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  • UK Election!
  • Poopscoop
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    What’s 30p Lee looking like? He’s probably feeling quite cocky…?.

    He’s already transitioned into a Farage clone. He’ll be connect to throw shit from the sidelines whilst having a TV grift on the go. I’m sure he hopes he’ll win for Reform for the extra cash but it’s not essential to him.

    Free Member

    What’s 30p Lee looking like? He’s probably feeling quite cocky…?.

    No no no, Lee Anderthal is cannon fodder. Big beasts only need apply

    Who’s left to fill Portillo’s shoes?

    What Raab doing?

    Full Member

    Moggster has to be a big one to aim for.

    Utterly pointless individual now but would be wonderful to see him lose

    Free Member

    Mogg the charlatan. What an utterly appalling reflection on the people of Somerset.

    Free Member

    Brexit Bulldog? That would be nice to see

    Or Dowden, he would be good.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Moggster has to be a big one to aim for.

    Utterly pointless individual now but would be wonderful to see him lose

    Of himself be ecstatic to see him turfed out.

    Sunak again. He’s literally doing some heavy lifting when he says, “I have a plan”.


    Free Member

    Moggster has to be a big one to aim for.

    Apparently, boundary changes mean his seat is in play.

    Free Member

    Obviously it’s unlikely, but what is Sunak’s majority? Obviously he’ll likely be safe, but Jesus wept he is SO bad at basically every aspect of public campaigning, he could well drag himself into a close call 🙈

    Full Member

    I’m not sure any tory seat is safe tbh

    Anyway to round out a perfect day Sunak built a red wall (badly)



    Free Member

    You forgot to butter the perp you wally

    He’s sat on a big majority, the constituency is like a stick of rock with Tory running right through it.

    Full Member

    Obviously it’s unlikely, but what is Sunak’s majority?

    Lots of folk here assuming he’s straight off to California but there’s a good chance he’ll still be an MP on 5th July?

    (Obviously  I hope not)

    Free Member

    Lots of folk here assuming he’s straight off to California but there’s a good chance he’ll still be an MP on 5th July?

    I can’t imagine he’d stay on as party leader if the tories get the walloping the polls predict, wouldn’t surprise me if he shortly after resigned as an MP as well.

    Free Member

    Are enough letters in?

    In other frankly hilarious and fantastic news, there’s a chance Frost might stand for election. The horse’s arse in chief.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Is he about to announce he also won’t be standing for reelection?

    Full Member

    wouldn’t surprise me if he shortly after resigned as an MP as well.

    I give him three months to allow for a leadership contest before quitting.

    That said considering that he called the election despite the wishes of the mps/general party he might just say sod it and resign immediately.

    It would be hilarious if he did announce tomorrow that he wasnt standing although unlikely.

    Full Member

    I’m not sure any tory seat is safe tbh

    Pretty sure ours is.

    Local council is much more spread but here the Conservative majority for MP is massive.  I vaguely recall that if you added up the Labour and Lib Dem votes at the last GE that number was similar to the majority (the conservative candidate had ~64% of the vote).

    Full Member

    Sunak seems to be making this general election campaign all about himself, presumably to the delight of the Labour Party, so I doubt that he will announce that he won’t be seeking reelection.

    Although given what appears to be a political suicide mission I’m not sure that anything can be ruled out.

    There was a time when I thought that a Labour majority of a few hundred could never be more than a crazy dream, now I’m not so sure.

    Free Member

    There was a time when I thought that a Labour majority of a few hundred could never be more than a crazy dream, now I’m not so sure.


    In less than 24hrs I’ve swung from reasonable but slight anticlimax labour win to conservative extinction level event. I’m not even 100% certain sunak will be leader come the 4th of July.

    But what is so incredible is that they brought it entirely upon themselves.

    Full Member

    Gove down, whose going to be left for the Portillo moment?

    Please, please, please let it be Liz Truss

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    Free Member

    Please, please, please let it be Liz Truss

    Oh God, please .

