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  • The Annual Running thread – beginners/ultras/whatever
  • bikebouy
    Free Member

    Hmm.. it’s the size of my fist on my abdomen.

    Which is going to be an interesting journey 🤷‍♂️🤔🤘

    Free Member

    Well done Spin, fabulous time. Out of interest, what was the split up/down?

    Cheers. Curiously, I was pretty much exactly half the time going down I was going up. 1:12 on the ascent and 36 mins on descent. I made up a lot of places on the descent.

    Free Member

    brilliant time, you must be proper chuffed!

    I’m delighted, I think it’s probably my best performance in a classic fell race.

    Re the club thing. I’ve been involved with both cycling and running clubs and have found the running club to be much more open, inclusive, friendly and less focused on internal politics. Which isn’t to say they’re all like that!

    Full Member

    Bouncing today. Been nursing a very dodgy Achilles for what seems like months and got the nod from the physio to do a touch this week. 2 miles on the canals yesterday and I have woke up with no pain or discomfort, absolutely chuffed. This also means that I can do Parkrun tomorrow. 6 weeks until Birmingham half marathon so it’s just about doable to get fit for it.

    Free Member

    Good stuff sir, best of luck with it!.

    Mrs Nobeer still doing brilliant, 40 this year, up until about last xmas, she’d never ran the length of herself, another 10k under the belt last sunday, we just used it as a moderate training run, cruised home in 55 mins, chatting, laughing and encouraging others, super proud of her, she’s really got the bug now. She’s up to 11 miles in her half marathon training plan too, awesome.

    For a moment this week, I was tempted to sign up for a local ultra, River Ayr way ultra, 40 miles, from source to sea of the river on various surfaces. It’s got a 10 hour cutoff, I reckon I could finish inside that, but thought better of it and will be in a better condition for a go next year. I’d rather have a good go at it than just complete it.

    Only 27 quid as well, includes bus out to start, good local, grassroots event.

    Full Member

    Surrey Bacchus Marathon this weekend starting from Denbies in Dorking, 2 loops around the North Downs, inspired by the Marathon du Medoc.  Using it as a supported long hilly training run in advance of the Bournemouth Marathon next month.  Won’t be consuming much wine on the way round 🙂

    Cheers, Rich

    Free Member

    Did 18.50 at Chippenham parkrun which I was really pleased with. Proper training starting now (Hills). Unfortunately something bit me right on a tendon that has become so inflamed I have not been able to run. I cant believe the bike has now become my x training with the running becoming the main thing!

    Free Member

    I cant believe the bike has now become my x training with the running becoming the main thing!

    Yip, ran more miles than I’ve cycled this year! Translates really well though, when I do get the MTB out, I’m quicker than I’ve ever been.

    Free Member

    Ran another 10 k tonight. Knocked 7 minutes off my last time for 56.35 50/50 on and off road.

    I don’t think I’ve ever ran more than 1 10 k in a year before. Normally get injured after the first.

    Free Member

    Ran another 15 miles but I now have a blister on the tip of my toe next to the big toe on my left foot. It’s almost like spending 3 weeks on holiday bare foot has made my feet get very slightly bigger very odd.

    What do people do for fluids in anything over half marathon as I get to 14 miles without food/fluid absolutely fine but then blow up and hit a wall. But a. I hate carrying things and b. A hydration vest looks a bit much for 15 miles.

    I’m going to hydrate a bit better and feed before setting off as I normally have 2 black coffees and set off probably not the best planning.  Also my long run day is normally after my night shift finishes as it fits in well with family stuff

    Free Member

    Everyone’s different but I don’t usually need fluids on anything less than 2hrs. I think you’ve correctly identified part of the problem in the coffees!

    Free Member

    I have a bumbag water bottle carrier for long runs. Needs to be a good fit to avoid annoying bounce. Necessary evil for much over 2h in my experience (and useful practice for marathons too). Also take jelly babies or similar.

    Free Member

    🙂 now I like jelly babies.

    I tried a cheap waist belt with a bottle in once and I nearly threw it away after a few miles. Oh and I didn’t even use it haha right waste of time that was

    Free Member

    Righto, wee question time.

    Recovery – I usually run 4 or 5 times a week, try to have rest days, but sometimes my mates are going biking on days I have down as rest days, and I end up going.

    Did that today, ran 11 miles yesterday, and had slightly heavy legs biking today. I’m not too bad at hydration, but in terms of nutrition, I tend not to pay attention to carbs, protein etc, so have no idea if I get enough of anything. I am however tempted to start trying upping my protein by using shakes post run.

