My kit did arrive today from Woosh ebike shop( good service) and is now fitted. The motor is tiny – like stupidly small. Motor unit weight 3.8 kg total kit weight with 575 Whr battery is 7.8 kilos
Impressive apparent quality on opening the box. All bolts seem to be stainless steel allen screws. Not a crosshead to be seen even the tiny screws on the handlebar unit. All connectors waterproof micro multi-pin plugs bar the main battery connections which are conventional bullet fittings
Fitting – motor unit went on well. no issues. Battery is a bottle mount one – and would not go on with the mounts as they are – but two rivnuts supplied in the kit so that was easily sorted.
Display – rather big and clunky for my liking but loads of info on it and a smaller one is available ( but wasn’t in stock) there is also a optional remote button that sits next to the grip
Wiring – very straightforward the only issue being the usual thing you get with kits – excess wiring to be hidden behind the motor.
Now for the test ride. Pics to follow