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  • trouble with my joints (possible THC content)
  • alpin
    Free Member

    not sure whether the two are related or it is just coincidence.

    not smoked for almost four months now. yipee! however, for the last month or so i have been suffering pains in my hands (fingers), wrists, elbows and across my shoulder blades. sometimes it is a shooting pain (hands-elbow) and sometimes a long term niggle (generally in my shoulders).

    i have been riding to work lots recently through rain and snow and low temps, but am well wrapped up.

    the hypochondriac in me wonders whether the weed was covering these symptoms.

    before i go to the doctors and invalidate my “no claims bonus” for the year is there anything i can do releviate the pain?

    off to the sauna in a bit which tends to help for a day or two.

    Free Member

    trouble with my joints

    You’re rolling them too loose.
    Need to put more firm pressure on the rizla.

    for the last month or so i have been suffering pains in my hands (fingers)

    Thats your problem, right there…… maybe get one of these?

    Free Member

    trapped nerve, I use dumbbells to get rid of it(8lbs I think). weed does make the pain go away, but it’s only masking it.

    No need to go to the doctors, do various dumbbell exercises for a month and if it doesn’t go away, go to your doctors, though they’ll probably not do much..

    Free Member

    interesting you call it pain as well, I wouldn’t describe it in that severity, more a constant dull movable ache that comes and goes.

    Free Member

    yeah…. dull pain.

    my job is quite physical (carpenter) and involves lots of moving and lifting. am always aware of lifiting properly.

    Free Member

    I couldn’t ever get one of those to work Perchy.

    I used to roll it and then use a credit card to push down the ungummed side.

    They’ll never burn properly in a sauna. On the beach after midnight is best.

    Free Member

    CBD has reen proved to be instrumental in the management and facilitation of inflammation management in the human nervous system..

    Your body produces a certain amount of CBD naturally, but if your system has been utilising extra CBD from cannabis use to manage inflammation in the body, it may be missing it now….. possibly?

    Free Member

    Could well be yunki, might actually try that it, I’ve been getting bugged with trapped nerve pain for about a month now. And I’ve got some CBD vape oil in the house (produced from hemp not cannabis, I just bought it out or curiosity off amazon, but not really used it, more bought it in mind if my mum ever expressed interest in it to have it at hand, you can just drop a few drops on you tongue no need to vape it..).

    Might give that a go now you mention it.

    Free Member

    ^^ yeah, a few drops of CBD oil may well see you right, doesn’t cost a lot and can be quite helpful.

    p’raps also get to the doc’s and see if there’s anything like a trapped nerve though eh.

    Free Member

    yeah, a few drops of CBD oil may well see you right, doesn’t cost a lot and can be quite helpful.

    perhaps, but given that i am probably going to have to do a drugs tests for 3-6 months next year to show the authorities that i am a sensible,, upstanding citizen and can be trusted to live my life in accordance to “the rules” i’m not sure that taking anything related to that which got me into this trouble is the best idea….

    sauna was hot.

    Free Member

    they don’t test for CBD as far as I’m aware…. here, europe or usa

    in fact they’re more likely to test for marmite or dutch elm disease from what I understand

    Free Member

    haha…. needless to say, i’m not willing to risk my license/freedom on a hunch. 😀

    more sauna and stretching.

    Free Member

    you could try high dose glucosamine/chrondroitin tablets. seem to help my knee issues. lamberts healthcare do a 2000mg tablet

    Free Member

    well I’m not gonna google it for you but I’m sure the info is out there 🙂

    Free Member

    My Dad has just started taking some tumrik tablets that have helped his knees. Worth a crack.

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