R Whites – Secret Lemonade Drinker
VW Golf – the squeaky earring one
All Yellow Pages ads (train set, JR Hartley, you’ve got an ology, you’re a scientist etc)
Boddingtons with Mel Sykes – Oi Tarquin, something about trollies….
Cadbury’s Flake – overflowing bath
Castlemaine XXXX – I can see the pub from here….
Um Bongo Um Bongo
MilkyWay – Red car & the Blue car had a race – recently revived
Milk Tray – blokie diving off cliff
Tango – all the “you know when you’ve been tango’d” ads
Dime Bar…….Dime. Bar……..Armadillo’s!!
Audi (might be VW) where architect type bloke drives a long way back to an office and say he left his pen behind to be given back his worn out bic.