Teetosugars – Member
matt_outandabout – Member
Just a shame it’s under the HV LInes..
I meant for aesthetics, not for any other reason…
The aesthetics is bad enough, but I’m damned if I’d want to live underneath HT cables like that, although his house, being almost entirely wood might be ok, but my own experience of standing underneath cables like those holding a bike, and getting electric shocks every time I touched any metal parts would put me off, and the continual buzzing from the cables if the air gets damp really would drive me nuts, like flies buzzing and whining all the time.
I’d want to be another 1-200 metres away, at least.
Still, I really did like the house, and the location was wonderful, power lines aside; I could happily live there, sitting down on the jetty on warm evenings, book in hand and a nice beer or three close by…