Yeah, once one knows about the er…’troubled history’ between the Ukraine and other parts of the former USSR, it seems like it has all the potential to really kick off (i.e. Russia going in). I think it helps understand the current situation if one has some historical perspective on what’s going on. IMO, a lot of the trouble in these former Soviet states and Balkans countries (and much of the Middle East) has roots in what happened during WW2. I think in the West, we have shorter memories than in other parts of the World.
I’m not sure how many people in the West are aware, but a lot of Ukrainians sided with the Nazis in WW2, and the atrocities carried out by Ukrainians on other Soviets and ‘undesirables’ was so extreme that it even shocked the SS soldiers (not too shocked to stop the s**ts filming it though!!) – I’ve seen some of the footage shot by the Nazis and it’s so bad, I had to switch it off. Apparently, the Ukrainians who volunteered for the SS were so extreme that they were formed into ‘special units’ to eradicate any potential opposition to Nazi rule.
I don’t know what Russians think of the Ukrainians now, but given their past record, I can’t think there’d be much opposition to military intervention.
I feel very sorry for the ordinary folk who are inevitably going
to end up getting caught up in the fall-out from this trouble. Just goes to show how unresolved political issues can grow into ugly situations.