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  • The Annual Running thread – beginners/ultras/whatever
  • v7fmp
    Full Member

    @thecaptain – ok cool, thanks for the info. Seems to be a few options out there. I will do some hunting.

    Full Member

    I had massive problems with the Decathlon ones bunching up on long runs/hikes and got horrible chafing. Move to Runderwear long boxers and haven’t had an issue since!

    For reference, under unlined Decathlon shorts in summer, 3/4 or full tights the rest of the time.

    Free Member

    So that time of year – what we all looking like for distance and elevation compared to last year?

    I just clicked over 1000km this morning and will hit 30,000m elevation next run so bang on last year’s figures. I’ve been chasing hills a bit this last month though as fell behind my 30,000m (meaningless, arbitrary) target…

    Free Member

    I set my ‘usual’ (for the past 3 years anyhoo) 26×26 contrivance again for this year. That is, 26 half marathons and 26 cycling centuries – or something every week if you prefer.

    Being a plonker, I then set a stretch target (uuughhh – sounds like work) of 52 centuries and 26 halves.

    Mid year, I lost 12 weeks to Covid and a bit of motivation so this nonsense got a bit back loaded…

    I’m doing 2 halves and a century per week ATM and a bit extra next week to do the Rapha 500 as well. It’s tough going as I’m doing my usual running and riding around the above which means perpetual fatigue.

    Hey ho, just over a week to go before we start again. 52×52 anyone 🙃

    Free Member

    This past year’s running is well up on 2021 when I was thoroughly lazy with no big races to aim for. Not matching 2019 though when I did three marathons from spring through to autumn. But also the most bike mileage in living memory (since I stopped commuting, probably).

    Feeling reasonably well prepared for the winter campaign, but age is bound to catch up with me at some point.

    Free Member

    On 919km so far. Goal was 960 (80km/month) but was quite ill in October and missed a few weeks. Will hopefully get close though. Well up on last year, but I only started running part way through. This will be my first full year.

    Full Member

    552km and 12,870m for me so far. Going to try and get a couple more runs in this calendar year
    I’m pleased with those numbers as I’ve gone through anaemia, fatigue, and injury in the last 12 months.
    But then I’ve also done an ultra and really found a love of trail running, 80% of my distance has been off-road

    Free Member

    @spawnofyorkshire That’s some impressive bike mileage, good effort 👍

    Full Member

    70 miles needed in 11 days to hit my 3000 mile annual goal. Should be doable as it’s 10k per day for the rest of the year which is easy enough. Lowest ever mileage on the bike though.

    After that then who knows what next year will hold. I’d like at least 1 marathon and 1 ultra, but part of my also wants to see how fast I can run a 10k in.

    Full Member

    lol the 12,870m is altitude gain whilst running. I’ve done about 900km on bikes this year in addition to running. Not bad when i couldn’t hold a handlebar for two months this summer due to a wrist injury

    Free Member

    Abysmal. The family wanted a dog and much of my running was replaced by dog walking from January. However, she’s becoming a running machine now so those walks are becoming runs and 2023 is looking up. Not setting distance targets, but being able to do days of 20+ miles / 6000+ft in the hills again would be good.

    Full Member

    832 miles this year, with a few more runs should make it to 850.
    I’ve not set distance goals this year, as in the past I soon found that I had become a “slave” to the goal and just lost the enjoyment of running.
    I’ve booked a couple of half marathons in 2023, after enjoying my first this year!

    Full Member

    It’s been a really good running year; 2223km and 93552m of ascent. I completed by first 100k ultra in a reasonable time. Had lots of fun days out in the mountains with friends. I’ve bought a scary amount of shoes…

    Most importantly, I’ve turned a corner mentally with what I can achieve. I only took up running longer distances in 2019, now signed up for my first 100 miler next year, I’m definitely making it to the finish line.

    I’ve ridden my bike about ten times this year…

    I’ve really enjoyed this thread, a great motivator. Well done everyone, enjoy the christmas refuelling : )

    Full Member

    So, at the other end of the spectrum …
    I’ve had a great year and have run 75% further than ever before. 1 x 5K and 1 x 5-10k per week, first 10k in 30 years, broke 25 mins for a 5K and 53 mins for a 10k, first park run, just bought a pair of trail shoes, no running injuries, and really enjoying it. Not sure of goals for next year, but probably speed and off road rather than distance

    Full Member

    I have a goal to run my first half marathon in 2023. Can someone point me in the direction of any free, useful, training plan?

