That cold/virus/plague that I posted about up there, ages ago – it’s back. Probably never left in the first place. Living with two small children means we’re pretty much swimming in germs here – coughing and sneezing seeming to be as frequent as drawing breath to the wee devils.
I’ve been to the Dr several times and each time is the same – drink plenty water and keep it in control with paracetamol and ibuprofen. Everyone else tells me I need my tonsils out – they always become infected and sore when ever I have any illness.
Anyway, my question is this
On my last few bike runs I’ve had no strength in my legs. I’ve been miles behind friends who normally I’d be chatting with. Even on flat parts of trail I don’t seem able to get any real speed going and all pedal sections are tackled at little more than a trundle. I even gave up on one night ride last week and came home after a couple of miles, such was my shame at being so far behind and my frustration at myself.
I’ve noticed even walking up stairs my legs get that heavy burn in them – please, tell me is this because of the cold/virus/plague that I have and not that I’ve just lost it?
The illness isn’t really a constant presence. I can feel more or less right for the best part of the day yet I’ll wake up in the middle of the night with a fever or I’ll become achy halfway through a days work. Tis a bloody pain in the arse, that’s for sure. I’ve got an event in May that I need to train for and this is really going to knacker that up.