Throughly recommend the Dirtworker (Nomad) one, though I got mine cheap, so it didn’t sting initially as much. Mine is quite old now, but as above, they’ll still sell you replacement parts for them – there customer care/backup is great. As they’re the original ppl who came up with the idea I’d recommend them over the johnny come lately copy cats.
WOW I’ve just seen the new prices, ouch! Would be worth trying for a 2nd hand one first maybe?
Though I have also used the Mobi battery one, which had a very similar performance.
If you’d ever used one rewski, you wouldn’t recommend a hand pump spray gun (as per t_i_m) over a DW, yes they work ok, but no they don’t have anything like the pressure/cleaning power to shift proper stuck on mud.
one_happy_hippy – Member
Just make sure you buy one that comes with a 240v to 12v adapter as its hard to get one after market with a high enough amp-age to run them off the mains.
Not really that difficult to find. Just get one from a camping store that’s designed to run camping fridges. I think the one we got will handle 6A, had the cigarette lighter socket fitted to the end already and only cost about £15. We needed it for our camping fridge, but I’ve used it several times with the Worker of the Dirt now and it’s fine.
Stumpy the older unit had a draw of 8amp’s on startup, O_H_H probably has one of these (as I do), most adapters don’t handle this well. The newer unit don’t have this issue aparently – as per you 6amp comment.