it basically is a mirror for my working life about 3 years ago. working for a strange company ran by a complete idiot, sat in a grimy room with no windows (not quite the basement but near enough) right next to the server room, and a woman manager who had no idea about “computors”.
and yes, i’m pretty socially inept.
It can be hit and miss, it veers a little to close to embarrassment comedy for my liking sometimes. You know, the Terry and June “whoops, my trousers have fallen down and the vicar’s at the door!” sort of schtick. But yeah, on the whole it’s very good.
i really wanted to like it, it even had chris morris in but it seemed to be written and set-designed by arty types who have never been near a real office, ever. It seems really broad brush and misses loads of material about the subtlties and absurdities of office life.
Except the internet in a box thing, that was good. 🙂
My favourite bit is the fist-bump between Roy and Moss as the conference room descends into chaos as someone smashes the Internet box.
Laughed outloud, loudly on a flight back from China at that. Then had fit of giggles.
That whole episode is brilliant.