Weirdly they were showing Ride the Divide on the big screens in PC World yesterday. Maybe the 10 minutes I watched was just a particularily dull bit, who knows.
Anyway. VAST. Cheap on itunes too. Doesn’t have the most dazzling riding, but for me it’s got the best grip on what bike riding actually feels like. Perfect tunes though, red travellliiinnnnnnn socks. Even has a watchable dirtjump scene which is a first.
Home is great too and might be right up your xc street. The sequel Find is absolutely dire though (how do you get Hans Rey, Steve Peat and Danny Macaskill, in Scotland, with a helicopter, and make something so dull? And that’s the highlight)
For the big stars-riding-like-stars features, start with Seasons. Young Stevie Smith and his mum 😀