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  • UK Election!
  • thisisnotaspoon
    Free Member

    Awwwww, No Portillo moment for me this time


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    Farage only ever one one seat, and look where that got us.

    That’s a really odd comparison. Farage’s party contested and will contest seats across the country. In contrast,  by all accounts, Corbyn is an excellent constituency MP and is standing as an independent.

    Free Member

    I reckon Starmer’d win if it came to a kick-up – Sunak might be younger but he’s got no balls, he’d cry if you hit him. I’m not saying Starmer’s Muhammad “I’m hard” Bruce Lee but I reckon there’s more to him.

    There’s someone on here that claims Starmer is a secret football hooligan because he supports Arsenal and wore a Stone Island jacket once.

    Full Member

    CCHQ has given local associations until tomorrow lunch time to submit nearly 100 candidates (assuming more Tory MPs dont quit)

    this I thought was a genius idea from a Tory MP:

    Tom Hunt: What we can learn about the realignment from the London Mayoral election

    imagine, 100 Susan Halls!

    Full Member

    She wouldn’t  be any worse than some of the current remnants. Which is terrifying

    Full Member

    Does Sunak really hate his party so much, he couldn’t have timed this any better to maximise the chaos of MPs stepping down, bet his pushed a few more into going who were undecided.

    Full Member

    The full description of the NI visit from the local press is even better


    utterly shambolic

    Full Member

    Have I Got News For You should be savage tonight.

    But even spiiting image would have a hard time parodying this lot at the moment

    Free Member

    the Prime Minister was having the time of his life, zipping up and down the water on an electric speedboat, under the watchful eyes of the [UK] national media…While the [UK] national media captured the Prime Minister’s aquatic adventure, local [NI] reporters were prevented from filming the Prime Minister disembarking the boat and eventually frogmarched to the other side of the road by the Conservative Party’s press team to a location where we could merely watch on through a fence.

    To be fair, there’s been a lot of concern recently about dodgy characters using small boats showing up on the island of Ireland.

    Full Member

    Screenshot 2024-05-24 175936

    Full Member

    That Belfast Live report is fantastic!

    ”like a clown running through a minefield’ 😂

    Full Member

    So Rishi is pictured wearing a life vest in the Titanic Quarter…

    There really is a Labour mole in the Tory party isn’t there? 👍😂

    Full Member

    Gove standing down. Bye bye Pob

    Full Member

    Mrs Binners is absolutely convinced that it’s Ant and Dec running Sunaks election campaign from behind the scenes


    Free Member

    Gove down, whose going to be left for the Portillo moment?

    He is a massive loss, the Tories will need experience to keep them together in opposition.

    I’m actually quite shocked, it has the feeling that a rout is about to happen

    Full Member

    No way Gove would have gone if he thought he had a chance to stay there.

    Their numbers must be horrific for him to be bailing.

    Full Member

    I’m expecting a parcel to arrive sometime soonish, and my doorbell rang about an hour ago, so I rush to the door to find some youngster dishing out cards for the local Conservative candidate, first one I’ve seen in forever. He barely gets eight words out and I tell him “not a chance” and shut the door.

    I’m actually quite shocked, it has the feeling that a rout is about to happen

    I’m shocked, shocked I tell you! Well, not that shocked. In fact, not shocked at all, really. 🤔

    I think ‘rout’ is going to be an understatement. Even my spellcheck does, it predicted those exact words!

    Full Member

    Watching them almost crying in a half-empty leisure centre at 3am is part of the magic of election night. I feel robbed.

    Andrea Loathsome too, apparently. Cowards.

    Free Member

    Had the occasion to need the GP for myself this week for the first time in a while. Called receptionist at 8am. Had appointment at 09:20 same day and the meds dispensed by pharmacy by 10am.

    Pleasantly surprised. Not sure if that was just luck or the Scottish surgeries are fairing better than down south

    just luck. In Largs people can try over 100x to get a phone call connected to reception and then might get an appointment the same day if it sounds serious enough. It’s a shit show, especially after they removed the e-consult option which only worked from 9-5 anyway.

