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  • This topic has 123 replies, 44 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Klunk.
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  • Theresa May
  • Klunk
    Free Member

    this is what i don’t get, whats to negotiate ? hey EU we’re out of here, whats the leaving fee (pensions liabities) etc, all the greasy foreigners can go home as of the 1st of April, what you do with the orange brits on the beaches of spain, portugal and greece is entirely upto you. bye.

    Free Member

    BoardinBob – Member
    From the interview it’s clearly a hard Brexit. Taking control of the borders means no single market. Joy. Stockmarket and currency should be hilarious tomorrow

    A non-issue at all.

    PM May is right in her decision and I support her totally.

    Stock market and currency you in there? You might as well invest in Las Vegas. There will be no effect whatsoever but speculators are banging on relying on the remainders to hand it to them on a plate for a big pay check. The more the speculators wind up the low-energy remainders the more they can speculate and the bigger pay check for them. Then speculators gets loads of moneyyy!

    Free Member

    Painfully obvious – she is thick as pig s**t and has not got a clue.

    Desperate acts to try and retain power – clumsy, stupid, inept she is no Maggie Thatcher (not a fan by the way) Thersea is NOT a conviction politician just another Boris, Gove opportunist – its a shambles – Junker and the boys must be pissing themselves watching her talk absolute bollocks about what the UK wants.
    The EU says Non! F**kwits as poor people pay extra for food and fuel they talk absoloute shite.

    Free Member

    I admire Chewkw’s commitment to the cause. Thersa and Nigel must be so proud…

    Free Member

    Why does hard brexit need “cards close to chest” ? What’s to be gained from the EU dropping straight into WTO conditions ? It’s all bollox! (I know it’s not spelt with an “x”) (prize to anyone who knows that comedy ref 😉 )

    Free Member

    Boardinbob Chewkw is a shining light for the Brexit Right, no doubt they will offer him up as an example…..

    Full Member

    No more referendum on the same issue forever.

    Now even you that’s impossible to say.

    I admire Chewkw’s commitment to the cause. Thersa and Nigel must be so proud…

    You mean……?!! NOW I see.

    Full Member


    Yip, hard Brexit.

    The lunatics have taken over the asylum.

    But hey, no more brown people eh?

    Free Member

    But hey, no more brown people muslims eh?

    fify 😉

    Full Member

    Wrong thread but I’m beginning to think a ‘hard’ brexit as it’s being called is the best we can hope for, as opposed to a chaotic brexit where we walk away with nothing agreed, no deals, and nothing but WTO rules and international law to fall back on.

    Free Member

    Dirty Digger is a bit short after crimbo so needs a more favourable exchange rate to get sky tv on the cheap so he sent his pet baboon out to crash the pound 🙂

    Free Member

    It is no news really for any leader in office during the transitional period. What’s the big deal?

    Normal reaction from the reminders who are struggling to accept the consequences of their own low-energy inept by blaming others. 😛

    Full Member

    dazh – Member
    Wrong thread but I’m beginning to think a ‘hard’ brexit as it’s being called is the best we can hope for, as opposed to a chaotic brexit where we walk away with nothing agreed, no deals, and nothing but WTO rules and international law to fall back on.

    It’s the only option sadly.

    We have nothing to offer the EU that they cannot get from another member state.

    We have no negotiating power. Nothing. Hard Brexit is the only option as we can’t do anything else.

    We already know France etc are courting the banks. It’s the end of London as the financial centre. Not overnight but it’s coming.

    With no EU access, multinationals will not invest in the UK. Existing multinationals will relocate to Ireland or the continent

    All because of a protest vote that was fuelled by tory austerity and lies about immigrants and the economy

    Well done racists

    Free Member

    We have no negotiating power. Nothing. Hard Brexit is the only option as we can’t do anything else.

    You’re absolutely right, I mean we import nothing from Europe, no cars, no wine, no other goods absolutely nothing. And our economy well it’s a shambles I mean what are we the 5th or 6th largest economy in the world? Pah why would they want to trade with that? Pathetic

    Free Member

    Sir Anthony Eden
    Harold Macmillan
    Sir Alec Douglas-Home
    James Callaghan
    John Major
    Gordon Brown
    Theresa May

    a list of the best PMs since WW2? They all have something in common though…

    Free Member

    Well done racists

    I know it’s a big mystery to some people as to “where did it all go wrong?” but that comment helps to explain much of what was wrong with the Remain campaign.

