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  • UFC Content – Did Aldo Take a Dive?
  • EhWhoMe
    Full Member

    there is only one thing left to do and that is call you all a shower of ****, tell you to **** off and hope that you die a slow horrible and painful death

    i hope the solicitor that read your other thread doesnt read this too

    Hmm – I suspect that someone from the solicitors firm uses STW. Got an email at close of play today with answers to most of my questions.

    Free Member

    wanmankylung – Member

    Jimjam – you’re a **** disgrace of a person.

    Yeah, that’s kind of the tone of the email 😆

    I guess that’s the club.

    Free Member

    I have no useful contribution to make! <- I didn’t know it did that! 😀

    To be honest WML you set yourself up totally for this. If you are so cock sure of yourself and your club, then name it.

    Free Member

    I love a thread when someone flounces, then flounces back in again, then flounces again, then flounces back in again, then flounces, then fl……….. etc

    Free Member

    McGowans TKD club? That the one?

    Is trolling then crying to the mods more of an MMA or TKD style move?

    Free Member

    **** you all.

    Free Member

    Righteo. Seeing as the mods have ignored a number of requests to close the thread, and in light of the obvious personal insults and internet bullying, there is only one thing left to do and that is call you all a shower of ****, tell you to **** off and hope that you die a slow horrible and painful death – knowing full well that it will get me a lifetime ban. Calling the mods **** usually does it. So, to some of the mods – stop being a shower of ****. (The good ones know who they are).

    Some of you really are nasty pieces of work and should be ashamed of yourselves.

    I have no doubt that this will be taken as a flounce – others might call it a reaction to bullying – I do not care.


    best flounce ever…10/10

    Free Member

    wanmankylung – Member

    **** you all.

    😆 😆 😆

    Free Member

    Glad you liked it. I’m a bit disappointed that it hasn’t got me a lengthy ban yet. I could do with one to encourage more productivity.

    Free Member

    How funny that when you put McGowans TKD club in Google, this thread comes up! 😆

    Free Member

    Pity that it isn’t that club though isnt it.

    Free Member

    love a thread when someone flounces, then flounces back in again, then flounces again, then flounces back in again, then flounces, then fl……….. etc

    Like Bernie Ecclestone in a revolving door.

    Free Member

    defeated by the masses of STW, WML tries and fails to pick a fight with the mods…

    lulz. have a nice flounce, change your ISP again, looking forward to admiring your work in 2016.

    Free Member


    Claims to fight in the same club as a “Senior partner in a law firm” but relies on a MTB forum for advice on what a lawyer can or cannot do for him.

    Full Member

    Glad you liked it. I’m a bit disappointed that it hasn’t got me a lengthy ban yet. I could do with one to encourage more productivity.

    you still here then..

    im suprised with your level of being you could simply just err err not login..its very easy to do, in fact you dont even have to do anything , just dont login its really easy..see you dont have to do anything.

    amazed your TKD training allows you to have such poor mental and physical control over oneself

    Free Member

    jesus christ people, It’s christmas, have a mince pie and chill the **** out man

    Free Member

    In fairness fella you’ve kind of brought this upon yourself…

    Free Member

    If you want to convince yourself that what you’ve done is not bullying then that’s up to you. The behaviour shown by people on here towards me is a **** disgrace. This has been pointed out by several people on here in recent days in this thread and in others. Shameful behaviour.

    Free Member

    What’s the end game here? Bait the guy until what?

    If this is what being a long term member turns people into it’s not a great advert for the site. 🙁

    Full Member

    George, seriously.

    From the child custody thread you’ve clearly got a lot going on. Take a step back. It’s all been light hearted.

    Free Member

    Have you ever been banned Junkyard? Because you certainly should have been on the receiving end of many lengthy bans.

    I believe i am the only person to have been permanently banned and then reinstated but i am not certain.

    FWIW i think you will have more users names banned than I will have had bannings[ probably quite close to be fair]- tbh attacking me wont cover up your own personal trollathons will they?

    If you let me know your weight i’ll change weight and hopefully we’ll get drawn together to fight.