    Thoughts? I really can’t be arsed getting too scientific, using myfitnesspal etc, as I know I eat cleanly, and all our food is hone cooked, and I don’t really use measurements with lots of stuff.

    Will it do my recovery any good?.

    Cheers, G.

    Full Member

    What do people do for fluids in anything over half marathon as I get to 14 miles without food/fluid absolutely fine but then blow up and hit a wall. But a. I hate carrying things and b. A hydration vest looks a bit much for 15 miles.

    Get the backpack/vest. While it’s probably overkill for that kind of run, it’s a lot more flexible and should you start to do longer runs it’s a useful investment (no pun intended…) They’re also great in winter when you want to carry a bit more kit.

    If you’re feeling flush get a belt pack – I’ve got both backpacks and belts, and for shorter runs like the ones you’re asking about a belt is definitely more comfortable, but it’s not a huge difference and a vest is better VFM.

    FWIW the belt I use most is a Salomon one.

    Free Member

    Does anyone else run in a baseball cap-style hat? I’ve just been for a run in the pouring rain and, although I actually like running in the rain, and don’t usually bother with a rain jacket, something to help keep the water running down my head and into my eyes would be good.

    Are there caps that are worth recommending?

    Free Member

    I sometimes wear a cap, got one as a race freebie. Must admit it’s more for sun than rain though! On wet days I’m more likely to wear a beanie for warmth.

    Regarding recovery, nothing special here but I do try to eat/drink something as soon as possible post run. Pint of orange squash usually goes down well.

    Free Member

    I’ve always found a glass of milk and some mini pretzels to work post-run.

    Free Member

    I run in an old karrimor running cap. Lightweight so doesn’t make your head too sweaty. Cost about a fiver. Helps keep water out of my eyes when it’s raining.

    i noticed Decathlon do a similar one.

    Free Member

    Get the backpack/vest. While it’s probably overkill for that kind of run

    I use a Salomon ultra vest, has 3 pockets enough for a squidgy bottle or two, a bar/gel and phone (if you fancy taking all that with you)

    I use an open top visor (baseball cap without the cap bit) mainly to keep my hair out of my eyes, but it’s become a god send in forests and sunshine through the trees.. also wear sunglasses, a pair of oakleys that I used to use Cross Racing (they have rubber arms around my ears) and a pinkish tint lens.  Another good piece of kit worth buying IMO.

    Free Member

    On Saturday I had my last OCR before the World Champs next month.

    Did alright, at the higher end of the “also runs”

    But realised I need fuel these things better… Was out for almost 2 and half hours and had little more than two slurps of water and two small handfuls of jelly babies.

    Actually thinking about it now, once I had finished the run I had a cuppa, a chicken burger, a further cup of coffee and a Danish to recover. And the thing is, I was as right as rain.

    Guess I wasn’t trying hard enough…. But that’s the thing with OCR not many are actually racing so it easy to cruise and still pass people…. I’d imaging/hope the Worlds are different.

    Free Member

    i have a gore running cap i got in a race goodiebag.  it just does the job better than any of my other baseball caps , it wicks somewhat like a buff with a peak rather than just soaking up sweat like my regular caps.

    as bikebouy i used to use it mostly to keep hair out the eyes but after chopping all the hair off have just grown accustom to running in it now, feels wierd without it now.

    doing my first park run on saturday this week  with glupton formerly of this parish.

    Full Member

    Went out with the intention of taking parkrun easy on Saturday, so let the leader disappear off, but after 1km I got bored so decided to chase him down!  Ended up setting a new parkrun PB despite holding some back to save the legs, rather surprised with 15:50 😀

    The main event was the Surrey Bacchus Marathon, which went well.  A new course which is quite a bit hillier than the last few times I’ve run it, my watch said 750m of climbing over the 2 laps.  Went fairly hard but not full race effort as I want to continue to train this week, and didn’t taper either.  Route was about a mile short so finished a bit quicker than expected bang on 2:30.  Feeling pretty fresh this morning, it all bodes well for Bournemouth in 4 weeks time 🙂

    Cheers, Rich

    Free Member

    Sounds like a fantastic effort turbo.

    Full Member

    Could a mod please ban turboferret from this thread? He’s making me feel very inadequate 😀

    I did 23km or so up in the mountains with my club, lots of walking + running. I haven’t been up a mountain for a few weeks, and it’s scary how fast you lose fitness… I was fine on the flat, but the downhills hurt far more than they would have back in July! Still, all good fun and it was nice to be out.