    Free Member

    Ol’ lil Rishi might have thought it was a surprise and it was a secret. Labour knew it was coming, and probably kept it secret that they knew too, and have hit the ground running here (two labour leaflets already).

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    Full Member

    Yep, he seems to have a soft spot for charlie.

    Full Member

    He’ll be editor of The Times or something within six months, whatever ACOBA says.

    Free Member

    I rush to the door to find some youngster dishing out cards for the local Conservative candidate, first one I’ve seen in forever. He barely gets eight words out and I tell him “not a chance” and shut the door.

    If that happens to me, they’re coming in for a cup of tea, some chocolate biscuits, and a long chat about the intricacies of voting and what the Conservative manifesto might be. We may even open a bottle of wine as we chat long into the night…

    Very late on, the Conservative activist will leave my house, an evening wasted, no other voters canvassed, but safe in the knowledge that he’s made another Conservative friend.

    Then I’ll send my postal vote for whoever in our area is likely to get the **** out. 😈

    Free Member

    Without wanting to come across as too sensationalist…..yeah Gove…. probably has substance abuse issues, also various other troubling issues in his personal life.

    However, ‘The people have all had enough of experts’…..the bloke has been literally one of the most damaging people of a generation.  He is the epitome of the shameful era of populism and genuinely I hope he spends eternity in hell.  Good **** riddance and the only solace that I take is that he never got to hold one of the high offices of state, despite craving it almost as much as a bag of premium Peruvian matching powder.  An utter **** **** of the highest order.

    Full Member

    The Friday after the GE is the 1st of my Friday days off, going to a 4 day week.

    Perfect timing on my part… Thursday 4th July  now looks like ths

    – Vote

    –  dog walk

    – work

    – another dog walk

    – bike ride

    – pub til closing

    – watch the collapse of the Tory party in real time, as its not a school night !

    Free Member

    I know a couple of senior civil servants who worked for Gove, and they rated him very highly.

    Full Member

    I know a lot of school teachers who still think he was a total and utter cuent.

    Free Member

    I know a couple of senior civil servants who worked for Gove, and they rated him very highly.

    I’ve heard that from a few sources too. There’s also a reason that he remained a minister even though Johnson detested him for betraying him.

    Full Member

    Ol’ lil Rishi might have thought it was a surprise and it was a secret. Labour knew it was coming, and probably kept it secret that they knew too, and have hit the ground running here (two labour leaflets already).

    About two days before Rishi Sunak’s announcement of the date of the general election I got a huge glossy leaflet from my Tory MP, Chris Philp, telling about all the great things that he’s been doing for me, including apparently banning the import of puppies – he helpfully provided a photo of someone holding a puppy, presumably to remind me just how cute puppies are.

    I was a bit taken back and it did trigger some suspicion that they were gearing for a general election. Especially as it has always been a very safe Tory seat and they historically put very effort in it. Although I guess that these days not many constituencies can still be regarded as safe Tory seats.

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    I know a civil servant in Westminster who sees him as a most explosive, unpredictable, destructive ****. He does, however, have that speccy learned politeness that covers up his raging malevolence.

    Full Member
    Free Member

    Gove down, whose going to be left for the Portillo moment?

    He is a massive loss, the Tories will need experience to keep them together in opposition.

    I’m actually quite shocked, it has the feeling that a rout is about to happen

    Oh no!   Who will I vote for without him in Surrey Heath?

    Full Member
    Free Member

    I know a couple of senior civil servants who worked for Gove, and they rated him very highly.

    Genuinely, so do I…..his ability to navigate politics and get stuff done is legendary.

    I know a lot of school teachers who still think he was a total and utter cuent

    Also me!  Combine his policies that were so damaging, with his ability to get them pushed through=probably the most damage done to society since Thatcher.  I genuinely view him as on a par with her in terms of the damage that he’s done to this country.

    Free Member

    Andrea Leadsome has thrown in the towel. Who could be next?

    Free Member

    Gove down, whose going to be left for the Portillo moment?

    What’s 30p Lee looking like? He’s probably feeling quite cocky…?.

    Full Member

    It’s like Tory bingo game!

    Free Member

    150+ new candidates with minimal vetting :? it’s going to be a social media bloodbath.

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