    Happy to apply are we doing your girly dance or are we having a proper fight? 😉

    God bless the mods for letting this thread stay open

    A man who took to use phallic shaped potatos as replies feels the need to play the victim card and pretend he is being bullied 😯

    I hope you resolve the issues with your wife. I have been there and done it and it is very tough dont give and your kids will know you loved them- not meant at all as a piss take and hopefully taken the right way.

    Merry christmas

    Free Member

    It’s all been light hearted.

    No it hasn’t.

    There is a very nasty mob mentality on here at time and it spoils the place. This thread is a prime example of it. Might be an idea to think a little before all piling in.

    Full Member

    there is only one thing left to do and that is call you all a shower of ****, tell you to **** off and hope that you die a slow horrible and painful death

    err err just saying like

    Free Member

    Yip – an attempt to get banned as opposed to wishing anyone any harm. It’s getting harder to get banned from here.

    Free Member

    ummm you don’t need to get banned…just don’t log in. Haven’t you worked that out yet?

    Full Member

    Yip – an attempt to get banned as opposed to wishing anyone any harm. It’s getting harder to get banned from here.

    not something to ever say im afraid my friend as its not very nice to see and ive seen it twice..

    oh no need to be banned just simply dont come on the forum , its easy..

    Free Member

    You also dont need to pick a scab…

    Free Member


    Yip – an attempt to get banned as opposed to wishing anyone any harm.


    Jimjam – you’re a **** disgrace of a person.

    Free Member

    Jimjam – youre behaviour is there for all to see and it’s disgraceful.

    Free Member

    Sorry which behaviour, disagreeing with your trolling or emailing your club?

    Free Member

    Your obvious bullying behaviour. I fully expect you to deny and deflect.

    Full Member

    one more time

    there is only one thing left to do and that is call you all a shower of ****, tell you to **** off and hope that you die a slow horrible and painful death

    Free Member

    EhWhoMe – what are you trying to achieve?

    Free Member

    I don’t know if it’s been pointed out yet, but an anagram of “wanmankylung” is the slightly euphemistic “Manly Wa[i]nk Gun[/i]“..

    Free Member


    Your obvious bullying behaviour. I fully expect you to deny and deflect.

    Oooooh nooooo son, these people can read. In fact they’ve been reading the thread, that’s why your all over the map hurling passvie aggressive insults and self pity around like confetti.

    Your big assertion that I’m bullying only came after I speculated that some professor might be part of your (to that point) mystery club of extraordinary gentlemen. Something you introduced to back up your argument and dropped cryptic clues but wouldn’t name.

    Full Member

    EhWhoMe – what are you trying to achieve?

    nothing at all my friend..although you probably should ask yourself that instead.. 💡

    have a nice evening…

    Free Member

    Has he flounced again? How many is that??

    Free Member

    Oooooh nooooo son, these people can read. In fact they’ve been reading the thread, that’s why your all over the map hurling passvie aggressive insults and self pity around like confetti.

    Your big assertion that I’m bullying only came after I speculated that some professor might be part of your (to that point) mystery club of extraordinary gentlemen. Something you introduced to back up your argument and dropped cryptic clues but wouldn’t name.

    Firstly I’m not your son. If I was I’d have killed myself by now.
    Some of the people can read, some clearly can’t.

    As for passive aggressive insults – meh – I offered you an opportunity for a fight under controlled conditions. Big internet hardman like you who is such an expert on martial arts should have no problem with that and should not be in a position to feel threatened unless of course you’re full of shit.

    The professor you posted is not the prof in my club. The club that has been mentioned is not the club that I’m a member of.

    Where did I say that I was in a club with extraordinary gentlemen? I merely pointed out that there are a few people in my club who are very successful in both business and TKD. Perhaps being driven and focussed to do well in business and academia and a sport go hand in hand?

    You’re an idiot and an arsehole. I wouldnt piss on you if you were on fire and I wouldn’t give you the steam from my shite. You sir are the scum of the earth.

    Free Member

    The troll who just keeps giving.

    Free Member

    Oh, he’s back again…

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