Cobblers I just spent 1/2 hour pouring my heart out in a post and then hit backspace when not in the text box so I have lost it.
MrsFlash I can’t begin to know how you deal with that.
I have located the birth & death cert of my brother through the Scottish site someone linked to. Though I feel slightly guilty as I have gone behind my mothers back (yes I am in my mid 40’s but still fear the wrath it could incur) though its a long way for her to come round and clobber me as she lives in France.
She went to great lengths to keep any evidence of him having ever existed from my sister & I, even to the point of destroying the photographs of her while pregnant with him!
Or so she thought as when my father died (they were divorced by this time) he left me 1000’s of slides and some were dated 1966 and my mother was obviously pregnant.