of any system:

    Raw materials available in most inner city estates, as well as some ‘trendy’ parts of town…

    Free Member

    you elfin knows it

    Free Member

    AH OK well that argument I can go with Elfin.

    What is it you do that takes you into these peoples’ houses?

    Free Member

    Just people I’ve known, Geetee.

    No I’m sorry; there’s only so much the Human ear can actually hear, and this ability diminishes with age. Hence my bemusement at blokes in their forties and fifties spending silly money on hi-fi gear they truly won’t be able to fully appreciate. And when it comes to the kind of crap people like Russ Andrews spout, well, that’s when my patience wears a bit thin. Can’t be arsed listening to such rubbish people like that come out with.

    Nowt wrong with having nice stuff, just don’t fool yerself that you are somehow special and elevated from the common herd just because you own expensive hi-fi gear.

    Ketamine can alter your perception of music somewhat. LSD even more so. I wouldn’t recommend such things though, much less condone their use….

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