    Full Member

    If Sunak remains an MP, how long until he throws the towel in? I’d love to see him have to stick around to reap the rewards of his shit-show. California would be a literal holiday.

    As for Portillo, The Haunted Pencil, otherwise I’ll nominate Grant Shapps.

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    Free Member

    150+ new candidates with minimal vetting 😕 it’s going to be a social media bloodbath.

    Remember in 2015, when the SNP accidentally won 56 seats without meaning to and spent the next few days trying to figure out who a bunch of these people even were? And then realising in horror that a load of them were total nobodies, because most of the competent people had already got themselves a seat in the scottish parliament and so these were the ones that were never supposed to win, like Spud doing the job interview so he wouldn’t lose his dole money.

    “An ho don’t bother to check Glasgow East, Margaret Curran’ll have won there again, that’s a super safe Labour seat and we all really like her anyway, so we put some absolute disaster forward there, Natalie McGarry her name was, absolutely unelectable. No you’re kidding. Really? No. Oh **** me”

    It’ll be like that except that of course none of them will win.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure any tory seat is safe tbh

    I have a bet with you that mine is.  Yes it will drop from 65% but can’t see it going under 50% for Desmond Swayne.  I live amongst those people that make the 20-25% that are in the polls…

    Full Member

    Philip Davies in Shipley would be satisfying, and (if he’s running again) his majority is only about 3000 so doable.

    Chope or JRM?

    I confess I’ve lost track of who’s standing down and who isn’t. Anyone know what’s happening with Frank Mançois?

    Full Member

    Day0 A dead eyed Sunak u-turns & calls a surprise GE in a torrential downpoor drowned out by D-Ream/Steve Bray

    Day1 Sunak gets caught out taking staged qs from Tory councilors dressed as warehouse workers, fails to organise a football chat in a brewery.                                                              CCHQ asks for 100 replacement MPs to be found & vetted b4 thr bank Holiday weekend is over

    Day2 Sunak has to ditch all his flagship policies (including Martyn’s law, who’s mum he’d promised way back on Day0would pass b4 summer)
    Refuses to pay out on his £1000 charity bet with Piers Morgan
    Sunak tries a relaunch at the place they launched the Titanic
    Tsunami of MPs quitting including Gove & Leadsome CCHQ now needs to find 150 candidates
    Sunak finishes the day being filmed building a red wall at a skills centre

    Day3(so far) Sunak halts campaigning to spend a day at home (presumably locked in his study looking for a way out of this absurd shitshow) edit: I mean a plane to california rather than whiskey & a revolver

    Full Member

    I don’t particularly have a problem with Sunak or Hunt.  I think they’ve actually done a decent job in a short period under quite dire circumstances, BUT, the Conservatives, especially in the last 9 years, have shown themselves to be self-serving, incompetent and reckless with the country.

    Hunt will almost certainly comes out of this quite well, as will, unbelievably, Cameron,

    Full Member

    They’ve made it a very presidential campaign, but Sunak, just isn’t very charismatic. Sunak has never fought a GE as PM, was gifted a safe seat, became leader without winning a leadership contest……

    Full Member

    “Sunak has never fought a GE as PM, was gifted a safe seat, became leader without winning a leadership contest……”

    He came second to the lettuce

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    Full Member

    1st downfall video. &  it’s good

    Full Member

    Hunt will almost certainly comes out of this quite well

    I hope not.  That will be the Jeremy Hunt who was Health Secretary from 2012 to 2018 during which Health spending was slashed and caused the first Junior Doctors strike in 40 years.

    The same Jeremy Hunt who then chaired the Health and Social Care Select Committee from 2020 – 2022 and advocated increased spending on the Health Service.

    The same Jeremy Hunt that then became Chancellor of the Exchequer in 2022 and refused additional budget for Nurses and Doctors leading to further strikes.

    But people have short memories.  In my world he is one of the key architects of the current mess the Health Service is in.  This also creates an impossible task for Starmer to address due to the 5-10 years its takes to train medical staff.  People will blame Starmer for that though.

