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  • Thunder Burt actual width?
  • nedrapier
    Full Member

    On a 17mm rim?

    If anyone’s got some on a narrowish rim they don’t mind measuring for me, that would be very much appreciated!


    Full Member

    Hopeful morning bump…

    Touch and go whether they’ll fit in the forks with enough clearance.

    Alternatively, how little clearance is not enough? 4.5mm either side on the front? Just remembering a couple of aborted experiments with Knards and Niners.

    Full Member

    Boom! mid-morning bump!

    Hopefully someone will be along to put everyone out of my misery.

    Cheers! 🙂

    Free Member

    26″/650b/29er? Width?

    Not really giving folk much to go on!

    Full Member

    fair enough, njee! I’m interested in the 29ers, but they only come in 2.1, whichever wheel size you’re on, and I’d imagine they’d be fairly similar in width over the different wheel sizes.

    I was thinking someone giving me the casing width of the 26ers on 717s is probably a better guide than someone giving me the casing width of the 29ers on Flows, say.

    I’ll take what I’m given, though!

    Full Member

    Just in case anyone searches for the same thing later and finds this…

    I’ve found some people saying the 2.1 RaRa and the ThuBu (why not?) come up the same in width, and another person giving these:

    Racing Ralph Sizes
    Casing width 1.88″
    Tread width 1.95″

    Casing width 2.04″
    Tread width 2.12″

    Casing width 2.27″
    Tread width 2.39″

    Measured on a DT 4.2d rim at 40 psi after 24 hours

    DT 4.2d is 17.8mm internal, 24 x 1.95 = 46.8, call it 46.0 on 17mm rim.

    Call that “on the safe side” due to smaller knobs on the ThuBu, and there should be plenty of room in forks measuring 59mm across the important bit. I reckon.

    * = not that safe, due to random internetz initial input, but eff it, I’ll give them a try.

    Free Member

    Are you trying to fit this in a ‘cross fork or something?

    Full Member

    Singular Peregrine forks, so yes, kind of. Want something light and quick but comfy for slightly too long an off-road ride. (hopefully dry)

    Free Member

    a bike with a Thunder Burt on the front has just arrived downstairs

    it’s on a Mach 1 Neo Disc allegedly, which has an internal rim diameter of 19 and external of 24.1

    the tyre measures 52mm across from external knob edge to edge

    Full Member

    It’s not a sandy Koga is it, Jo?

    Thanks very much for the info, 50-52 might be a bit much. Might plump for Freds instead.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a pair of 40mm clement xplor mso’s that I bought for the 100 mile gravel race thingy that got cancelled (still in packaging) if they tickle your fancy?

    Free Member

    nedrapier – Member
    It’s not a sandy Koga is it, Jo?

    that it is 😉

    Full Member

    Thanks, Rorschach I’ll check them out and let you know.

    You had me worried with your talk of 100 mile gravel race thingies that got cancelled. Dorset appears to remain uncancelled!

    Jo, what are you doing with it? Bought, borrowed? Racing/testing? Or just a “Gis a go, mister!” short term loan?

    Free Member

    it’s a test bike for the road.cc

    i’ll be swapping the tyres from what’s on now to CX tyres and ‘proper’ MTB 29er tyres to see how versatile a toy it might be

    Full Member

    Interesting, I’ll look out for that. Even though I Definitely Don’t Need Another Bike.

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