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  • this Kony thing……
  • millzy
    Free Member

    its all over Facebook at the moment, looks set to go viral….

    21690 views on youtube at the moment…. what do we reckon? 100,000 by tomorrow night?

    Free Member

    The Yanks are going after him in the same vein as they did with Ernesto Guevara. Good on them this time. I hope a SEAL or the locals blow the guys brains out in “self-defence”.

    America can repair it’s reputation by taking part in soft low level precision actions such as this.

    Free Member

    I cant be doing with watching a 30 min vid. Whats it all about?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Ah yes. I’ve just been re-reading The Hitch’s “God Is Not Great” and during this morning’s commute, was in the chapter where he deals with the LRA and Mr Kony.

    A fine example of how “religion poisons everything”.

    The man is obviously evil. It would be a mercy-killing. Not only for him, but to prevent any further infestation.

    America. F*** Yeah.

    Free Member

    100,000 by tomorrow night? or maybe 160,000 by the morning!

    Free Member

    Watched it last night. Very good video. Incredibly well put together, and of course the content is somewhat thought provoking.

    Might take part in Cover the Night on 20th April.

    Free Member

    Very well made as Duane said.

    Think it is already well over 300 000 views, I think the counter is out of date on the youtube video, as there are far more likes than watches?

    Just one of the many tragedies that is occurring around the globe, but, as they say got to start somewhere are the top of the list is as good as any.

    Free Member

    its now nearly 500,000 , amazing what Facebook and such like can do!

    Free Member

    Slightly off topic, but how does youtube’s couter work?
    I guess most people clicking on this thread will click the link. Then a proportion will see it’s 30mins long, and close it thinking “I’ll watch this later”. Are they part of the 500,000? and are they counted twice if they do go back to watch it tonight?

    Full Member

    amazing what Facebook and such like can do!

    I’m not really sure who notion is being more heavily promoted here – Facebook and the idea that you can achieve change by benignly clicking ‘like’ and then forgetting about it, or the idea that America should be charged with being an international police force.

    Free Member

    There are always two sides to every story, a bit more reading is always a good thing…


    Free Member

    I watched it this morning with 165,000 views on the clock and now it has over 7,000,000!

    Free Member

    Id not heard of kony till just now so i guess what this charity is doing works .Fair play to them ! Imagine life in our part of the world today if everyone had just let Mr Hitler and his buddies carry on.Bit different when its on your own doorstep i guess !!!!

    Free Member

    This deserves a bump!!

    Daveagiles: That is not a second side to the story, that is the cynical opinion of an interested observer.

    I appreciate what he is getting at, but surely the more attention this sort of thing is given, the better.

    Full Member

    Kony claims to communicate with and receive instructions from spirits and God.[6]

    As usual, the little voices told him to do it…
    Usually, I’d say let him ‘accidentally’ catch a 7.62mm bullet to the back of the head, but considering the miserable conditions of the average African prison, twenty year’s incarceration would have the scumbag wishing someone had popped him one.

    Free Member

    Yeah, let’s give money to these guys – they know what they’re doing

    Free Member

    Kony claims to communicate with and receive instructions from spirits and God.[6]

    Strangely GW Bush said exactly the same thing…

    Free Member

    As apposed to you who spouts negative shite and probably does sod all for humanity?

    Free Member

    As apposed to you who spouts negative shite and probably does sod all for humanity?

    Is that directed at me?

    Free Member

    Yes you are the **** who is adding loads to the thread. Why don’t you go and drown some kittens you miserable git.

    Free Member

    lol, well I work for a charity – and I do voluntary work for another development charity that works in Africa, trying to do genuine sustainable things to improve people’s lives there – not spending most of their budget on themselves and supporting one unpleasant military faction against another one.

    There are pretty serious problems with this approach, and there are far more deserving and well thought out causes out there. If you think you are helping people in Africa somehow by reposting it on facebook you are deluded, sorry.

    Free Member

    Good to see we’re all for free opinions kudos100. maybe go do some reading on the organisation first.

    Free Member

    It is better than nothing. While most people do sod all to help, these guys are doing SOMETHING. Yes there are other charities that are deserving of funds, but it all helps.

    Posting something on facebook is about as much as some people will ever do for charity, so no it is not deluded.

    Oh and apologies for the comment about humanity, sometimes this place can wind me up.

    Free Member

    It is better than nothing.

    No, it’s not. Look at the people they are promoting as the solution in Uganda.

    1) The Ugandan Government is a dictatorship with Yoweri Museveni as the president since 1986. Among many of its human rights violations the regime tortures prisons, oppresses other political parties and the press and also wishes to introduce a bill that would have ‘convicted homosexuals’ put to death.
    2) In the civil war in which Yoweri Museveni gained power child soldiers were used by his army (National Resistance Army) which is now the army of Uganda but under a different name. (http://www.teachkidspeace.org/doc315.php)

    The charity refuses to be independently audited and have no independent board members unlike virtually all proper charities.

