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  • The worst person you've known
  • samuri
    Free Member

    In one Simpsons episode, Ned Flanders calls Homer the ‘worst person I have ever known’ to which Homer responds, ‘hey, I got off quite lightly’ and the disgusting things mates do reminded of something similar.

    The guy I know who was sick every day, was the worst person I have ever known. He claimed he’d been looked at many times (for being sick every day) and no-one could figure it out. I reckon it was karma for being one of the most obnoxious, rude, ignorant and thoughtless people who has ever existed. We once went on a skiing holiday (load of guys from work) and if I’d have known he was coming I’d have declined but it was only at the airport I found out.

    I had to share a room with him (and 4 other blokes) for a week. Jesus! How that guy does not get killed by someone every day of his life I don’t know. I was having a shower once and he came in and had a really horribly, sloppy, noisy shit, talking to me all the time. Another of the guys was having a shower, this guy came in and slapped him on the naked arse about ten times really hard and then laughed and laughed about it.

    He would just stop in the middle of the street or ski slope and take a piss with people walking past him. He drank excessively to say the least but I never saw him drunk. In fact I never saw him drink anything other than alcohol when we were on the ski trip.

    At work he would listen to other people’s conversations and then tell everyone else who would listen what was being said. He was absolutely hopeless at his job as well but constantly claimed he was amazing at it. He was once going into the toilet to be sick and he grabbed another bloke in there, held him tight and dragged him into the cubicle so the bloke was right there while he was retching. He had this old TVR and would push other people’s cars out of parking slots with it if he didn’t find a space in ten seconds.

    The list goes on and on and just thinking about him makes me angry. He really was a terrible, terrible human being.

    But I’m sure there are worse…. Go on.

    Free Member

    slapping guys asses, forcing blokes into the toilet with him.. repressed sexuality?

    Free Member

    You’re obviously jealous of this guy and need to get over it.

    Full Member

    well done for sticking to the third person throughout 😉

    Free Member

    I work as a lorryist.
    It’s a long list of disgusting people.

    Full Member

    why did you not chin him?

    Free Member

    That fella sounds like he’s a mess in need of a psychiatrist.

    Of the people that I’ve known we’ll enough to say I knew.

    That’d be the one prone to aggression and violence, with a disturbing level of racism thrown in. Don’t know him any more though, thank *%#¥

    Free Member

    Ha ha, lorryists, crapping in a tissue box and leaving it on a pavement.

    Free Member

    ^^ Those first 2 responses are some of the weirdest I’ve ever seen on STW.

    Can’t match your “friend” samuri. But there is a guy in this office that 2 of us decided yesterday we “hate”!

    Free Member

    Any one of the above would get the guy fired, so what was the problem with work not taking action?

    Full Member

    Couple of serial killers and a guy who shot both his parents one evening, does that count? Your guy is just a bit, quirky?

    Full Member

    Couple of serial killers and a guy who shot both his parents one evening, does that count?

    only if you inadvertantly went on a skiing holiday with them too.

    Full Member

    my stepfather is not a nice person. i thought he was when i was a kid, but you learn things out as you grow older.

    Free Member

    One of my pals shot his wife in the head because she wanted to leave him. Then he topped himself. He was only a moderate asshole up to that point.

    Friends, eh?

    Free Member

    I grew up in Aldershot, your mate seems pretty normal.

    Free Member

    Serial killers…
    I work as a truck driver.

    Free Member

    my mother is not a nice person. i thought she was when i was a kid, but you learn things out as you grow older.

    Full Member

    To answer your question, my ex-Mrs. You think you know someone.

    That answer might be different if I’d ever met Thatcher.

    Free Member

    Your guy sounds like a psychopath. They’re not always serial killers, and more common than you might think.
    I had a boss who was a psychopath. Not so much anti-social like the OP’s but utterly devious and manipulative… very few people who knew him wanted to carry on knowing him… felt sorry for his wife and kid…
    The Baby-Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells was pretty depraved IIRC

    Full Member

    There are a few awful folk offshore.

    Imagine your average “Viz” ne’er-do-well character that has somehow fluked themselves into a well paying job. Add in a propensity to tell everyone within hearing distance exactly how much they earn, how much their car is worth, how many holidays a year they go on, plus some casual racism, sexism, unbelievably excessive use of the words “f***” and “c***”, wilful disregard of any and all social graces, questionable personal hygiene and a total and utter allergy to graft, and I think you might begin to understand.

    Free Member

    I am not a nice person. I thought I was when i was a kid, but you learn things out as you grow older.

    Free Member

    Definitely my ex-partner’s ex wife, followed very closely by her mother. She single handedly managed to turn her child against her dad out of pure vindictiveness, she harassed us, demanded money in exchange for the child being allowed to visit, threatened me physically outside the school gates in front of the kid, and poisoned my ex’s dog. She also made up allegations of my ex hitting her, and accused him of sexually abusing his daughter.

    I left him in the end because he raided our joint savings account to give her money in the hope that she would allow him to see his child, and he stopped me going to the police after she followed me to work and made a scene outside my office. He took anything and everything in the hope she would eventually allow him to see his child like a normal father.

    So yeah, she was definitely the worst person I’ve ever known, and those around her who enabled and encouraged her a close second.

