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  • Talkemada – Blocked
  • zokes
    Free Member

    Persistently casting doubt on his dad's story when a brief google check would show the veracity of the story was just plain rude and Fred/Talky asked them to stop.

    Yes, he was a typical bully really. Could dish it out, but could never take it and started crying about it when people wouldn't stop. He rounded on enough people in his time: surely it's fair that others rounded on him? He seemed to thrive on it.

    Oh and he was ignorant, very ignorant, on many levels.

    Free Member

    Aren't we all on some level?

    He was ok – you just had to know how to read him. Plus, I naturally sympathise with people whose mouths get the better of them. It's like a form of OCD – you just can't stop with the arguments…

    Free Member

    Seemed fine to me – maybe we suffer from the same "syndrome" or something and so I'm blind to any negativity?

    Free Member

    Funny how those who were bullied at school become the online bullies of today?

    Free Member

    paddedfred has/had no brakes. You could tell from his number of posts steadily rising to a crescendo over the last couple of weeks that he was going to get a ban.

    I've always liked his rantings and don't really understand how people can get so upset about the internet. I get the impression that if you locked him in a room on his own he would eventually beat himself up then shake hands with himself.

    Characters are what makes human interaction interesting, and he's a character.

    Free Member

    Far too many people on here take/took him far too seriously. What the mods should do is put an automatic signature on his posts:
    "Don't take this post too seriously"

    Free Member

    Yossarian – that is so true.

    Me – I'd just have a shouting match with myself in a locked room

    Free Member

    Crikey. 5 pages?
    Whether I agreed with his views or not he is/was just some bloke on some internet forum.

    Full Member

    I feel a bit sorry for him. Anyone who keeps coming back like that is obviously very needy and just a little bit creepy too.

    He'll be back.

    Full Member

    FWIW (not much, really), it's interesting what a sense of community there is on here – people feeling quite strongly about how we're a group and this is where we come to chat.
    Thing is, it's not *our* forum, it's stw's, so if they want to bar people, they can.
    Not that I really knew any of the aforementioned people, mind.

    Free Member

    To me there are two issues.

    1) Fred was banned without any breech of the rules

    2) other people are allowed to stay on here despite having abhorrent views and despite breaking the rules continuously

    I know its not a democracy and that it is STWs playground but to me this is rank hypocrisy. Some people get away with using multiple logins to express abhorrent views or return to the forum after lifetime bans with a new login and are allowed to stay, some are not.

    It looks like its about does your face fit.

    Full Member

    I liked him, he was nice to me. Anyway, vigorous discussions and opposing points of view are good things aren't they?

    Was he banned for the word ponce? A quick google gives:

    (context, UK, slang) A pimp.
    (context, UK, pejorative) A posh or effeminate person
    An individual who attempts to fake having intelligence, class, or culture.

    I always understood it to mean a cadger or scrounger and a woman I work with from Oz once called another colleague a ponce. Upon seeing our reaction, she explained that back home it meant a happy lively person.

    Nothing homophobic there

    Free Member

    Would I be asking too much, or possibly incurring the wrath of THEM by asking the mods why he was banned? I'm not trying to be argumentative, but the fact that this thread is now running to five pages surely speaks volumes about the depth of feeling (both negative and positive) about the cheeky scamp.

    Free Member

    I have to say I feel the same way as TandemJeremy, albeit slightly less strongly.

    FWIW, I think the moderation could be a little bit heavier but otoh I recognise that that takes time and/or effort and/or money, and apparently I am unwilling to contribute to that myself, so maybe I should stfu. But what I think is bad is that you get a lot (well, no, not a lot – but a certain volume) of very crappy stuff like the anti-Gypsy/Muslim threads that pop up periodically that is never modded. The situation there comes like the boor at a party that's telling "****" jokes – do you ignore him (which lets him think everyone agrees with him) or do you challenge him (which makes a scene and gives him a martyr complex)? Fredboy would always challenge him. But really the better approach would be if the party's host chucked the boor out themselves.

    But then again, if you don't like someone else's party, feel free to host your own at your own place.

    But then again again, if you're holding the party (forum) to promote your company and attract clients (advertisers and subscribers), maybe having boors hang around is bad for business if it makes you look like you're happy to accommodate them.