    Not apologising for this then?

    Yes you are the **** who is adding loads to the thread. Why don’t you go and drown some kittens you miserable git.

    Free Member

    Well I watched a TV programme about this years ago and did nothing. I understand what the negatives mentioned here are saying but this time I’m in. Kony bracelets on order

    Free Member

    Cheers,Grum. You pre-empted my having to ask if the government of Uganda were now ‘the good guys’! 🙂

    Free Member

    I think I need to go and post that photo over at arrse. 😆 What a bunch of tools.

    Interesting link http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/us-news-blog/2012/mar/07/kony-2012-video-viral-invisible-children?newsfeed=true

    Free Member

    So Diane, more than 70% of their income goes to their own salaries, travel expenses and film-making – and you’re also happy to support the Ugandan army who have done many of the things that Kony is being targeted for?

    the Uganda People’s Defence Force (UPDF) and officials of other government-related military security agencies have committed multiple abuses including summary execution, torture, rape and child recruitment.


    What a great cause. Why not buy a t-shirt too?

    Free Member

    Eh? As far as I am aware they have got the american government to commit SOMETHING to the issue.

    Perhaps their efforts are misguided, but I still think that making other people aware of problems throughout the world is no bad thing.

    No you ain’t getting another apology.

    Free Member

    Joseph Kony needs to be brought to justice, along with every other person who has committed crimes against humanity and war crimes.

    I am in full support of anything that raises awareness of other issues, including these atrocities in Africa. I have no issues with the salaries that the invisible children staff take, or where they spend their money, because the attention they are getting a cause is worth far more than that.

    What I have realised is that I feel very uncomfortable with the support of the Ugandan army in order to bring the LRA and Joseph Kony to Justice, considering the Ugandan Armys history. Just because one is worse than the other, does that mean we should be funding them?

    I don’t know what the answer is, perhaps this is the best way forward for them, perhaps a more aggressive intervention is necessary.

    Just my 2 cents…

    Free Member

    Perhaps their efforts are misguided, but I still think that making other people aware of problems throughout the world is no bad thing.

    By the way, that picture above is the founders of the charity, posing with guns and rocket launchers trying to look all gangsta, WITH the Ugandan army – you know, the ones who have ‘committed multiple abuses including summary execution, torture, rape and child recruitment.’

    The mind boggles about the motivations and judgement of the people who thought that was a good idea.

    Honestly, there are so many committed people working really hard to try and bring about positive lasting change in Africa, but that is mostly ignored while everyone froths over some internet fad with highly dubious financial arrangements.


    Free Member

    What I have realised is that I feel very uncomfortable with the support of the Ugandan army in order to bring the LRA and Joseph Kony to Justice, considering the Ugandan Armys history. Just because one is worse than the other, does that mean we should be funding them?

    I don’t know what the answer is, perhaps this is the best way forward for them, perhaps a more aggressive intervention is necessary.

    It is a problem with many developing countries. Trying to help victims when the organisations in charge are corrupt. It is difficult to know what is the way forward as many of these countries are rotten to the core.

    Free Member

    Great job they’re doing, they’ve managed, through the release of this one, slickly done, hipster style video, to raise awareness! I’m all for it! They’ve done so well as to get the ICC to issue warrants for Kony! Oh, shit, that happened in 2005. Well at least the USA now has Kony on its “list of “Specially Designated Global Terrorists”… oh wait, that happened in 2008….

    /* cynical */

    Full Member

    Funniest thing to come of it:

    Full Member

    What charities do you do voluntary work for and how do you show your support for causes kudos100?

    Free Member

    Joseph Kony is a disturbing psychopath with a gift for control and brainwashing. Kony 2012 is a disturbing use of a disturbing psychopath to make a large amount of money with scant regard for the complexity of the real situation in central africa. The millions of people brainwashed by this scam is disturbing.

    Free Member

    The Yanks are going after him in the same vein as they did with Ernesto Guevara. Good on them this time. I hope a SEAL or the locals blow the guys brains out in “self-defence”.
    America can repair it’s reputation by taking part in soft low level precision actions such as this.

    Eh? As far as I am aware they have got the american government to commit SOMETHING to the issue.

    True. Similar to their Congo interventions at the time of Guevara. Wonder why now?

    Economy – overview:
    Uganda has substantial natural resources, including fertile soils, regular rainfall, small deposits of copper, gold, and other minerals, and recently discovered oil. Uganda has never conducted a national minerals survey.


    Full Member

    Wonder why now?

    and recently discovered oil

    oh dear

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