Home Forums Chat Forum Syria! why does Bashar Al Assad have to go and do the Syrian people have a say?

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  • Syria! why does Bashar Al Assad have to go and do the Syrian people have a say?
  • Gweilo
    Free Member

    Kaesae, Last three posts of yours I’ve read can be summarised like this – Iran’s a nice place with a reasonable regime being bullied by the west with associated anti-semmitic garbage included.

    911 was a fake set up by the jews and/or the CIA and was nothing to do with islamic extremism

    and now we have Bashar Al Aassad’s a nice bloke why does he have to go…. the west are sponsoring terrorists in Syria. He’s killing people in the country he dictates to in an attempt to hang on to power if you hadn’t noticed.

    What’s your view of the Taliban shooting a little girl in the head because she wanted an education? Unless I missed it you’ve been pretty quiet on that one…..

    Free Member

    Full Member

    I can’t be arsed watching that. Could you do us a summary? Would it involve, by any remote chance, Assad smiling nicely and claiming that his murderous regime is simply misunderstood? The confusion being fuelled by a corrupt western media? And he hasn’t actually been bombing civilian areas, but actually saving ickle fwuffy kittens?

    Free Member

    emsz – Member


    Just for you kaesea…

    It’s a joke ok? don’t get cross

    best post on this Thread!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Hmm RT television, the russian state funded TV station…. thought you said the media could not be trusted?…..

    Free Member

    ah, everyone’s favourite slacktivist. Done anything practical yet Kaesae?

    Full Member

    marcus are you cynically suggesting that the Russian government, presently making a fortune selling Assad arms, would use its tame TV station to give a sympathetic interview for him to put accross his opinion unchallenged?

    Where’s Phillip Scholfield when you need him eh? 😉

    Free Member

    ah, everyone’s favourite slacktivist. Done anything practical yet Kaesae?

    C’mon now, Clubber. He has posted a youtube video, admittedly he didn’t film it, research it, produce it, encode it, verify it or do anything of any tangible benefit to anyone, but you wouldn’t want to be spoon fed, right?

    Full Member

    If he did anything more than that, wouldn’t that make him complicit in the evil western global media conspiracy, he so despises?

    Free Member

    C’mon now, Clubber. He has posted a youtube video, admittedly he didn’t film it, research it, produce it, encode it, verify it or do anything of any tangible benefit to anyone, but you wouldn’t want to be spooned, right?

    What a difference a space and a F makes….

    Free Member

    What a difference a F makes….

    …and a space.

    Free Member

    marcus7 – Member
    Hmm RT television, the russian state funded TV station…. thought you said the media could not be trusted?…..

    I’m sure he’ll be along with a PressTV video to corroborate the RT video shortly.

    Free Member

    oh FFS!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    *Whistles nonchalantly*

    Free Member

    ah, everyone’s favourite slacktivist. Done anything practical yet Kaesae?

    Free Member

    So to recap the extremists/terrorists are in Syria to help free the people, once Assad is gone they will go back to simply being covert forces for Qatar, Saudi Arabia and America in that area 😆

    Qatar, Saudi Arabia and America are no longer interested in regime change, they are now interested in helping human beings claim their freedom from a dictator, Saudi psychopath central Arabia is now interested in human rights 😆

    America has been responsible for tens of millions of deaths to civilians all over the world since the end of WW2, using a military that is one of the best trained most heavily armed and has some of the most advanced weapons in the world. We should just forget about that because it doesn’t fit with the picture the corporate media have very kindly painted for the people’s of the west.

    A picture that doesn’t fit with witnesses on the ground or the vast majority of sources, Bashar Al Assad is not blowing up his own security forces and loyal civilians with car bombs and suicide bombers. He’s not assassinating his own government or his own friends, nor is he murdering any Syrian who speaks out in support of the government.

    We should also forget or over look the fact that America has been involved in regime change for years and see’s it as standard policy.


