Home Forums Chat Forum Syria! why does Bashar Al Assad have to go and do the Syrian people have a say?

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  • Syria! why does Bashar Al Assad have to go and do the Syrian people have a say?
  • kaesae
    Free Member

    Libya, the country the UK helped free!

    Now unsafe for embassies and the red cross as well as other charities/human rights organizations.

    TV says it was a good thing, so who cares about the facts!

    Free Member

    so who cares about the facts!

    Well, you never seemed to be a massive fan of the facts no.

    Free Member

    Having provided you lot with countless facts on you tube clips that could have been easily verified with a little research, the only argument you could come up with was to say none of the facts are true because you say so!

    President George Washington’s Fiendish Foe: The Depraved Rothschild British Banking System.

    22 country’s the British are still to help with humanitarian aid, maybe you should tell your government, there are people who still need you to free them!

    Free Member

    Shut up now please.

    Free Member

    I will leave you lot to your fate, one that through your own complacency you truly deserve!

    Breaking a promise, and one that brought so much joy to all of our hearts – shame on you.

    And what about those frames ?

    Free Member

    Does he have you all on the plugin blocklist or is he studiously avoiding the questions?

    Free Member

    This thread seems to lead a charmed existence…

    Free Member

    atlaz – Member
    Does he have you all on the plugin blocklist or is he studiously avoiding the questions?

    I can’t answer this question. I can however confirm that he is studiously doing absolutely nothing about whatever he is waffling on about.

    Asides from failing to make change happen on STW, he’s actually very good at that. If his his goal is to achieve nothing(or trolling?), then the boys a rip roaring success!

    Free Member

    Does anybody even follow upon his links?

    Or even reading his posts for that matter? I just see his name pop up and think…

    franksinatra – Member
    Hey kaesae! Seeing as you are not going to find out the answer to world conflict, why don’t you instead tell us where you got those frames from? You have ignored the question at least 30 times.

    Now at least 32 times.

    Free Member

    This thread seems to lead a charmed existence…

    As in it’s survived being reported multiple times? Or it’s the work of a higher power? 🙂

    Free Member

    Well, if I was a conspiracy theorist, I would suggest kaesae is actually working for STW Towers.

    Free Member

    Well, if I was a conspiracy theorist, I would suggest kaesae is actually working for STW Towers.

    We’ll be needing a scrappy, rambling youtube video some proof of that assertion….

    Free Member

    I think this video should prove my theory.

    As does this…

    Free Member

    I’d like to elaborate (with no credible evidence) on this proposed ‘STW/Kaiser forum posting booster theory’

    I have been enlightened by You Tube that STW is waging a proxy war against BikeRadar for forum posts, this proxy war has been launched from a comfy/possibly middle class Edinburgh navel gazing residence.

    Here is proof from YouTube

    ‘Someone’ riding quite slowly down something quite easy;

    Convincing isn’t it!

    Here are some other videos, I mean evidence;


    I assume this is all the proof needed.

    Free Member

    It appears STW Towers has removed Piemonster’s ability to embed videos.

    The plot thickens….*

    *MSG in the water supply?


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