    Free Member

    I reckon it’s probably gonna be one of the New Young Conservative types off here, and I’ve known a few dodgy characters in my time

    Free Member

    At the moment – my sister in law.

    On a family holiday recently (that our in laws paid for a fantastic villa for us all for some of) I suggested we bought the in laws something nice to say thank you. Everyone agreed apart from her – complaining they had spent loads on the holiday already and were broke. Then, in the next breath, said they were going out to buy an iPad.

    Small thing but &^%$ it annoyed me.

    Free Member

    If somebody held me by the arm to make me stand near them while they threw up I would do what Ton suggests. Also slapping on the arse etc, funny when you are 10, less funny when you are 40> once maybe, twice pushing it, 3 times a good chinning!

    Free Member

    Yo mamma is not a nice person. I thought she was when i was a kid, but you learn things out as you grow older.

    Free Member

    I mentioned this guy in the dodgy office thread a few weeks back….

    Worked for a telecoms company in Holland for a bit in a tech development team. This young guy of about 25 was redeployed into our team after we took over another company in Belgium he’d previously worked for.

    He was the single most obnoxious person I’ve ever met. I know you shouldn’t judge people by appearances but he was about 5 foot tall, was riddled with acne, had the most revolting personal hygiene habits and stank of BO. He had a string of dodgy rental properties he’d somehow acquired in London (I got the impression he had rich parents) and spent most of the working day screaming down the phone at either his rental agent or the poor tenants, in some cases threatening violence to them… if he wasn’t doing that he was leching after all the women in the office and openly downloading genuinely sickening and violent filth onto his work computer. He lasted about 2 weeks before he was marched off the premises by security never to be seen again.

    Free Member

    I did a transatlantic sailing event with a bunch of lads back in 98′, one of those lads got chucked in the drink once we’d finished and had to swim the last 100mtrs to shore.. he was a dirty sod. No one likes dirty people on boats. 😈
    Thats one.

    And Two, my Ex Business Partners Ex Husband, an Accountant.. What a complete End Bell.

    Free Member

    DezB – Member
    ^^ Those first 2 responses are some of the weirdest I’ve ever seen on STW

    Jeez, that’s some statement 😯

    Free Member

    I try hard not to ‘hate’ people and encourage my kids to do the same. Hate is a strong word.

    However, there is a person I used to work with who was the most offensive, obnoxious, arrogant, bullying c*** I have ever had the misfortune to meet. Even thinking about him all these years later is still upsetting. I would happily see him dead – and I do not say that lightly. 😐

    Full Member

    The worst, most ignorant person to date ,was a wee nasty piece of work from Glenrothes.
    Horrible ,sly ,self-centred ,abusive little idiot.
    He got found out eventually and was sacked.

    Free Member

    Jeez, that’s some statement

    Yep 😉

    Full Member

    My ex’s mother’s ex.

    Bitter retired CID officer, boasted about “the good old days”, you know, beating up suspects to get a confession, racist, homophobic, and angry about everything.

    Especially my ending it with the girl, cue regular threats of violence, tailgating, spreading lies around town (I’m self employed and trade on my reputation).

    Still, it was only 3 years ago 🙄

    Free Member

    I find the so called “normal” people to be the most offensive, those who would smile at you whilst waiting to stab you in the back. Those who would conspire, those whom are petty and those who are motivated by greed. All the while pretending to be decent upstanding righteous people.

    At least with **** you know where you stand and that can be as far away as possible.

    Free Member

    A person I’ve had the misfortune of meeting a couple of times has been sent down for multiple counts of kiddie-fiddling and beastiality, he’s the worst person I’ve known! 🙁

    Free Member

    Either I dont hold grudges or I havent met any bad people as I’m sat here wracking my brains trying to think of someone 😐

    Free Member

    Ned Flanders is an utterly amazing character. I’ve gone abit cold to the Simpsons. I think its gone on too long but they’ve got Ned’s character brilliantly. Fantastic.

    Now – the worse person I know? Myself. I could be better, a whole lot better. A better friend, partner and Father.

    Free Member

    I should point out by the way, that the chap I was talking about….was American. I think in the workplace a lot of his antics were regarded as quaint colonial habits by the management. Of course, none of them were getting bear-hugged by a vomiting lout in a toilet cubicle.

    Free Member

    there’s a bloke used to know who is my number one.

    The most revoltingly self serving and self centred maggot I have ever had the misfortube to meet. He stole another man’s boat business after spending the summer working for him and secretly negociating with the chap’s landlord behind his back. He was the kind of guy who would give it large in the pub on saturday and buy the skint bloke loads of drinks and generally be the big man. On the sunday he’d be phoning the skint bloke to try and get some of the money he’d ‘lent’ to him back. a total **** of the highest order. Oh and he stole some of my possesions from me when I was moving out of a shared house and refused to return them. Those are just a few examples. If i could be bothered to sit down and properly think about it there would be loads.

    we properly fixed him. Not violently mind you. We deployed a program of minor disruptions to his life that made him paranoid (he is/was a massive coke fiend) and led to him confront someone about all the stuff that was going on. The confronted fella had nothing to do with it and when threatened by aforementioned **** he broke his nose, jaw and a few ribs. I loikes karma.


    Free Member

    elzorillo – Member
    Either I dont hold grudges or I havent met any bad people as I’m sat here wracking my brains trying to think of someone

    Maybe you’re the bad person? 🙂

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