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  • Unexpected consequences of aging
  • MrOvershoot
    Full Member

    I thought you were going to talk about falls on the icy paths binners?

    Though being pushed over by the wife isn’t really an age thing is it 😉

    Full Member

    but is heartburn/indigestion an aging thing?

    Hiatus hernia innit.

    More likely to have it if you are over 50.

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    Names to faces recall is going noticeably now with folk I don’t see often. Arthritic aches in fingers and just ‘worn out ‘ aches in knees , ankles and shoulders, largely owing to a variety ‘dismounts’ cycling or windsurfing over the years. Hairy ears ? Yes. Varifocals? Yes. Darkening meat n veg? No. Peeing in the night ? No.
    Married a lady 16 years younger just over a year ago. She probably does get irritated by my snoring and farting now and again.
    I’m 62 and three quarters now.I think that ageing is like being a child, who want to impress by being almost 6 or 7 … except that in older years it’s wishing it would all stop passing so quickly .

    Full Member

    I thought you were going to talk about falls on the icy paths binners?

    I’ve always been like a cat in a skateboard, balance-wise. Nowadays I’m just scared I’ll break my hip

    Free Member

    Feeling the cold more and developing raynauds after being an all season wearer of shorts – it’s not possible now! Not a physical complaint, but the ever reducing tolerance and patience levels with people…and don’t even mention the bizarre variety of menopause symptoms!

    Full Member

    55 years old, no significant signs of aging yet that I’ve noticed apart from historic unrepaired injuries (snapped ACL, Torn Meniscus) causing pain when over exercised. I have gotten in to the habit of a midday power (sic:lazy) nap though. Going to be tricky when I have to go back to the office more than one day a week 🙂

    Oh workwise, while I haven’t turned into a grumpy old employee I’ve certainly become an apathetic employee re work, it gets done but certainly don’t go looking for additional or more ‘interesting’ challenges. I’ve very much a ‘meh’, why bother attitude re upskilling myself which is from my perspective understandable as I’m not planning on staying gainfully employed for too much longer.

    Full Member

    I did look at a scrotal lift but does look a bit oooh

    Refer to my earlier comment regarding clothes pegs. They really are multifunctional!

    And is anyone else mildly disturbed by the similarity between Stannah and Stwhannah? Maybe my eyes are starting to go!

    Sharting… last time that happened to me must have been in my teens. Quite significantly. Definitely a story for another thread.

    Full Member

    I must say this has cheered me up immensely.  Not only for the comedy value but also at 61 3/4 I have not succumbed to many of these ailments.  No slippers, no weird Pyjamas, no saggy scrotum

    Free Member

    Last shart was a couple of months ago. Just been shopping in Lidl and thought that I’d go for a cheeky coffee before heading home. I was just about to cross the road to the cafe and the prrrrrrp! Became a flup! Jesus **** Christ I’ve shit myself!

    I waddled the short distance back to the car, put a bag on the seat and uncomfortably drove home. When I got home the result wasn’t as bad as I’d thought with no leakage🤣

    I’m solidly blaming that on some medications at the time though. It is not a regular occurrence 🤣

    Full Member

    Jesus Christ @longdog

    I’ve just nearly ‘had a fall’, off the chair at work, guffawing at that last anecdote 🤣🤣🤣 I’m now crying I’ve laughed that much

    Full Member

    I must say this has cheered me up immensely…

    Agreed.  I can still make it through the night without having to get up.  Feeling like that’s a win

    No slippers, no weird Pyjamas, no saggy scrotum

    That picture is going to take a while to fade unfortunately

    The lack of embarrassment at sharting is indeed one of the great things about getting old.  You don’t give a shit even at the same moment as you are

    Full Member

    just socks and sandals

    Mrs Cougar appears to be a woman with some very specific tastes!

    Full Member

    I do take care when sitting down in boxer shorts so that one’s covered..

    I wonder what Danny Hart does?

    Full Member

    Wearing “outdoors” type clothing by default. I have become Man at Millets.

    One of my Scouts helpfully pointed out that my trainers look more like hiking boots than his hiking boots do. Another one of the little comedians (my daughter as it happens) did say that my “action slacks” were an improvement on the “sad old man jeans” that other leaders like to wear.

    Full Member

    @tjagain – wait until you get to 62 and 2/3 like me..

    Full Member


    So in the next few months my scrotum is going to head to my knees?  I guess I’ll hold off on the “our time” profile until then

    Full Member

    So in the next few months my scrotum is going to head to my knees?

    And change colour in the process. Apparently.

    Full Member

    You share your house with judgemental arseholes? Otherwise how do you make it known to judgemental arseholes what you are wearing around the house? I am intrigued.

    Well, you lot now all know. QED.

    just socks and sandals 🙂

    You can have that one for the bank if you like.

    Full Member

    Well, you lot now all know. QED.

    Wouldn’t it be easier to just lie rather than going through the indignity of wearing sandals with socks and hating yourself for it?

