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  • UK Election!
  • steveb
    Full Member

    How far in advance do postal vote papers arrive? We’re away on holiday from the 22 June for 2 weeks, and want to make sure my vote counts to try and oust the current Tory. It’s a long shot in our constituency, but worth the effort.

    Proxy vote might work better?

    Free Member

    I’ve never hated a government as much as I hate this one (by extension, the people who’ve been in charge since May 2010).  I live in a true blue part of Kent, but Brexit has had a profound effect on local businesses and many local farmers are less than happy, for the Conservatives to have lost these people is a major blunder.

    In all honesty, I hated the Labour government under Blair.  Fourteen years on an I’m a Labour Party member…

    Full Member

    Been onto my kids this evening who are both away at university and have never voted before. Said we would all go up to the booths together. Great news as we were talking about postal votes previously.

    Genuinely excited for them as I know they will be after change too, and now, finally, have an opportunity to influence this.

    Free Member

    Electoral calculus currently predicts

    Labour 472

    Tories 85

    Lib 50

    Snp 19

    That would be a fantastic start, but still 85 too many for my liking – remember that some real horrors like John Hayes, Christopher Chope, Sue Ellen and Priti Patel are in relatively safe seats.  The next leader of the party is going to be someone quite awful.

    Full Member

    Well in good news my polling station is at the pub. So I’ll at least get a beer in after voting.

    Full Member

    Reform are having a press conference in the morning to confirm the nicotine-stained man-frogs involvement in their election campaign.

    I’m sure Rishi will be delighted to see his return.

    Labour will be ecstatic if he’s going to front Reforms election campaign

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Well in good news my polling station is at the pub.

    Should be mandatory. 😁

    Full Member

    John Curtice has just suggested on BBC that it is questionable that Nigel Farage might want to give up his generous GB News salary to return to frontline politics.

    Full Member

    Andrea Jenkins is on Peston saying that quite a number of them have put letters in about a VONC in Lil Rishi, yet they’re now going to have to campaign for him

    Full Member

    @steveb speak to you local election office.They will redirect you postal vote if needs. Mine was really helpful in past when unexpectedly had to be away during an helpful.

    Free Member

    Pjm I’d have thought from your name you’d be old enough to remember thatcher and her cronies.  You hate this lot more? Wow.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    John Curtice has just suggested on BBC that it is questionable that Nigel Farage might want to give up his generous GB News salary to return to frontline politics.

    He’ll only have to give up the gig for 6 weeks though?

    Hell, he might as well head Reform and still keep on appearing on his show. Ofcom wont even get around to investigating it till after GB News disappear onto a YT only channel to escape and form of regulation.

    Full Member

    you’d be old enough to remember thatcher and her cronies. You hate this lot more? Wow.

    Yep, I find that attitude strange too.

    Edit : If the user name is a clue PMJ was only five when Thatcher started her onslaught on British society, doubling unemployment, destroying industries, redirecting wealth to the wealthy elite, selling the family silver, and generally screwing up the country until the Tories were forced to sack her.

    Free Member

    Pjm I’d have thought from your name you’d be old enough to remember thatcher and her cronies.  You hate this lot more? Wow.

    Yup, I do remember the Thatcher years – the cruel and sneering politics that sought to blame a productivity malaise on single mothers while our assets were sold off.  I hate this lot even more for the fact that they want even more of the same economic vandalism that only serves to enrich their donors.

    Full Member

    Andrea Jenkins is on Peston saying that quite a number of them have put letters in about a VONC in Lil Rishi, yet they’re now going to have to campaign for him

    And Rory Stewart suggesting more than a few will quit rather than stand and lose.


    Full Member

    when Thatcher started her onslaught on British society,

    She began it but ever since then its been double down time including on stuff she wouldnt touch with a bargepole.

    If she was alive now the ERG, common sense and other of the five inbreds would be attacking her for being a bit of a leftie.

    Full Member

    stuff she wouldnt touch with a bargepole.

    Not the subject for this thread but I can’t think of anything currently that would be too extreme for the woman who talked about not being “swamped” by foreigners, brought in Section 28, and called the Poll Tax her “flagship policy”.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    That would be a fantastic start, but still 85 too many for my liking – remember that some real horrors like John Hayes, Christopher Chope, Sue Ellen and Priti Patel are in relatively safe seats. The next leader of the party is going to be someone quite awful.

    I dunno, I take your point but at the same time I’d be quite happy to see the tories both absolutely humiliated at the polls, and then reduced to being just the absolute worst of the party so that all we see of them for at least a while is absolute arseholes screaming at the bins.

    Free Member

    you’d be old enough to remember thatcher and her cronies. You hate this lot more? Wow.

    We have paid the price for the shit Thatcher did ever since, she was the start of it.   The difference now is that the PM and MPs are more blatant about it and don’t care about the consequences.

    Full Member

    Bojo comeback in the next 5 years?

