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  • Things you do that make your neighbours think you're weird….
  • vickypea
    Free Member

    Arriving back from MTB rides at 11 pm every Wednesday seems to puzzle our neighbours.

    Free Member

    Changing the brake pads on the car outside the house.

    It must have seemed strange as seemingly the whole street came out to stare at me. Dancing in the middle of the road naked would probably have attracted less gawping.

    Full Member

    Constantly fettling / cleaning bikes in the garden and garage obviously isn’t normal behaviour round our way. “What’s that all about” the they’ve been heard to say.
    These are the folks whose teenage son went out in tiger print onesie the other night, complete with ears, and whose daughters take their bunny rabbits for walkies on leads.
    And I’m the nutter !

    Free Member

    Where I use to live they couldn’t understand why I’d “use a motorcycle for commuting when I had a perfectly good car”.

    Something to do with the fact I was going into central London?

    And the one across the road once suggested that it’d be better if I pushed it up the road in a morning before starting it. That way I wouldn’t wake him. At this point I retorted that I’d like him to do the same with his car, as it was noisier (ancient diesel Vectra).

    Free Member

    Started tinkering with my bike yesterday as you do, was waiting for the wife to drag me out shopping – decided to take a tyre off, but I didn’t want goo on my good jeans so whipped em off and carried on – I’m there in socks, shoes and underpants, with my coat on struggling within a stubborn high roller II when I get a ‘Mornin’ from over the fence!!

    Free Member

    Windsurfing, kitesurfing, casting lead for model glider ballast (“No I’m NOT making bullets”), weighing lots of small quantities of white powder and putting it in ziploc bags (selling microballoons to mates who don’t want to buy in bulk.). Wearing shorts all year round. Not having had a telly for 30 years. Having a wide range of music.
    Jeebus, I can see why they worry.

    Full Member

    My wife chatting away to me in Chinese, and I reply in English.
    This is in front of the children and neighbours.

    Best one is, when we reverse it.
    People can’t work out, which one of us is a foreigner, and who is Chinese.

    Also wearing shorts when the calender says it is now Winter.
    Here in China, it is now officially the time of wear to be wearing at least 3 layers.
    It was 18c today, and Mother in Law turned up with 5!!!!! layers on, as there is a breeze.
    Son and I was outside running around in shorts and t-shirts, just gets them all the time.

    Running as well… why?

    Full Member

    Well, yeah, running is weird, especially if you have a bike…

    Full Member

    I do have a bike, but no time to ride it properly.
    Also, currently training for a 100 mile trail run.

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