    I tend not to bother listening to people who call me racist because I believe in democracy and the sovereignty of the British people, I certainly don’t take anything they say very seriously.

    The irony is that many Remainers denounce the electorate for being allegedly thick and yet these same people are too daft to figure out why despite everything being stacked in their favour, eg all the major political parties backing Remain and a compliant media, they still managed to screw up.

    Free Member

    Well said Ernie

    Free Member

    BoardinBob – Member

    Those points have been repeated so many times I think you need to come up with something new that might reflect the reality rather than speculations.

    ernie_lynch – Member
    The irony is that many Remainers denounce the electorate for being allegedly thick and yet these same people are too daft to figure out why despite everything being stacked in their favour, eg all the major political parties backing Remain and a compliant media, they still managed to screw up.

    Kind words from ernie there … 😛

    Free Member

    Can’t be arsed.

    Free Member

    captainsasquatch – Member

    I voted remain, I didn’t screw up.

    If you think that the Remain campaign didn’t screw up then good for you.

    But it is precisely this lack of awareness that I’m talking about.

    Free Member

    I believe in democracy

    Well yes, me too. Why do you think we needed to leave the EU in order to have “democracy”?

    and the sovereignty of the British people

    Again, why did you ever think that your “sovereignty” was under threat? And what will you now gain now that you have taken back your sovereignty, as you perceive it? And whatever that gain is, will it be worth any price?

    Free Member

    chewkw – Member

    Kind words from ernie there …

    There’s nothing “kind” about what I said.

    And if you think my comment endorses the bigoted views of the antidemocratic right you couldn’t be more wrong.

    Free Member

    If you think that the Remain campaign didn’t screw up then good for you.

    Blame the leave voters who who swallowed the lies and bullcrap. For it was lies and bullcrap that they swallowed, not the remainers.
    EDIT: I trust you’re not advocating that the remain campaign should ahve lied and cheated to win votes, are you?

    Free Member

    hebdencyclist – Member

    Again, why did you ever think that your “sovereignty” was under threat? And what will you now gain now that you have taken back your sovereignty, as you perceive it? And whatever that gain is, will it be worth any price?

    If I thought it was possible to have a sensible debate about the EU I would post on the EU thread which already exists. I haven’t posted on that thread for probably 4 or 5 months.

    Free Member

    It’s obvious where it went wrong

    1. The UK is more xenophobic than previously thought

    2. Many believed five blatant lies

    3. Err, that’s it

    Unless you are a DM correspondent 😉

    Free Member

    If I thought it was possible to have a sensible debate about the EU I would post on the EU thread which already exists. I haven’t posted on that thread for probably 4 or 5 months.

    But you chose to enter such a debate, in robust fashion, 20 minutes ago on this very page.

    So. Sovereignty. Well done. You got your sovereignty back. What does this mean?

    Free Member

    Fake control?

    Full Member

    I though ernie had stopped posting about brexit because the vote had been exposed as just a huge ego war launched by a bunch of right wing tories, press barons and xenophobes, the sovreignity thing was surely just a joke

    and succeeded only in dragging the country to the right, which brings us nicely back on topic to Theresa May…

    who seems to be stuck in the same loop she formulated as home sec. ie Immigration = bad, ECJ = bad

    screw trying to fix the real problems just keep scapegoating the same old

    shes a tabloid-bot

    Full Member

    You’re absolutely right, I mean we import nothing from Europe, no cars, no wine, no other goods absolutely nothing. And our economy well it’s a shambles I mean what are we the 5th or 6th largest economy in the world? Pah why would they want to trade with that? Pathetic

    And we’ll continue to import those things post brexit. We’re not going to get French wine from China are we?

    But what do we currently export to the EU that they will not be able to source from elsewhere within the EU? Either products or services. Boddingtons? Cornish Pasties?

    Free Member

    A more than competant performance from May. Choice of Sophie Ridge and not Marr or the always irritating Peston was very telling. BBC will be smarting.

    There is a huge opportunity for the radical left to spell out an alternative vision.

    Indeed, we all suppirted Corbyn for Leader so he had the chance to do that. A radical left manifesto from the Labour Party in 2020 is exactly what I’d like to see.

    Ernie “could” is a journalists best friend (yours too it seems). Get the largest possible figure and then put that in the headline

    Tories putting £10bn extra pa into NHS by 2020 vs Labour promise of £2bn. Electorally that smashed them out of the park.

    Funny hearing Marr being called a Tory given he acknowledged he used to sell the Alliance fod Workers Liberty paper when at Uni.

