There’s alot to be said for every type of train driver to be fair.
Freight : Trains will vary between being 1,000 – 3,000 tonnes which means you need to be able to judge a few miles ahead to break / accelerate.
Passenger : Trains tend to be light but obviously can go up too 150 miles per hour on eurostar , that said brakes are very good. (Rheostatic etc).
Underground : Easier to drive but more stations / Incidents can happen , signals are a lot closer together and much higher passenger numbers .
Personally being a freight driver coming down towards Dunfermline town station with a heavy 2,500 tonne stone train in the pissing rain In November on a single yellow yer cacking It.
the reality is trained monkeys could do it
ivixxiv might not be the sharpest pencil in the drawer himself………….but he certainly knows some smart monkeys.