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  • The grand tour – One for the road
  • joefm
    Full Member

    think people still think it’s a car show and not 3 old friends having a trip to some far away place in some vehicles.

    unsure why you would compare it with youtubers who quite frankly, produce boring content because the car is the content and cars are boring

    Full Member

    The site needs a separate motoring forum there were 13 car threads on the  front page. I am sick of cars. I am sick of poor driver behaviour and given the the most dangerous age group are 18 to 50 and male that kind of sums up the people who watch and enjoy Clarksons drivel. Clarksons Top Gear crap and this program normalise speeding and using cars a play things.

    People die on the roads every day.

    The world would be better off with lots less car shows on TV.

    Full Member

    About the time they stuck that offensive numberplate on the Porsche in Argentina.

    That was absolutely not the case. They did do stupid and offensive things over the years for which I will not defend them, but that was simply a coincidence.

    Full Member


    It’s a fair cop ‘guv


    Free Member

    I don’t get why some people have a hissy fit when Clarkson is mentioned, i’m not a massive fan, he’s just a caricature, I like him on the Farm thing, I think he’s done a lot of good, far worse thigs to get aggravated about IMHO.

    Full Member

    Haven’t watched the trailer…I sometimes used to watch Top Gear, but it was never a sit down and watch intentionally. I’m happy to take or leave the 3 of them together…I find Hammond and May good tv presenters on their own.

    I’ll watch this but won’t really miss it…it is just a bit of daft humour entertainment rathe than anything else…

    Watched the trailer now…yeah, I’ll watch it at some point, but I’m not sure I’ll be missing it particularly, it is just another bit of humour on the tv.

    Saying that, I’d absolutely love to go on some adventures like that with a couple of mates…that aspect of it, I’m very jealous of, but aware it is almost all scripted.

    Free Member

    The site needs a separate motoring forum there were 13 car threads on the front page. I am sick of cars. I am sick of poor driver behaviour and given the the most dangerous age group are 18 to 50 and male that kind of sums up the people who watch and enjoy Clarksons drivel. Clarksons Top Gear crap and this program normalise speeding and using cars a play things.

    People die on the roads every day.

    The world would be better off with lots less car shows on TV.

    This forum would also be better off without you on it but hey, we can’t have everything we want.

    Full Member

    I love you too. :)

    Free Member

    Clarksons Top Gear crap and this program normalise speeding and using cars a play things.

    Agreed bikes are glamourised too. So much bad content advocating going fast on bikes and using them as play things, where the only reason for a bike is to get you from A-B. Bikes are dull horrible things and should have no place on a forum, other than discussing commuting.

    Oh I missed Matt Jones, Sam Pilgrim, Sam Reynolds, bloody annoying bikers who distastefully have a liking for fast, dangerous scary cars, how dare they.

    Full Member

    Absolutely pathetic @Bruce, theres a reason why this forum has a separate general chat forum and a bike forum. If it bothers you, I suggest you stick to the bike forum.

    It’s ironic that you’re saying this is trolling, when I’m convinced this is nothing more than rage-baiting from you.

    Posting this thread has reminded me why I’m not on this forum much anymore, don’t know why I bother. It seems to be the same sort of people that stir things up on here and spread misery in general.

    All over a TV show. Get a life.

    Oooh, keep your knickers on, it’s just a joke, you know, like on Top Gear!!!

    The anti wokist peeps really don’t like others expressing their opinions do they!!!

    Free Member

    I like fast cars & I like fast bikes – but apparently to some that’s not allowed & I should be given a hessian shirt to wear & banished to the allotments to exist on a diet of gruel & misery.

    F ME…..some of you REALLY NEED TO LIGHTEN UP…..

    I’m off to cold start my V8 & have pointless fun on my bike….!

    Full Member

    Blimey, there’s some right moral crusaders on this thread.

    Don’t like cars/grand tour/clarkson etc. why bother opening the thread?

    I’ve not watched any of the Grand Tour series to be honest but used to enjoy TG…nothing better than going doing some burn outs and donuts in the local Maccies car park after watching an episode on a Sunday night ;-)

    Will probably watch this last hurrah for old times sake. Wonder if the Tesla can do a burn out?

    Full Member

    I am sick of poor driver behaviour and given the the most dangerous age group are 18 to 50 and male that kind of sums up the people who watch and enjoy Clarksons drivel.

    Phew, I’m 51! I shall watch and enjoy this as I do with repeats of TG and TGT :-)

    I don’t even particularly like cars (only drove 2000 miles in the last 12 months) but they’re much more fun to watch on tv than bicycles :-)

    Full Member

    I didn’t watch much of the Grand Tour. But when my kids were smaller, Top Gear was one of the things we watched most regularly together. We had a boy and a girl, and as many folks will recognise, it is difficult to find a program that everyone accepts to watch together. When I was young, my parents watched different programs (the generation game anyone?). Top Gear seems like a bit of an end of an era now for mainstream TV. I would guess that families with teenage kids are probably much less likely to watch anything together on TV – I guess they’re more likely to head to YouTube or whatever.

    So this seems like a bit of an end of an era, in more ways than one.

    Full Member

    Pretty obvious that TG / TGT completely divides opinion about it so I’m not surprised in the slightest about how the thread is going :-)

    Biscuits anyone?

    Full Member

    It’s the last episode. Surely those who don’t like Clarkson should be celebrating

    Free Member

    I liked the travel episodes on TG very entertaining, luckily I’m over 50 as well and drive a 20 year old van so never speed. Can we ban the Atherton’s though, I find them quite inspiring and crashing my humungous enduro rig is getting a bit ouchy.

    Free Member

    I suspect relatively few people will even register the retirement of Clarkson and co. He spent too much time dog whistling to the type of person who thinks cyclists shouldn’t be on the road, so I won’t miss him.