    Re Hard-Brexit May was absolutely consistent with her conference speech and Government position since. Freedom of movement is impossible as we voted against that on June 23, and we want to negotiate our own trade deals without restrictions – latter means no customs union and former means no membership of THE single market – a May said THE single market is effectively the EU and we are leaving that.

    The US, China and Switzerland are not members of the customs union – they sell more to the EU than we do

    End of freedom of movement will mean less white Christians and more brown people and Muslims. That’s what we voted for.

    It’s not possible to have a sensible debate on the EU on STW just look at the abusive name calling from Remainers in the last few pages.

    Full Member

    Freedom of movement is impossible as we voted against that on June 23


    was there a second page on the ballot paper I didnt see 😉

    if so then fair enough,if not jambafact

    Full Member

    I know it’s a big mystery to some people as to “where did it all go wrong?” but that comment helps to explain much of what was wrong with the Remain campaign.

    It’s true though

    Yes of course, not all Brexiteers are racist, but all racists are Brexiteers.

    History will look back on it as one of the greatest cons of all time. Years of austerity with the blame cunningly shifted to immigrants

    Free Member

    But what do we currently export to the EU that they will not be able to source from elsewhere within the EU

    Services are tariff free under WTO rules, that’s our biggest sector. EU buys advertising and marketing advice as we are the best. Ditto management consultancy. Financial services will be hard to replicate locally as EU members do not have the regulators or indeed legal precidents. As we discussed before 96% of Llyods Insurance business is outside the EU, they are looking at a small rep office in Malta to “front” the 4% if needed.

    Free Member

    How can you have a sensible debate when one side of the argument is based on five blatant lies

    You would have a more sensible debate arguing over which is the better car, and orange or a football

    Free Member

    @kimbers all the political parties recognise that immigration and specifically freedom of movement was one of the main drivers of Leave vote. Now Corbyn and Abbott are swimming against the stream but what’s new there ?

    Free Member

    Aren’t we diverting this thread too much from dear Theresa? We know that she doesn’t believe in Brexshit.

    What’s new? In this case, they are swim against BS not with it?

    Full Member

    It’s not possible to have a sensible debate on the EU on STW just look at the abusive name calling from Remainers in the last few pages lies told by the leavers


    Free Member

    A more than competant performance from May. Choice of Sophie Ridge and not Marr or the always irritating Peston was very telling. BBC will be smarting.

    I doubt it, as pointed out the Sunday morning politics slot isn’t that massive. That and as everyone knows if you are agreeing with Rupert, go tell it to one of his friends.
    But care to give us a summary of why it was more than competent all you have put is NHS – is that the famous 350 million a week or has she made it up? I’m guessing as she avoided saying things like wiff waff and accusing half the country of being traitors and endorsing that the highest judges of the land are enimies of the people…
    Did she manage to explain why she wanted to skip parliment for article 50? Again if confident why skip asking?
    She has basically said she will drop market access to stop immigration – we can’t have both.

    “So the question is what is the right relationship for the UK to have with the European Union when we are outside. We will be able to have control of our borders, control of our laws.

    Her quote, if only somebody had pushed her a little harder on that one and the cost of that ideological folly.
    How do plans for more NHS funding stack up agains the almost unanamous agreement that the UK tax take and GDP will reduce post Brexit, there is uncertainty over fee’s to trade with the EU and many more things. She can promise to smile, tell a joke and grab JC by the balls and I’ll give it more weight than her vague comments.

    Free Member

    jambalaya – Member

    Tories putting £10bn extra pa into NHS by 2020 vs Labour promise of £2bn.

    You really don’t like the truth do you jambalaya? That has already been exposed as a lie.

    Still, I guess your need to rely heavily on lies is very telling.

    Just to remind you :

    Theresa May’s claim on NHS funding not true, say MPs

    “Five MPs led by the Conservative Dr Sarah Wollaston, the chair of the Commons health select committee, have written to the chancellor demanding the government abandon its “incorrect” claims of putting £10bn into the NHS annual budget by the end of this parliament and admit the severity of its financial shortage”

    Free Member

    all the political parties recognise that immigration and specifically freedom of movement was one of the main drivers of Leave vote.

    All? Stupid arses!! I mean, even you in your French abode must see the benefits of freedom of movement. Without it you wouldn’t have met your good lady and you wouldn’t be able to live in France. And you chose to deny others the same opportunity. Yes, my opinion of you and people of your ilk is very, very low. #Selfish

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