    Screenshot 2024-05-25 103804

    Full Member

    I don’t particularly have a problem with Sunak or Hunt.  I think they’ve actually done a decent job in a short period under quite dire circumstances, BUT, the Conservatives, especially in the last 9 years, have shown themselves to be self-serving, incompetent and reckless with the country.

    Not sure I share your assessment of Sunak and Hunt, I’ll acknowledge they picked up a train set already smeared with fecal matter by the last two to play with it but rather than make the “tough choices” they talk about most of what they’ve done is try to placate the head bangers. Lots of talk about boats and Rwanda, some trans bashing and most recently a pop at the scourge of the cycling menace. But very little business has been managed in the commons under Sunak and Hunt has just “cut taxes” partly as a token giveaway ahead of an unwinnable election and partly to spike the next government (presumably a Labour one).

    Hunt will almost certainly comes out of this quite well, as will, unbelievably, Cameron,

    Cameron? WTF has he actually done? A comeback tour, and (by virtue of being a Lord) been conveniently unavailable in the commons to answer questions on arms exports…

    Feels like the bar for “good government has just fallen very, very low.

    I will give Sunak this, it might be unintended, but by calling the GE when he has, in the hamfisted way he managed to that little bit of extra damage to the Tories might just force them to clear the decks and either Go full ‘Reform’ or else finally boot out the Grifters and loons and rebuild themselves as an actual political party.

    Nobody’s really going to worry about what wonders 5 more years of Sunak might have delivered, deep down the intern must know that. If he’s actually gone fully Rogue and is actively trying to throw the GE maybe a tabloid will somehow get hold of details of early Californian school registration details within the next few weeks (GDPR be damned)…

    Full Member


    The very latest poll might give Labour a 22% lead but we are still six weeks away from the general election, and although not in the least bit surprising it is moving in the direction which I would rather it wasn’t.

    What I find a tad surprising though is how support for Reform UK appears to continue to grow, 14% by any measure is huge, even if you allow a big margin of error.

    I did think that when push came to shove and a general election was called that some of the support for Reform UK might start returning to the Tories – traditionally UKIP did very badly in general elections.

    The voter tracker in the link is interesting – support for Labour has remained remarkably stable for a long time but support for the Tories has nosedived as support for Reform UK has almost trebled in a year.

    Reform UK can thank Priti Patel/Suella Braverman/Rishi Sunak for that. By trying to suck up to white Tory bigots and making asylum/small boats/immigration a huge and defining issue the brown Tories handed the ball to Reform UK.

    What I genuinely don’t understand is how the Tories didn’t learn from the lesson from the European conservative parties of the futility of trying to beat the far-right at their own game.

    Free Member


    What I genuinely don’t understand is how the Tories didn’t learn from the lesson from the European conservative parties of the futility of trying to beat the far-right at their own game.

    Perhaps because in politics, probably even more than in any other field, you’ll always get opportunists who DGAF about the bigger picture and are in it for their own personal advancement?

    Full Member

    I did think that when push came to shove and a general election was called that some of the support for Reform UK might start returning to the Tories – traditionally UKIP did very badly in general elections.

    “Support” still has to be translated into votes for Reform to become an actual political force. Right now they’re still just just the remnants of UKIP with some well funded backers, Oh and 30p Lee.

    The difference this time is that they’re not going to tactically stand back to let Tory candidates walk it, as dirty as the Tories will get towards Labour (and probably vice-versa), expect Reform candidates to do the same to everyone. It’s going to be a three sided poo flinging match…

    Full Member

    Anyway to round out a perfect day Sunak built a red wall

    It’s good to see him learning a new skill. You never know what the future may hold.

    Full Member

    The thing that really pisses me off is that if Rees-Mogg does lose his seat, he’ll almost certainly end up in the House of Lords (I could be wrong, I hope, as he’s not a Sunak supporter)

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