Home Forums Bike Forum "Upgrade" ideas please! (New Road/Hybrid bike)

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  • "Upgrade" ideas please! (New Road/Hybrid bike)
  • uphilla
    Free Member

    Finally found a road bike[/url] (Whyte Cambridge) that will suit me through the winter.

    It is not too bad on weight, but would be interested to hear any ideas to drop a couple of pounds as I know I will tempted to tinker before long! Thanks

    Free Member

    Usual suspects i.e. lighter wheels and tyres but if using it to commute you need to balance weight against reliability.

    Free Member

    Why does it need to be lighter?

    Free Member

    Wheels do seem to be a bit basic and I’ll guess the tyres will be a wire bead. I’d imagine that the chainset will be a bit of an anchor too. You could look at a few contact point changes, carbon bars and foam grips will help and a carbon post (actually a ti one might look nice) as well as loosing a lb or two could increase comfort.

    Free Member

    Thanks – lighter is always good in my book (need all the help I can get!). Was thinking chain-set as current one looks quite crude. Bars and seatpost too and maybe keep an eye for some lighter second wheels….

    Free Member

    Yeah wheels and carbon bars/post, check other parts for weight to see if they are worth replacing…

    Full Member

    Genuine question

    Is it cheaper to achieve a certain weight by buying a bike and changing bits, or just buying a lighter bike

    Free Member

    I would say the light bike to start with.

    Upgrading is an expensive hobby!

    Free Member

    In this case I was able to buy a bike around the weight I was aiming for at a good price, so it means there could be some scope for adding ‘better’ components.
    Not sure I could have go anything much lighter without spending a lot more money, more than double the cost of this.
    M360 is right to ask, it does not really need to be lighter and is fine as it is, just can’t help tinkering if the right s/h parts appear.

    Free Member

    In that case, wheels and tyres are the first place to start as they’ll make the biggest, noticeable difference to how the bike rides.

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