    Full Member

    Son’s 18th on Tuesday, election announced Wednesday.  He already knows who he’s not voting for.

    Full Member

    Bojo comeback in the next 5 years?

    Depends if he can afford the pay cut.

    Free Member

    reduced to being just the absolute worst of the party

    1) chickens: counting vs hatching

    2) even a small party of swivel-eyed loons – let alone openly populist-authoritarian – in H of C can create massive damage

    Full Member


    You know it’s bad when the deputy editor of the Conservative Home website writes a piece in the Guardian saying all the MP’s are peeved at the timing.

    Full Member

    My concerns remain twofold.

    A: That the Conservatives have long known that they were going to lose this election and have therefore managed to smash things up and left such a mess that Starmer will be a 1 term PM as the voters will expect him to turn it around unrealistically quickly.

    B:Simultaneously the Conservatives  in opposition finally morph fully into a post-truth Populist party in the Trump vein. With GB News as their Fox to bang the drum for them.

    These are likely to be the two biggest forces in UK politics for the next 5-10 years.

    Full Member

    Lest we forget:

    ‘Sir Keir Starmer has defended crediting Margaret Thatcher as a leader who effected “meaningful change”.

    The Labour leader said Baroness Thatcher set loose Britain’s “natural entrepreneurialism” in an article for the Sunday Telegraph.’ (2023)

    Full Member

    Just realised I have about 20 minutes till I log on and see the announcement that we are in purdah and can’t talk politics for 6 weeks.

    Anyway, now we know why the civil service pay remit from the Treasury, usually announced in April for a June pay rise (ha, ha) was delayed till “in the summer”.

    Free Member

    Well explored on the Starmer thread (to death, in fact), I don’t think many people are wildly enthusiastic about Starmer personally. He doesn’t have Johnson’s charisma or Corbyn’s cult of personality. I’d like to see more Jess Philips and Lisa Nandy by his side. But moaning about Starmer’s lack of perfection and blithely assuming the Tories will lose is a recipe for a Tory-Reform coalition hellscape which by an metric is worse than today or a Starmer government.

    Free Member

    Lest we forget:

    Indeed. My sense is that people will vote to get the tories out, and not to get Labour in.

    Full Member

    Lest we forget

    “Starmer is the evilest man to ever evil. And eats babys”

    – The STW Starmer thread 2024

    Full Member

    My sense is that people will vote to get the tories out, and not to get Labour in.

    Labour do not go far enough on the issues I want to see addressed, but voting anything but Labour round here risks a Tory MP.

    I’d sooner risk being disappointed by Labour than the certainty of being **** over by the Tories. Again.

    Full Member

    Are people seriously suggesting Starmer is worse than the current batch of twunts in power? Wow…

    Full Member

    Labour will get my postal vote but there has never been a party that got elected and then moved to the left, always to the right. Starmer has already positioned himself on the right. ‘Change’ means sfa, it was the mantra first of Blair, then Cameron and now this flag fornicator.

    Full Member

    This is the eternal labour issue.  Some of them would rather remain in opposition and be able to bitch about everything than accept there will never be their socialist utopia.

    The venn diagram containing the real world and them never intersects

    Full Member

    This is the eternal labour issue. Some of them would rather remain in opposition and be able to bitch about everything than accept there will never be their socialist utopia.

    This isnt really supported by the evidence is it? The centrists have demonstrated time and time again they would prefer to lose than have a party not run to their demands. Whereas the left wing still vote for the centrists leaders.

    Although obviously this has been put under strain by Starmer and his purges of anyone vaguely leftwing whilst allowing right wing turds into the party.

    Full Member

    Vlad, a lot of hyperbole that Starmer isn’t all things to all.  There are lots of things that frustrate me with how Starmer has gone about rebuilding the labour party, but by eck he looks a safer bet than anything else right now.

    I’d rather be disappointed by centrist dad than the headbangers we have now.  And hopefully the cautious approach will be eased once in power with a solid mandate. If not, then is the time to moan about him, but not so much to allow the tories back in!

    Free Member

    Wow. Sunak is actually campaigning on immigration numbers.

    2022: 745,000 net.

    Maybe no one’s told him the lower the number, the better

    Full Member

    Maybe no one’s told him the lower the number, the better

    Since he is probably updating his US green card application you have to allow for him getting confused.

    Full Member

    Are people seriously suggesting Starmer is worse than the current batch of twunts in power? Wow…

    Don’t think that’s the case. I’m voting Labour but not because of Kier Starmer – I’m very meh about him as are many people I know. But beige is good right now.

    I’d like to see more answers about how they will treat Water, NHS, Royal Mail sale to overseas buyers, Personal Tax Allowances etc. Hopefully we’ll get more info now the gloves are off.

    Full Member

    Lest we forget:

    When people of the left say this sort of stuff about a Labour politician it just says to the world that they’re wealthy enough that the result doesn’t really matter to them and they don’t really give two shits about the people for whom it could make a difference.

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