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  • These make the truthers look sensible
  • tomhoward
    Full Member

    Is there a head flat earther? Like the pope, for these folk?

    I wish to petition NASA to take him/her into space and film the realisation of his/her stupidity.

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    I wish to petition NASA to take him/her into space and film the realisation of his/her stupidity.

    Easy to stage with flight sims these days. So be careful who you’re calling ‘stupid’ as when you point at someone there’s a small problem you’re overlooking. Want a clue? Well, observe your hand when you point. What do you see? Yep. There are five three fingers pointng back at [guess-who?]

    Free Member

    Clearly, these folk are nutters. The Earth is not flat.

    It’s slightly convex like one of those mini roundabouts.

    Free Member

    Err, it’s Coriolis Effect not force. 😀

    The straight down the plug hole on the equator is bunkum, sorry. Also bunkum is the “stand this side of the equator and the water drains clockwise, stand the other side and it drains counter-clockwise.” The guy demonstrating this turns one way or the other to impart an initial spin to the water before pulling the plug out.

    Full Member

    How do they explain Coriolis force and differences between hemispheres? And the fact that water goes straight down the plughole only on the equator?

    Well that’s not entirely true.

    Most sinks, baths and bogs are waaaay to small to be influenced by the Coriolis effect over other influences:

    But yeah, they usually deny it happens at all.

    Full Member

    as when you point at someone there’s five three six fingers, on the same hand, pointing at [guess-who?]

    I’ll take that…

    Free Member

    What about the Moon?

    Is it flat too?

    I only ask because i’ve actually seen it and looks kinda round to me.

    I might be wrong though.

    Full Member

    Is there a head flat earther? Like the pope, for these folk?
    I wish to petition NASA to take him/her into space and film the realisation of his/her stupidity.

    It wouldn’t work sadly. From my observations they spend a good portion of their time accusing each other of being government shills or plants, put there by the man to discredit the truth.

    I suspect that for many of the true believers you could take them into space, show them the world, and they’d still deny it.

    Full Member

    Damn Gummermint…

    Full Member

    What about the Moon?

    Spherical, but very close (e.g. 32 miles wide, 3000 miles above the surface).

    Though some believe it is hollow (David Icke stylee) and may be a projector. Others will tell you it is a hologram (because it is transparent)

    Free Member

    Some people are so stupid that showing them proof is still beyond their comprehension, so they feel happier sticking to their original daft beliefs.

    Lucky for them sex is pretty straight forward, otherwise they would have been extinct by now.

    Free Member

    What about the Moon?

    Is it flat too?

    Yes. We can see the front.

    Free Member

    and these people can vote

    But not for people that will take any notice of them. Except in a referendum!

    Full Member

    and these people can vote

    Which reinforces my view that there should be compulsory IQ testing for everyone who wishes to vote. The higher your IQ, the more votes you get.

    If that was in place we would not be leaving Europe, Trump would not be President and the Scottish independence referendum would have been a much more decisive No.

    Free Member

    I recommend “Orphan Red”

    I lasted maybe 30 seconds before her voice made me want to kill kittens[/quote]

    Crack on then

    Free Member

    I’m grateful to GrahamS for his knowledge of this subject. 😀

    Full Member

    You’re very welcome BD.

    Chatting to these folk was a bit of a personal hobby for me for a while.
    I found them absolutely fascinating.

    And as I say, it can sometimes be an interesting learning experience, like when you have to really think about something while trying to explain it to an inquisitive child. 😆

    Free Member

    Sorry – I’m finding it utterly impossible to ignore that.

    What exactly is their explanation for sunrise and sunset? I’m struggling to see how even directionality of the sun can explain it disappearing below a non-existent horizon.

    Free Member

    actually a quick google found me this:


    please tell me that their explanation for sunset is “everything appears lower and eventually drops below the horizon the further it is” 😆

    Full Member

    perchypanther – Member

    What about the Moon?

    Is it flat too?

    I only ask because i’ve actually seen it and looks kinda round to me.

    I might be wrong though.

