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  • Turntable stand thingy
  • mcj78
    Free Member

    Alrighty – does anyone have any clever ideas to sit a turntable atop a cd/amp without obviously just bunging it on top? Sound quality is already out of the window with everything crammed in a corner, so it’s really just to free up some space where the stereo sits…

    Seen things like these for raising monitors etc. but is there anything obvious i’m missing? Wood or acrylic would work – doesn’t really matter


    Free Member

    Not sure why it would matter if it was put on top, I would just use some rubber feet on the bottom to make sure it was raised to allow moderate air flow. Will you be using the CD Player and turntable at the same time so want isolation?

    Free Member

    two squash balls cut in half used as feet was the old way

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    Free Member

    The turntable is probably a lot bigger front to back than a CD player or amp. Mine is by a few CM so it can’t go on top.

    Free Member

    It’s a bit of a weird shape & has a big lid/dust cover that overhangs the top of the cd player slightly – like this:

    I’ve had it all piled up like that before & it makes quite a nice turntable looks like a load of crap piled up in the corner of a charity shop – a right bag of d*cks if you will – just trying to make it a bit easier on the eye…

    Had another search online there & there’s folk chopping up IKEA stuff to make hifi racks, a crate like this is along the right lines:

    And this – one of their £6 coffee tables with the legs shortened that looks like a winner! Looks familiar, that’s because I gave one of those away last week… in a nice grey colour they don’t sell anymore…

    To the Swedish furniture hellhole! Swift hotdog on the way in, naturally


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