On the Cougar Sheer Annoyance Scale you get an automatic point for non-gratuitous badger usage, and I’ll give you +1 on that for the “rabid” modifier. Portmanteau swearing is usually an automatic point as well, but I’m afraid you left a space between “cock” and “monkeys” and it’s not a particularly creative juxtaposition so I can’t award it on on this occasion I’m afraid.
I’ll award you a point for accurately conveying righteous indignation, and having a valid subject (sawing out holes in trees) is worth another. However, you’ve got lazy use of capitalisation, and it’s all correctly punctuated and spelt. Good god man, you’ve only got one exclamation mark in the entire post! That’s just embarrassing, I’m afraid you’re going to lose a point for the complete lack of effort there. You didn’t even manage to invoke Godwin’s Law in your fellow posters.
I will however give you a bonus point for the werewolf, tied in with the scrotal mauling; amusing and creative. So, I make that four out of ten.
You had a valid point but made a poor attempt to properly froth about it. Better luck next time, as homework revision you must play Call of Duty online with 14-year old Americans.