    Full Member

    Right then, I need some help with my definitions. Just been walking the dogs, I took them down a 30degree grassy slope. In an instant my legs went up in the air and I was on my ar##! I cursed loudly then picked my muddy self up whilst looking round to check whether anyone had seen me.
    I class this as a slip, a category I’d forgotten. I don’t think it was a trip or a tumble and I don’t think it was a fall as a) I’m not in the right age group, b) I was able to curse loudly and, c) movement continued after impact to absorb energy.
    Any thoughts anyone?

    Full Member

    I think it depends on the colour of your bollix

    Full Member

    ^^ excellent

    Full Member

    Wouldn’t it be easier to just lie rather than going through the indignity of wearing sandals with socks and hating yourself for it?

    Isn’t it the height of fashion with flip flops,sliders or thongs(Aussie term) thou

    Full Member

    So in the next few months my scrotum is going to head to my knees?

    And change colour in the process. Apparently.

    TBH it could be related to the size of clangers your hanging.

    Or if you start hanging out on the nudie beaches at a later age.

    Full Member

    Isn’t it the height of fashion with….

    I think you might have missed the purpose of cougar’s deliberate faux Pas:

    I wear socks and sandals around the house, largely to annoy judgemental arseholes who are labouring under the misapprehension that I give the slightest of ****s what they think about what I wear at home.

    Aiming for the height of fashion isn’t the stated aim.

    Edit: Sliders and socks is well cool. It is in fact my current attire.

    Edit 2: More information here:


    Full Member

    Trust in the old adage ‘A wise man goes when can and not when he wants to’ (For balance swap Woman, girl or they for ‘man’ and she or they for ‘he’)

    Full Member

    Going down the pub and having two pints. A small fish and children’s chips is enough for us to share.

    Full Member

    I recently became a grandfather.

    Not ‘unexpected’ in the scheme of things but my daughter could at least have waited until I was old and decrepit to produce a child – my delusions of still being relatively young and physically adequate have been dashed.

    Full Member

    This is the most shameful thing I’ve ever admitted to and it’s now out there for all to read.

    My name is Phill and I purchased a debobbler. Never in my life, up until now, did I imagine the feeling of satisfaction gained from debobbling cardigans, coats and yes, even the cushions from the settee. I have now run out of fabrics to debobble.

    I used to climb without ropes, push myself physically and love to party. Now I can’t even debobble things and it fills me with sadness. If I start a thread about knitting or something please send help.

    Edit – if you’ve not experienced the dull satisfaction of debobbling every conceivable thing in your house then, quite frankly, you’ve not lived

    Full Member

    I hope you’re going to put a link to your debobbler, @funkmasterp – sounds like you might have some interest from this thread. 🙂

    Full Member

    I went for this bad boy due to being mains powered, coming with a nifty carry case, a substantial Bobble collecting tray and selection of cleaning implements

    Edit – should I start a thread 🤔

    Free Member

    You saddo!

    (my parents bought me a trouser press as a Christmas present. I wasn’t even 25 at the time)

    Free Member

    I’ve got a chill blain on my second toe after a bivy on Monday night! Never had one before. Not sure they’re age related, but they might be!

    Full Member

    Hannah, I’m 68, and my advice is order it all now, in fact order the sildenafil (better known as Viagra) early, for the honeymoon.

    Free Member

    Greetings fellow debobbling enthusiast!

    I’ve been debobbling my clothes for decades. i’ve always used these things, but they make a mess. An electric debobbler would be amazing!

    Full Member

    Read the thread and either pissed myself or nodded sagely along with everyone else.

    57 (has anyone mentioned having to work out the difference between birth year and current year as they can’t remember how old they are?) and new baby arriving in a a couple weeks, either feeling very old, very soon or in my second (or 3rd or 4th) flush of youth.

    Full Member

    The only physical thing I’ve really noticed is my eyes don’t work for about 15 mins after I wake up – they just can’t be bothered to focus on anything properly. They eventually warm up and seem to be fine for the rest of the day.

    If someone has sent me a text message over night / early morning I can’t read it till my eyes have warmed up…

    Could be problematic if they were trying to warn me about an axe murderer in the house for example.

    Oh and needing reading glasses…

    Full Member

    I bumped into a colleague on the walk into work yesterday – well I say bumped, but I didn’t have my glasses on so I had to wait until he was quite close to be sure it was him – cue some awkward glances. Anyway, we got talking about ageing and he has inherited a condition from his father of developing cramp every couple of hours, including during the night – I’m glad I’ve missed out that one! My dad has gout and an enlarged prostate, so I probably have those to look forward to though.

    Full Member

    Hmmmm, debobbler… looks good. Maybe.
    But you could be old, solo climbs and debobble too? They can’t be mutually exclusive .

    Full Member

    The only physical thing I’ve really noticed is my eyes don’t work for about 15 mins after I wake up

    Hand up! Yep got that one. Putting it down to dry eyes but I’m fed up of using the drops. Take more screen breaks everyone.

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