    Are there caps that are worth recommending?

    I’ve got a Decathlon one that’s fine, and a Salomon one (with a detachable neck shade thing) which is marginally better. Not a lot in it, though.

    Full Member

    15.50! bloody hell turbo ferret that’s quick! I was happy to return to sub 20 this weekend with a 19.50!

    Full Member

    15:50 is rapid.

    I had the worst Parkrun of my life on Saturday, did the first 3.5km at a reasonable but not fast pace and then had to stop to vomit. Felt like I’d been pushing too hard so walked the last couple of KM’s. on looking at the data I barely got my HR above 130 so I suspect accumulated fatigue from last weekends 220 mile bike ride was taking its toll.

    Full Member

    Could a mod please ban turboferret from this thread?

    To be fair, I should probably be banned from this site entirely, as I can’t remember when I last rode my MTB 😮

    Cheers, Rich

    Free Member

    To be fair, I should probably be banned from this site entirely, as I can’t remember when I last rode my MTB

    Should fit in well then!

    Free Member

    Crikey – and here’s me feeling pleased with myself for getting <25 minutes for a ParkRun 🙁

    Free Member

    To be fair, I should probably be banned from this site entirely, as I can’t remember when I last rode my MTB

    Should fit in well then!

    Ban me as well, 2 years since being on a bike..

    Full Member

    I nearly rode my MTB this weekend, but it was pissing down and I had a serious attack of CBA 🙂 Would have been the second time this year I think.

    Full Member

    Finally, finally getting some rhythum again. 2 runs in 2 days, Achilles feels fine and I actually feel like I can run with some degree of fluidity. I also caught my reflection in a window and thought I look alright too! 5 weeks until Birmingham half and I’ve not run more than 5k in 6 weeks so it’s about time I started doing some training.

    Free Member

    You’ll be fine Lunge, best of luck!

    Free Member

    Jeez i was happy with my 28min 5k!

    The Mrs challenged us to a run every day month this September, so i countered with a 100mile month, just over 5.3k a day – 13 days in any my calves have stopped hurting, several PBs up to my 10k distance and lost around 5-6kg! First few days was the hardest as I am definitely not a runner.  We also have  Dick Turpin Challenge at York Racecourse on the 22nd, 5 mile course, 6 hours, as many laps as you can do…there is cake, so its ok

    Also just been talked into signing up for the Endure24 next year with the local TRI club.

    Kind of enjoying this running lark 🙂

    Free Member

    Anyone found any solutions to long-term achilles tendonitis? I do a lot of walking during the course of my average day and that can make it flare up, especially if I wear shoes with little cushioning. Running-wise I can run, but my tendons are always sore. It does seem to get a little better with use, so maybe that’s the answer, but it’s not very encouraging when I’m already limping when I get out of the bed in the morning.

    Free Member

    i had serious achillies tendonitus about 10 years ago. crippling…..

    had plenty treatment through physio for it.

    Had another physio to look at it and they looked at the movement chain and they found i had tight glutes/lower back which was pulling on everything an the pain was coming out in the achillies as the weak point.

    Full Member

    ParkRun buggy PB this morning at Clapham Common, 17:08, pretty happy with that.  Had I know we were so close to the 17 minute mark I would have dug a little deeper – being on the sub-17 list having run with a buggy would have been an achievement 😀 Clearly didn’t go too deep at the weekend with the Bacchus Marathon, which is encouraging, and managed 100km this week so far too.

    Cheers, Rich

    Full Member

    Anyone found any solutions to long-term achilles tendonitis?

    A lot of time with a physio and some fairly specific exercises sorted mine. It still flairs up occasionally but I know what to do and how to fix it now.

    , once again you are smashing it. Our course record here in Dudley is barely that fast.

    Full Member

    I’ve returned to the fold over the past month after starting running again whilst on holiday and being without a bike. I’m really enjoying it at the moment, especially for its time efficiency as a change in my wife’s job means time is precious at weekends at the moment.

    I’ve never taken running seriously but have been a parkrun regular (not especially quick – around the 26min mark) for a few years and get out a couple of times in the week. Last Sunday I went on a local club open run and really enjoyed it despite it being the first time I’d done 10k in over a year. I intend to go again tomorrow with a vague plan to do a longer, 8 mile run. Hopefully the social aspect will encourage me to keep it up through winter rather than be stuck indoors on the turbo.

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