    Free Member

    Sam Reynolds is not only amazing on bikes, his car control is amazing

    Disgraceful behaviour here drifting bikes

    Forgot that Bernard Kerr loves his cars too, and Mat Armstrong is an ex BMX’er

    Free Member

    I had a Fuego GTX in red with the trx metric wheels it was a really nice to drive

    Full Member

    Zero interest in cars or any car-related sports but enjoyed the old TG and strangely i felt i grew up with those 3 Top Gear bozos.

    Full Member

    If Amazon Prime do their usual free month/week in December, I’ll be watching this for sure.

    roli case
    Free Member

    I liked Top Gear back in the day but never got into the Grand Tour, which seemed quite sad and desperate whenever I watched it.

    Clarkson has made no end of stupid anti-cycling comments over the years which I feel has definitely fed the anti-cyclist culture war and worsened the risks faced by people on bikes, as well as making it harder for society to achieve the benefits available via more active travel. Personally I doubt it’s a coincidence that this has worked out well for the motor industry.

    Full Member

    One for the Jezza fans, you can now visit his boozer.

    Free Member

    roli case – I agree.

    Top Gear was watchable many years ago, but just lost the plot and drifted off onto something very different.

    I have watched some of the Grand Tours and each one has been as bad as the previous. It’s so scripted and obvious it’s hard to imagine who would find it funny or interesting .. but I accept lots here do, so I guess it really is each to their own.

    *I like Clarkson in the Farm – James May always seems to come across a nice guy – but Richard Hammond just grates, from his stop start style of talking .. to his silly dyed beard.

    Full Member

    F.M. this thread had the fun sucked out of pretty quickly.

    On the contrary, it’s made it far more entertainingly than a bunch of car bores droning on about how they’ll be weeping into their MX5s at the realisation that Clarkson and co won’t be doing the same mind-bendingly dull, formulaic thing over and over and over again.

    It’s not really about cars anyway, they’re just the backdrop to three ageing,  middle class men with doomed aspirations of coolness squabbling endlessly about pretty much everything. Which will be why so many on here love it so much.

    Free Member

     just the backdrop to three ageing,  middle class men with doomed aspirations of coolness squabbling endlessly about pretty much everything. Which will be why so many on here love it so much.

    Savage…. just savage :)

    Full Member

    It is a scripted comedy show dressed up with cars. Easy enough to watch and laugh at the predictability of it all.

    Full Member

    It started off pretty good but later episodes not so much, I’ll be watching it though just because it’ll have some entertaining bit in it and for the farewell.

    This forum would also be better off without you on it but hey, we can’t have everything we want.

    I take beer for bribes.

    Full Member

    I quite like cars

    Clarkson’s a ****, with zero redeeming qualities

    Didn’t know they were still making the show


    Free Member

    Don’t drive or have much interest in cars  but these 3 idiots have been making me laugh for over a third of my life (I’m 63). Genuinely sad that they have gone their separate ways. Really enjoy Clarkson’s Farm and Hammond’s Workshop.  James May’s Japan was OK but didn’t like the  Italy series, will give the India one a go. Here’s hoping that it’s not the last time they’re on screen together.

    Full Member

    I watched it so you don’t have to.

    No different from any of their other specials other than it’s their last.

    They should’ve just done their first one and left it at that.

    You’re genuinely not missing anything by not watching it.

    Full Member

    No different from any of their other specials other than it’s their last.

    Fewer contrived stunts and challenges which is definitely a plus. I thought it had some amusing bits and it was better for being Three Blokes Cocking Around In Cars rather than the “hilarious” pranks and scripted squabbles of previous episodes.

    Plus Zimbabwe did look stunningly beautiful.

    What they made little effort to hide this time was just what a massive support crew they have with them!

    Full Member

    As a special I felt they had made better but I still found it entertaining and I have to admit that I found the last 5/10 mins a wee bit emotional.

    Full Member

    Really enjoyed that.

    You could tell it was a proper celebration of their time together, from running jokes (minus the bumping into each other) to redoing some of their previous things but properly this time.  Acknowledging all the ‘lasts’ was a great way to make it a bit more human too.  Finding the two original cars was the only contrived bit I spotted but that’s because their locations have been known for a few years now, DriveTribe even did a video about it, but I’m guessing that Clarkson and May weren’t aware they would be there as their reactions were obviously genuine.

    I do know that all 3 of the cars used for this one are at The Smallest Cog and being worked on to restore them, wonder if the original two have found their way back to join Oliver?

    Free Member

    Enjoyed it.

    Full Member

    Love em or hate em you cant deny they had something special between them, cant think of many other TV presenting teams that still pulled in the numbers they did after 20+ years together. End of an era.

    Lovely ending. JC’s Monte Carlo looked bloody brilliant too! (love emoji goes here)

    Full Member

    Be nice if they could make a Xmas special program.
    Just once a year, they work well together as a team. Remember the awful forced hilarity with the TG follow up crew , Paddy Myguiness etc . Cringey.
    Some of the production , camera work and imagination that went into TG was some of the best outside of Wide-screen big budget cinematography.

    Full Member

    I committed hypocrisy and watched it, being fairly enjoyable for a Friday night home alone and I agree despite my recent opinion of Clarkson it was a slightly emotional ending to an era.   I’m really glad the ending and credits included the crew.

    Things of note I spotted were Clarkons Seamaster, Hammonds Explorer and Clarksons belly, my god the latter is a world of its own.

    Full Member


    Rascist, misogynistic anti cyclist, anti union, right wing, violent alcoholic adulterer.

    What’s not to like?

    The apologists on here come over like the morons who voted for Boris because he was ‘funny’.

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