    Full Member

    Runner’s World plans are fine (IME): https://www.runnersworld.com/uk/training/half-marathon/a764179/half-marathon-training-plans/

    And this year’s running: 2463km total, max distance: 168km, total ascent 117,132m.

    Full Member

    Anyway, a question. Like many on here I seem to have acquired my “winter plumage”, and could do with shedding a few kg after Christmas. That much is obvious, and less weight = more speed (all else being equal). My question: assuming power stays the same, if I lose (say) 5% of my body weight, how much faster will I be able to run a middle distance race?

    Full Member

    Thank You Mogrim!

    Full Member

    a whopping 192km for me so far… but i only started running in July and its mainly been parkrun with the odd extra one here and there.

    enjoying it…. well, apart from my knees :)

    Free Member

    Are all running leggings the same? If not what’s a good brand? What should I be looking for in leggings? Do some restrict more than others? I’ve literally no clue about running leggings, but I want to keep my legs warm in my ripe old age of 38

    Free Member

    Are all running leggings the same? If not what’s a good brand? What should I be looking for in leggings?

    I have some dhb leggings which do the trick.
    Cheap enough to give them a go, but personally its shorts unless the temps are below zero.

    Free Member

    I run in leggings a lot in winter as most of my running is early morning on Peak District moors and it’s usually cold and windy!

    I’ve got a couple of pairs of 2XU compression ones but find them too restrictive. I’ve got an irritating IT band issue and they feel like they pull in just the wrong way and make it marginally worse). Just picked up some Ron Hill ones and they are fine. Reasonably fitted without being over tight and I don’t really notice anything about them – which is a good thing in my book for any running related kit.

    Free Member

    My question: assuming power stays the same, if I lose (say) 5% of my body weight, how much faster will I be able to run a middle distance race?

    One estimate I’ve seen bandied about is 2s per mile per pound of body weight lost. Which seems a lot to me.

    Full Member

    Leggings do differ.
    All mine are from Decathlon and range from very thin to almost wooly and warm. The warm ones rarely get used as I find them to much unless it’s very, very cold.

    Free Member

    Closing in on 2022 stats.

    I only started running consistently from June and set a goal of 800k. I’m at 768k and 13,373m of elevation gain with two days left. A tall order I think…
    My Strava profile.

    My mountain biking has been really poor compared to previous years. Only 313k with 7,417m climbing. That’s predominantly been with the kids.

    2023 I’m aiming for >2,000k for running. Three marathons booked in; Manchester, Edinburgh and Chicago.
    Mountain biking, I’m aiming for >1,000k.

    Free Member

    How do you all find events to enter. Did my first half marathon in Oct and not run since. Would like to do some more events between 10km and half marathon distance if they exist (10 mile?) but not sure where to find them. Thanks

    Free Member

    Si entries and Run ABC seem to cover the bulk of events.

    Free Member

    Just picked up some Ron Hill ones and they are fine

    Nothing new under the sun :-) Bought my first pair nearly 45 years ago and they have remained pretty unchanged since. Replace every few years as require for around £15 a pair. I have had others in between but I always wonder why people pay much more for alternatives, it can only be fashion.
    When its wet I wear tights and when its warm enough I wear shorts, the rest of the time I wear tracksters. More mile do ones which are good also.

    Full Member

    Started running regularly in 2020. This year managed 191 miles, still much better than 2020, but 87 miles off 2021. Had a couple of minor injuries forcing me to take a break in June, and then again in October. Didn’t really get back into running in November or December, just under 12 miles in past three months, wet weather puts me off.

    On the plus side, I did find the joy/simplicity of just popping out for 10-15 minutes for a short run. In the summer I think I did two days on two days off, more or less, until I got back into it and was able to do 5k with ease again. Yesterday I realized I’d need to start doing that again as my ankles/lower legs weren’t particularly happy with me and I’d barely been out for ten minutes. Did another 15 minutes this morning.

