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  • Think twice before using ChainReactionCycles.co.uk
  • belugabob
    Free Member

    In defence of CRC, I’ve been using them for years without any issues.
    In fact, I ordered some parts (8 different items) at about 09:00 on Friday morning & they arrived just after 10:00 on Saturday. There was a slight issue with the order and, despite them having no obligation to fix it, they did so happily.
    The package also included a discount voucher, as an added bonus.

    I do feel that they dealt with the OP’s power bar situation in a way that was beyond any obligation that they have as a retailer.n

    Free Member

    I would say that this company orders it’s “copy/fake/replica” products from illegal Chinese manufacturers!

    Prove it.

    Free Member

    Other than when they got hacked I’ve never had any issues with CRC. Delivery has alway been pretty good and they’re ability to deal with warranties and faults has been great.

    Free Member

    TBH I personally have no time for folk who have a bad experience and then commence to go over the top with negativity as in “BEWARE, DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY” I’ll make my own mind up thank you 🙄 ..I ordered a cassette, chain, bashgaurd, chainring and tensioner last week, 3 days later it all arrived, which is the only experience Ive ever had with CRC ,or wiggle for that matter, folk need to learn to chill sometimes.

    Free Member

    Only issue I’ve ever had with them was not refunding postage on 2 warranty returned items. But me not chasing them up.is partly to blame.

    Full Member

    I was offered quite a lot of boxes of torq with about 6 or 8 weeks left to go. I whacked them out at a silly low price, as I got them at a silly low price… and was clear about the expiry date. Everyone was happy.

    When the last box had a week or two to go, everyone who visited he shop was given one free.

    OP go for a ride with a bunch of mates and feed them all.

    Or eat them out of date, I think about 90% of the bars I eat are a bit old, not died yet.

    Free Member

    I’ll make my own mind up thank you

    Fine I would like a bigger sample size as it is statistically more reliable

    folk need to learn to chill sometimes.

    Your right them not having stuff in stock when they sy they have, not telling you and you not getting XMas presents they said they had is the kind of thing you should chill about as it not like CRC could have done any better

    Free Member

    OP go for a ride with a bunch of mates and feed them all.

    They are now 8 months out of date.

    As is this thread.

    Free Member

    They must’ve turned to powder by now. Drink them? ;O)

    Full Member

    When your whole beef is “They didn’t send me something I ordered because they didn’t have it”, concluding that the thing they didn’t have must be a fake is just plain nuts.

    Free Member

    op if you cycled more instead of moaning on here you might get to use them .I have bars and gels months out of date ,they are all processed shite what could be wrong with them?

    Free Member

    I live near their store in Belfast and have always found the guys helpful and knowledgeable but just to get a reality check saw a guy outside the store homeless in the pissing rain, took him to have a cup of tea and a hot meal to find he owned his own business, he was an engineer and a very nice guy, three months ago a customer went belly up and as a concsequence so did he. so i think if we all stopped to think out of date protein bars should be the least of your (op) worries be thankful you have what you have!!

    Full Member

    From business owner to homeless in 3 months? I think you’ve been had….

    Free Member

    Had or not the point is in the last sentence!

    Free Member

    I’m honestly not mad, a rival or competition etc just very peeved that after much research into finding a particular type of running shoe this company advertised them as being in-stock, I added on a few pairs of socks at the checkout and this is all I will be ending up with, apologies for stirring up such a debate and did not realise it was such a forum! I just wanted to warn potential buyers that they may not receive goods like I have experienced and clicked on the first things that allowed me to leave a review on CRC as their site itself does not show negativity. Somebody is right to say a bold statement on claiming they could be fake goods and I maybe should not have made it without proof however I contacted Nike themselves and they were the company to advise me that to guarantee original goods they should be purchased through there official retailers I chose not to to try to get them cheaper however it backfired. Sorry folks

    Free Member

    Sorry I think the OP is right to feel peeved. What should he do? Plan his use of them as if they were fresh milk? Ok far fetched but come on.

    I dont shop at crc or wiggle anymore after the card security issues.

    Free Member

    It’s could be a simple mistake, something like size 8 in a size 9 box. When they went on the site they didn’t check in the box, when they sold them they spotted they were wrong and went looking for a size 8 box with size 9 in it… Which would be logical

    After a while of looking they just cancelled your order

    CRC once posted they process something like half a million orders a day. A few complaints really isn’t an issue to them

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