Woody, as anybody who knows me well enough will testify, I’ve had this problem for years. Often I can’t bloody find things i know I have for months either (especially when it could be in one of 3 different houses as was the case).
There is only one solution… Get rid! Honestly… Selling off the old stuff you don’t use any more (and binning the worthless crap) makes you feel sooooo much better! I just wish I’d discovered this years ago as by God I’ve accrued a tonne of rubbish over the years, and only some of it bike related.
If you apply the philosophy of “if it’s not fitted to a bike currently, or isn’t going to be inside the next few weeks, it gets sold”. I’ve made about £800 in the last few weeks this way, and reckon I’ve got at least another £500 to go yet… N+1 is the ideal number of bikes to own when you’ve got all the space, time and money in the world, otherwise sadly it’s N-1.