Home Forums Chat Forum Travellers – Why not make them clear up thier own mess ?

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  • Travellers – Why not make them clear up thier own mess ?
  • Northwind
    Full Member

    bruneep, this is a thread complaining about travellers making a mess, you're right out of place complaining about them being too tidy 😉

    Edinburgh did a thing a few years back, very simple, they started accepting "trade waste" from travellers. Unfair on proper traders of course, but as soon as they did it, the amount of dumping fell to bugger all. But after complaints, they stopped doing it and lo and behold, the dumping started again. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that if someone can't get rid of stuff legally they'll do it illegally. The question is basically, what do you prefer, dumping and messy traveller sites, or unfairly allowing them to use local dumping facilities. To the OP- after they clear it up, where will they take it? It's got to go somewhere.

    Full Member

    "Aberdeen City Council empty the bins for them every week Whilst I as a council tax payer have fortnightly collection. "

    have you told the daily mail?

    They broke in to one of our sites a few years back and we filmed them dumping building waste. Followed them to the job they were working on and it turns out they were stripping asbestos (blue FFS) and dumping it on oursite.
    In the sort term, nothing happened to them, we paid to have our site cleaned up. But sometimes you have to take the long view.

    Free Member

    when i lived in Ireland they nicked all the expensive garden furniture from my parents garden – twice.
    unbelievably, i moved to stockholm 2 years ago and "travellers" came and set up 1 km down the road from me! the shock and horror they caused to the local Swedes was legendary:

    Shitty mattress's hanging in trees
    burglaries rose by 500%
    lewd behavior
    various (threatening) offers to Swedes re. Tarmacing drives!

    how the travellers got to stockhom, i'll never comprehend. it was all a bit surreal.

    Full Member

    Let them go roam around the north of scotland in mid winter

    There's plenty here already thanks 🙂

    Free Member

    More worrying is the fact that so many people on STW can't spell simple words!!

    Full Member

    I use to work for the local council in the parks division and have witnessed the mess they leave behind also when cutting the grass having to take the tractor back to be washed straight afterwards as the dirty beggars shatted along the hedgerows (unless dogs wipe their arses and leave the paper it was human)

    Me and another tractor driver had to go to a traveller camp that was being evicted to tow them off if need be. Some great big ape of a bloke came over opened my door and asked if I intended to tow them a way. I just looked at him laughed and said "do you see any chains or rope on my tractor" with a quick look around it he laughed and offered me a cup of tea.

    At my current job we have had diggers and other machinery drained of diesel and batterys stolen off machinery. It becomes a right pain in the rear.

    Free Member

    It's confrontational because it says give us what we want or there will be disruption to peoples lives. Nice

    Is it not more a statement of fact? Clearly not providing the sites , that legally councils are mean to , has not stopped them from continuing their lifestyle hence the current situation.
    Will it stop without appropriate sites? Unless you answer no to that question it is merly a statement of fact. You may not like the fact they do this but I suspect they dont like the fact that councils dont provide them with sites.

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