    Its both. flat means its only one dimensional. round is to describe its shape in that one dimension ie a circle. Spherical is what it is not. Honestly perchy. Tsk tsk

    Free Member


    As the sun descends it will create a tangent into the horizon. The perspective lines nearly merge, causing the receding body to appear to collapse in on itself. Next the light of the receding sun is dimmed to blackness by a non-transparent atmosphere.

    See. Obv innit.

    Free Member

    The arguments presented by flat earthers remind me of the increasing problem people had with the Earth-centric view of the universe. They could build mechanical models of the planets of the solar system that replicated the observations but as bodies like the moons of Jupiter were discovered/added it became increasingly difficult to describe their orbits around the Earth. Moving to a helio-centric model sorted things out.

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    Want to ride the ice rim. Bah, reality.

    Full Member

    From my observations they spend a good portion of their time accusing each other of being government shills or plants, put there by the man to discredit the truth.

    I’ve got to ask, even if the spherical Earth ‘model’ were a giant conspiracy to hide the truth,


    What would the governments, “they” or indeed anyone hope to gain by lying to the world about its true nature? What massive problem are we trying to cover up? What’s the point?

    Free Member

    For the oil, obviously!

    oh sorry, wrong conspiracy, brb

    Free Member

    https://wiki.tfes.org/The_Conspiracy explains all.

    I’m using the word “explains” as loosely as Flat Earther use “proof”, obviously.

    Free Member

    Well, from aracer’s link to craziness –

    “There is no Flat Earth Conspiracy. NASA is not hiding the shape of the earth from anyone. The purpose of NASA is not to ‘hide the shape of the earth’ or ‘trick people into thinking it’s round’ or anything of the sort.

    There is a Space Travel Conspiracy. The purpose of NASA is to fake the concept of space travel to further America’s militaristic dominance of space.”

    That website is like the “official” FES Wiki and yet just reads like the ramblings of a single blithering idiot. Very puzzling.

    Free Member


    I mean, that’s awesome. Probably worth using as an example of a strawman argument.

    Free Member

    Trumping myself with https://wiki.tfes.org/Magnification_of_the_Sun_at_Sunset. Amazing work people.

    Full Member

    please tell me that their explanation for sunset is “everything appears lower and eventually drops below the horizon the further it is”

    Yep – they regular cite “perspective” (often in quite bizarre terms) along with the idea that the apparent perspective horizon always appears straight ahead, so it must come up to your eye level.


    Depends who you ask: the Biblical types mumble on about a satanic Freemason plot to undermine the word of God. I mean look, Malvern Rider’s diagram clearly has a triangle with a sun at the top. A very clear reference to the Eye of Providence, a masonic symbol. etc etc

    The more general conspiracy nut types tend to say something about Sheeple being kept in the dark by scientific fraud. A lie that grew and grew and must be protected by the establishment. And of course stealing public money for funding for NASA, space flight, satellites none of which really exists obviously.

    Free Member

    Have we done the Shadow Object yet?

    That’s a belter.


    Full Member

    That website is like the “official” FES Wiki and yet just reads like the ramblings of a single blithering idiot. Very puzzling.

    It should be noted that many veteran flatties will claim that the Flat Earth Society is a shill, set up to discredit people telling the real truth.

    Free Member

    The Shadow Object sounds like a baddie from a 60s issue of Superman.

    Full Member

    A lie that grew and grew and must be protected by the establishment.

    I suppose that explains why the ‘lie’ persists today, but not really why it started in the first place.

    Full Member

    That wiki site is genuinely genius, think of the heroic efforts you’d need to go through to try to invent reasons for why perfectly normal (in a globe world model) things occur and you need to explain away. Fascinating.

    Full Member

    I suppose that explains why the ‘lie’ persists today, but not really why it started in the first place.

    Apparently they got it wrong at the start and by the time they realised there was already too much built on top of it.

    You know, in much the same way that all medicine is still based balancing the four bodily humors or the way we still accept that only materials rich in phlogiston will burn. 😆

    Full Member

    Told you. Before you know it you will be watching two hour YouTube videos in slack-jawed wonderment.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Why would governments not want you to know the earth is round?

    And why wouldn’t a flat earth disc collapse into a sphere?

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    And why wouldn’t a flat earth disc collapse into a sphere?

    Because flatter is awesomer, while ‘sphere’ is, er, evil-er?

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