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  • The Best 16 Bit console was…
  • bearnecessities
    Full Member

    Is it? Oh heck. It’s been sat in cupboard for a long time!

    Free Member

    Had both and SNES was the winner.

    SF2 turbo
    Mario kart
    Secret of mana
    Super tennis
    Contra 3
    Final fight

    SNES was the greatest console of all time……………

    Full Member

    SNES all the way

    Some of the games still stand up today.

    Yoshi’s Island for instance – brilliant.

    Out of all the iterations of Super Mario Kart, the original SNES one is still the best

    Free Member

    3D0 had an early ARM processor in it, didn’t it?

    Free Member


    Mariokart, SF2, Mario World.

    Spent far too long playing SF2 Turbo.

    Full Member

    remember the ENDLESS disc swapping

    Oh good god yes (but on the Amiga). Pointy click adventures were the worst, Monkey Island 2 and Beneath a Steel Sky had like 17 discs each

    Free Member

    MD for me with Speedball


    NBA Jam … still use the sayings “can’t buy a bucket” when I have one of those days where everything seems to go wrong… and of course “from down town” when you hit the bin with a paper ball from distance… 😀

    Full Member

    As a random aside, the PC version of Beneath a Steel Sky is officially freeware these days if you want to relive it.


    I should play it again really, one of the few P&C games I didn’t complete. I eventually resorted to a walkthrough and I apparently needed a rubber band to get past where I was stuck (something about stopping a bomb from being dropped out of a plane IIRC), but didn’t have such a thing and it wasn’t mentioned anywhere else in the guide.

    EDIT – just spotted that a sequel was greenlit at the back end of last year, too. Cool.

    Full Member

    I replayed BaSS not long ago, and still loved it. Even the copy protection mechanic was rather nicely integrated into the game itself.

    Free Member

    SNES by a mile. The games managed to pull you in and always rewarded time put in.

    Mariokart – snes version is one of the bast racing games ever imo. Played for years and years and years. Still played with an old friend at least once a year.
    Street Fighter 2 Turbo – immense 2 player
    Bomberman – frantic multi player
    Pilotwings – Ace one player
    Zelda – brilliant
    Sensible Soccer – Ace two player
    Jimmy Conners Tennis – suprisingly good 2 player
    Super Off Road – v good


    Free Member

    Zelda Link to the Past


    I never really liked the feel of mega drive controllers.

    The SNES always seemed to bat above it’s own average, I think Nintendo’s licensing fees really weeded the wheat from the chaff gmae wise – and Nintendo’s own game designers were absolutely on fire in those days.

    Full Member

    Regards Beneath a Steel Sky, earlier I said,

    I eventually resorted to a walkthrough and I apparently needed a rubber band to get past where I was stuck

    I’ve just dug up another walkthrough and I believe I’ve merged two games in my head. Was there something else around at the same time that looked / played similarly?

    Free Member

    bearnecessities – Member
    Is it? Oh heck. It’s been sat in cupboard for a long time!

    Resurrect it man! 😀

    Mine gave up the ghost a long time ago 😥

    Free Member

    I had a Mega Drive, but I’d have liked a SNES. Mostly for SF2, which eventually arrived on MD anyway.

    MD was massively improved when they released the 6 button pad, which I preferred to the SNES one.

    Also, Road Rash 2. Yes.

    Free Member

    Sensible Soccer, Speedball2 and first and second samurai took up hours of time on my Amiga.

    As did Cannon Fodder, happy days

    Free Member

    The SNES was way superior to the mega drive if you ask me. You only had to compare the Mega Drive version of SF2 to the SNES version to see the difference. SNES also had mode 7 graphics which games like mario kart and F zero utilised.

    Full Member

    Whilst moving a few weeks back I found my old snes with bomber man, street fighter, mario kart, star fox etc. I’m not sure whether turning it on will spoil the memories. ..

    Free Member

    Rob: I’ve played Mario World and Zelda as recently as last year, they totally hold up! Reckon Star Fox might be best left alone, always found that a touch underwhelming at the time as it was.

    Just remembered, Shadowrun on the Snes was a cracker too! I remember getting caught by my mum (aged 10) pulling an all nighter on it on a school night. Somehow managed to convince her to phone me in sick but god I got a hiding for it!

    Full Member


    In a past life, I used to GM the Shadowrun pen & paper RPG.

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    Free Member

    I was working full time when these consoles were out and I couldn’t afford one.

    Full Member

    Resurrect it man!