    There’s been a couple of videos in my feed about the benefits of running 1 mile every day (for 30 days), which I’m kinda tempted to try but probably won’t commit to.

    Full Member

    @dooosuk, Run Britain will have most events too.
    And keep your eyes on the social media of local running clubs as they’ll often posts there and others events.

    Full Member

    Anyway, my end of year wrap:
    348 days active.
    3,005 miles ran, 133,000ft elevation gain.
    A mere 75 miles cycled (the lowest number on record by a huge margin, no commute is the biggest factor in this).
    PB’s in 1km, 1 mile, 5k, 10k and half marathon. And my first ultra ran as well.
    Not bad, not bad at all.

    Full Member

    Running this year:

    504 miles.
    17,888ft elevation.

    Not a lot but only started running in August 2021. Before that hadn’t run in over 20 years.

    Just entered my first running event; Paris half marathon. Run a few half marathons on my own and managed 1hr54. Aiming to achieve a 1hr45 during the race.

    Free Member

    @dooosuk, https://www.fetcheveryone.com/races-map.php may also be worth a look. Or let us know where you are, someone might have some ideas. It’s a bit “you have to know where to look”.

    I have never managed to wear out a pair of ron hills other than crash damage (and even then a few holes in the knees hardly matters). My only complaint is that they are (were) too short so my wife made me a few sets once she found a suitable fabric.

    Speaking of which, sprained my ankle in a flooded pothole on Thursday, I know, rookie error and entirely my fault for not wanting to slow down in the middle of a hard interval. Lots of purple and swelling but nothing too serious, fortunately. Some fresh holes in the Ron Hills!

    Free Member

    Ok year finished this afternoon in the freezing rain. Highlights were a 100 mile week in Chamonix and finshing my first Ultra.
    787 miles
    89,379ft elevation
    2023 is upping the consistency, starting with a run every day in January/and no drink! Doing Val d’Aran in July which is my main target.
    Well done everyone and wishing an injury free 2023 to you all.

    Free Member

    Any recommendations for a run commute/mountain marathon bag? I’ve had an OMM classic 32 for about 10 years which is on its last legs. My commute involves a train journey, so I tend to have a lot of bulky stuff – full on winter down jacket, waterproof coat, tracky bottoms etc. for waiting at the station after a run. And a laptop if I can’t avoid it, and work clothes.

    My OMM bag is fine, but I’ve got a smaller inov8 vest style bag which is more stable, easy access pockets on the harness etc. And no hip belt, which are always just under my ribs and annoying.

    Tempted to try one of the Ultimate Direction 30l fastpacks, as it’s got a vest harness and a big capacity. Anything similar I should look at?

    Full Member

    Are you doing the full 100 mile VdA or the shorter 100km CdH? Either way, keep a bit in reserve for the last 20km as they’re grim as anything!

    Free Member

    @mogrim thanks for the heads up. I’m only doing the PDA which is 55k. Why am I saying only?

    Free Member

    Solid start with a half marathon boxed off, feeling smug. New Saucony Ride 15 in the sales at sportshoes were great straight out of the box.

    Free Member

    Has anyone here run/hiked the Pennine Way unsupported? I can see how accomodation and food etc can be found along the route but was wondering if any strategies for minimising weight in regards to clothing – specifically after stopping each night and wanting a change of clothes. Or is it just a case of taking two sets of running clothes and alternating them to keep reasonably fresh?

    Free Member

    So under 100 days to Brighton and first gentle run after 6 ish weeks off due to a combo of illness and just being snowed under at work.

    Totally f’d all preparation I had, but have over the last couple of days come to terms with changing my goal to completing it with a mix of running and walking rather than running the whole thing.

    If I’m honest (as the first marathon I’ve entered and not being anthing like a ‘runner’ before earlier this year) I’m feeling quite releived to have all the self inflicted pressure off :-). Have entered with a load of younger/fitter people from work so now I can let them all steam off and just enjoy the day as much as possible rather than feeling like I need to try to keep up and then ruining the whole affair.

    Not sure on what ratio of running/walking I’m going to do, but I think nearer the date I’ll have to actually have some sort of plan to stick to rather than just winging it !

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