    I don't know.

    Especially if they try to avoid swear filters and other "hot" words.

    I had to sit on the naughty seat for a week or two last year for evading the swear filter, which I have to admit I didn't know was actually an offence (I mean, if it doesn't trip the filter, doesn't that mean it won't get the office-bound reader in trouble?) but it's their rules, so fair enough.

    But weirdly enough there is a lot of swear filter evasion that goes on that doesn't seem to be problematic, and the thread I had been posting on at the time was one of those "bashing" threads so…anyway, not that anyone cares at this point.

    Free Member

    I think the fact that this isn't the first thread running into 5 pages about him goes some way to explaining why he was banned. He's too much trouble, causes them too much hassle, and is something they probably have a much easier life without.

    Free Member

    I would like to say that he is NOT BANNED from the Big Bike Bash even after the 'Fred-gate' incident in the chalet bed.

    Free Member

    BigBikeBash – Member

    I would like to say that he is NOT BANNED from the Big Bike Bash even after the 'Fred-gate' incident in the chalet bed.


    Free Member

    Well judging from the fact that were nearly on 200 posts, quite a few people, actually.

    Free Member

    KingTut – We he does for a start and anyone who can generate 5 pages of threads simply by not being here 'might' means someone Gives A F

    Free Member

    Well judging from the fact that were nearly on 200 posts, quite a few people, actually.

    I was referring to the (yet another) cheap plug.

    Free Member

    Surely the troublesome people are the most interesting? The easy going ones tend to be mindnumbingly dull 🙁 Bring back TakaFred!

    Free Member

    Ah – bit slow on the uptake there 😳 Also, what happens at the bigbikebash STAYS at the bigbikebash.

    Free Member

    Hey KingTut – That is one of the first cheap plugs for the New 2010 BigBikeBash. All of the others were for the 2009 Big Bike Bash!

    Please give me credit for resisting last years thread splatter advertising campaign.

    Free Member

    Surely the troublesome people are the most interesting?

    Keep telling yourself that Shirley. 🙂

    Free Member

    konabunny – Member
    what I think is bad is that you get a lot (well, no, not a lot – but a certain volume) of very crappy stuff like the anti-Gypsy/Muslim threads that pop up periodically that is never modded.

    Well there is the means to make your objection to a thread known 😉

    If you think a post is a deliberate troll, abusive, offensive or otherwise a bit naughty then don’t hesitate to email us at moderator@singletrackworld.com and we’ll have a look. We can’t guarantee we’ll agree with you but at least we’ll be aware of any infringements to other members’ sensibilities.

    Full Member

    1) Fred was banned without any breech of the rules

    Other than endless trolling/wind-ups, negative use of the forum, abuse to others, endless emails to Mark @ STW…
    People like that are best banned, I'm guessing that the staff have better things to do (like write the magazine that pays their wages) than deal with trolling attention seeking **** posting deliberately inflammatory shite in vast quantities. He'd had loads of warnings, still couldn't control himself, what do you think is going to happen?!

    Free Member

    +1 Crazy-legs

    Free Member

    there is the means to make your objection to a thread known

    A fair comment.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    crazy-legs – Member

    ………., endless emails to Mark @ STW…

    He did? How do you know that?

    Free Member

    TJ – c-l is a mod….

    Free Member

    What about that rule regarding only having one account? That seems to be largely ignored.

    Free Member


    Free Member



    Free Member

    druidh – Member

    TJ – c-l is a mod…

    Fair enough then. I don't know who are mods. Reasonable that he knows then.

    Druidh – thats one of the things I find difficult. I am not very good at spotting them but I know of two people who have used multiple accounts to escape the effects of a ban for being racist. One used a different name for racist trolling, the other was banned for being racist then reappeared with a new name.

    Full Member

    TJ – the Simon Wiesenthal of STW 8)

    Free Member

    Is that a complement? 😕

    Full Member

    I'm not, I just happened to be in the office a while ago on one of the many other occasions that FredBoy was being banned.

    Free Member

    Oh, un-PWNED then. Don't mind me….

    Full Member

    Bound to happen, his being banned again, he couldn't help it, it always happened, he'd start off slow, get wound up, have a few beers, and viola banned. Dunno why he was allowed back on last time, or in fact bothered himself.

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