I’ve got a fair few 4AD albums, by Pixies, Breeders, Belly, Kristin Hersh, Tanya Donnelly, and I’ve always loved the artwork and graphics, but it’s so difficult to pick a favourite.
One that isn’t necessarily a great design, and isn’t really my favourite, but is one that really formed my musical tastes for the rest of my life, after a schoolmate brought it in to school then let me borrow it, and it changed forever what I thought music could be.
Up to that point it had been whatever I’d heard on the radio, Beatles, Stones, a bit of Jethro Tull, mostly the pop chart stuff of the 60’s.
Then I heard this:
21st Century Schizoid Man utterly blew my mind, and even better, my folks hated it!
I can really only think of this one as the worst, there are probably worst buried away somewhere, but I can’t think of any at the moment, crap sleeves tended to put me off the band; “if that’s the best they can do for the sleeve, well…”
One of my absolute favourites, is this one:
It’s an album that Kris put together of poems by people who’s work she loved that she put to music, a broad range from all over the place, and as soon as I saw the sleeve design I just fell in love with it.
I’ve managed to get hold of one of a very limited run of hand-printed posters that Kris had run up by the artist for some US shows, and which she signed for me.
It’s sitting across the room now, framed up and waiting to go on the wall.
And I highly recommend Kris as someone who anyone who appreciates fine singing and songwriting should check out.