    Boots on the ground will cost trillions, proxy forces a couple of billion, if you think the the US and it’s regional allies are not involved in regime change any more, that they have stopped trying to rule the world and change the global political situation, how smart does that make you?

    Free Member

    thanks for putting us all in the picture Kael, where would we be without your insights ?

    Free Member

    Let me ask this question again, why are terrorists who are funded, trained and equiped by Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the US fighting in Syria?

    What exactly do the terrorists hope to get and who is controlling them? also why is it that you seem to think the people of Syria want to be under the control of foreign terrorists, the fact that the opposition have no cohesion and could not dream of running a country, should tell you everything you need to know about the situation.

    However you have been told what to believe about this situation and regardless of how little sense it makes, you do not have the strength of character or depth of perception to think for yourselves.

    Free Member

    Look at the state of the planet and understand that your leaders are fools, what does it say about you who are willing to follow these heartless parasites and do you honestly still believe that they will sort all of our shit out?

    I will leave you lot to your fate, one that through your own complacency you truly deserve!

    Free Member



    Free Member

    I will leave you lot to your fate

    Please, please do. I beg you.

    Free Member

    Kael– your patronising is wearing thin,maybe try a different tack, as it does not appear to be having much effect on the world situation.

    Free Member

    what does it say about you who are willing to follow these heartless parasites and do you honestly still believe that they will sort all of our shit out?

    What are you actually doing about it then?

    I mean, apart from , waffling on about it on a relatively obscure bike forum?

    Do tell.

    Free Member

    have heard its going to kick off big stylee in Sark, something to do with a handcart ….

    Free Member

    What flash said

    Stop lecturing me about what i should be doing and **** off and do it yourself – its a win win as most of the internet is blocked by your peace loving mate- have you checked out his birthday …just saying like

    Full Member

    Damn, hadn’t seen anything of you on here for ages, and I honestly believed you might, possibly, have taken notice of my criticism and actually got your sorry ass onto an aircraft and gone out to Syria to actually do something; y’know, courage of your convictions, and all that. But no, you’re still sat on said sorry ass, lecturing everyone else in your usual patronising, condescending manner. What’s that quotation, something about sound and fury, signifying nothing?
    Kaesae, you are a textbook keyboard warrior, happy to sit in your nice, comfortable, middle-class home, ranting at others for doing nothing about a situation that is no business of theirs whatsoever, but you’re too bloody chickenshit to go and do something yourself.
    I despise people like you, as far as I’m concerned, you are utterly worthless, especially compared to a fourteen year-old girl, shot in the head by the Taliban for standing up for her right to be educated.
    Now, please, do all of us a favour and piss off.
    Thank you.
    …and breathe.

    Free Member

    What CZ said.

    Free Member

    What rogg said

    Free Member

    what everybody says

    Free Member

    what rudebwoy just said

    Free Member

    The **** is back.

    Full Member

    What pie monster just said. And Allah. Probably.

    Full Member

    Hey kaesae! Seeing as you are not going to find out the answer to world conflict, why don’t you instead tell us where you got those frames from? You have ignored the question at least 30 times.

    Full Member

    I think I’m going to chance my forum name to ThreadKiller. Every time I ask Kaesae about this he disappears!

    Free Member

    These women have something they would like to say.

    Franksinatra, if you would like to discuss it, rather than trying to act like you actually have balls, emails in my profile give me your address I’ll drive over, you still living at the borders?

    Free Member

    Kaesae, if you would like to discuss do something about it, rather than trying to act like you actually have balls

    So, apart from waffling about it on a relatively obscure bike forum, what have you actually done about it all? Do tell….

    Free Member

    And while your at it

    franksinatra – Member
    Hey kaesae! Seeing as you are not going to find out the answer to world conflict, why don’t you instead tell us where you got those frames from? You have ignored the question at least 30 times.

    Free Member

    Yes, that too.

    Do tell…..

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