Home Forums Bike Forum Thoughts on Wythenshawe Bike Trails/Park?

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  • Thoughts on Wythenshawe Bike Trails/Park?
  • thegeneralist
    Free Member

    Anyone else been?
    Whaddaya think?


    Free Member

    Been a couple of times with the kid and IMHO it’s utter shite and a wasted opportunity, but keen to know what better riders think. It’s like someone has built some lines based on an incomplete spec. It looks about right but lacks one vital feature to make it work…. in this case gradient.

    Fair enough I just couldn’t get it to work- fine I know I’m shite. But the wean can usually get something reasonable out of stuff but he struggled too. Basically it’s not really possible to build up enough speed to hit the first three features. The first is just about doable, but there’s nothing to hit the others with, and you just end up rolling the. Or at least he did.

    The other trails are a mix of easy and very easy trails which seems like a reasonable idea, but whenever we’ve been there it’s been deserted, so obviously it’s not.

    To add insult to injury there’s a lovely set of unofficial trails about 500m away by the river which use the terrain and height difference to huge effect. These trails are pan flat and just don’t work.

    Hopefully one of you will have been and managed some good work on the jump line and can put me right on our technique, but I think my point still stands that it’s pointless in that location. Not a single person tried that line in the 3 hours is so we were there. In contrast the pump track across the fence was absolutely mobbed.

    Tell me…

    PS. Sorry about the video. No idea how to shrink it. Not really worth waiting for!

    Full Member

    We live very close and are not impressed.
    There is a pump track near the athletics track. This looks quite good.
    We are mostly unimpressed that they built a section in the woods on the other side of the park through an SBI without a proper ecological survey. This was ancient woodland and regarded as being a nice SBI.
    I had a wiz round on my single speed but haven’t been back.
    Badly thought out with some bits in places that they should have avoided.

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