    If I get snowed in and have to WFH Monday, I will 😀

    Free Member

    SNES gets my vote.

    Free Member

    SNES by a mile.
    I remember the day I bought mine in the sale from Toys “R” Us in Teesside Park. It was £70 of hard earned paper round money. I probably only had 10 games, but they were expensive and I bought them with my own money. Wasn’t Starwing £60? Seemed crazy but wasn’t there 3D hardware in the games cartridge or something?

    Super Mario World was and is still is my greatest game of all time. I have probably spent more of my life playing that game than anything else. And it all started at Yoshi’s house.

    Free Member

    SNES with SF2 turbo with the up down left right thing that made it faster.

    A-dap-dap-doo-ken, indeed.

    Free Member

    Mega-drive, I held the level speed records for a couple of the sonic levels in sega power magazine. I can still do them now in my head. I once beat Danny Curly in a head to head, which is very geeky boast. Despite that I have managed to get a girlfriend.

    Free Member

    @ ormondroyd – the 3do had a RISC processor I believe.

    @ brakes – agree absolutely on Super Mario World. Spellbinding and Nintendo at their world-beating best generally with the SN. 8)

    I also think many of the games wouldn’t have been possible if it wasn’t for the superb joypad.

    Didn’t it take Sega about 4/5 years to bring out a 6 button pad?!

    Free Member

    Shadowrun on the SNES was fantastic, easily one of the best games I’ve ever played.

    Free Member

    I have recently got my SNES out of the loft and started playing on it again. I was disappointed to find that the battery back up had died on my Super Mario World. All 96 levels gone!

    It was a good excuse to start playing the game again. 🙂

    I also had a go on my old N64 & Game Cube. Of the three, the games and visuals on the SNES are still the best. The N64 & Game Cube seem to have ‘dated’ more in my option. Where as the SNES was just as I remembered it. Happy Days!

    Full Member

    IvanDobski – Member

    Shadowrun on the SNES was fantastic, easily one of the best games I’ve ever played.
    That was a great game.
    I can’t help but think that the remake will try and be too realistic and lose a lot of the charm.

    I also think my fondness for the SNES is partly due to it coinciding with my student years 🙂

    Full Member

    I can’t help but think that the remake will try and be too realistic and lose a lot of the charm.

    Well, it’s got a lot of the original team involved, for what difference that makes.

    I’m a big fan of Shadowrun, I backed …Returns on Kickstarter and everything, but to my chagrin I never played the SNES game. Maybe I should rectify that.

    Full Member

    iBaa – Member

    I have recently got my SNES out of the loft and started playing on it again. I was disappointed to find that the battery back up had died on my Super Mario World. All 96 levels gone!

    It was a good excuse to start playing the game again.

    I also had a go on my old N64 & Game Cube. Of the three, the games and visuals on the SNES are still the best. The N64 & Game Cube seem to have ‘dated’ more in my option. Where as the SNES was just as I remembered it. Happy Days!

    Still got my GameCube, complete with GameBoy Advance player – GBA games on the telly, whoo!
    Playing Ocarina of Time again at the mo – it’s just as good as it was the first time.
    GameCube was massively under rated – still has some of the best ever Nintendo games.

    Wish I’d have kept my N64 too, but I traded it in for a Playstation years ago. Idiot.

    Free Member

    I hope you’re all happy – I’ve spent all day playing mario on the zsnes emulator!

    Free Member

    aphex_2k – Member

    SNES with SF2 turbo with the up down left right thing that made it faster.

    A-dap-dap-doo-ken, indeed.
    Posted 16 hours ago # Report-Post

    down r up l ybxa… igmc

    I remember completing mario world, all 96 exits inc the secret ones.

    Full Member

    I’m a big fan of Shadowrun, I backed …Returns on Kickstarter and everything, but to my chagrin I never played the SNES game. Maybe I should rectify that.

    Oh yes you should with no delay!

    SNES with SF2 turbo with the up down left right thing that made it faster.

    Up Down Left Right Y B X A. I have muscle memory for that one!

    Free Member

    Except its not up down.. good memory..

    Full Member

    Out of all the iterations of Super Mario Kart, the original SNES one is still the best

    ^^ Yes it is!

    Except its not up down.. good memory..

    Is it not? Are you sure…!

    Full Member

    Up left down right…?

    Full Member

    Sadly sitting here with imaginary snes pad and using trumpeted muscle memory!

    Full Member

    Put me out of my misery!

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