Home Forums Bike Forum Surprised the new “Shed Fire” frame isn’t being ooh-ed and aah-ed over

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  • Surprised the new “Shed Fire” frame isn’t being ooh-ed and aah-ed over
  • druidh
    Free Member

    miketually – Member

    I think it’s a very pretty frame. Aesthetics are important, we just disagree on what is pretty.

    Who is “we” in this context? Brant is saying that aesthetics aren’t important. I’d say that for many, many bikers it is.

    Free Member

    miketually – Member

    I think it’s a very pretty frame. Aesthetics are important, we just disagree on what is pretty.

    Says the man with the drop-bar 29er 🙂

    Aesthetics should follow function everytime.


    Free Member

    Brant – Do you have a sideline as a cheesy TV illusionist?

    He is Ted Rodgers of 3 2 1 and I claim my £5.

    As for Rudeboy, I don’t have a go because of who you are, I’m not like that. I have a go because you really seemed to be having a go at something you’d not really seen or knew much about. If you were only talking about aesthetics, then fine – should’ve made that clearer. Try starting with “from a purely aesthetic point of view…” or something.

    You came over like the Harry Enfield character – “you don’t wanna do it like that!”. You could’ve said something like “Well personally I much prefer the traditional clean lines of Dekerf/Indyfab/whoever” rather than just telling Brant he’s wrong.

    And @AB – I don’t know Brant or ride his bikes. I always spring to the defence of persons or parties that I feel are being unfairly criticised or maligned.

    Free Member

    rather than just telling Brant he’s wrong.

    Where did I say he was ‘wrong’?

    Free Member

    Who is “we” in this context?

    We = RudeBoy and I.

    Says the man with the drop-bar 29er

    I blame the designer 😉

    Well personally I much prefer the traditional clean lines of Dekerf/Indyfab/whoever

    I’d say this bike does have clean lines. The plate is hidden behind the chainrings, so you’ll barely ever see it and the rest is pretty conventional double-diamond stuff, but cleaner than most because of the unmanipulated tubes.

    Personally, I think the plate-as-seatstay-bridge looks much cleaner than the lager can on the On-One Ti frames 🙂 The chainstays line up with the top tube too, which is the one (minor) irritation I have with my Solitude frame.

    Free Member

    Where did I say he was ‘wrong’?

    About here:

    So, a bunch of features which seem to be different, just for the sake of being different, to the detriment of the aesthetic appeal and possibly weight of the frame…

    Free Member

    The chainstays line up with the top tube too, which is the one (minor) irritation I have with my Solitude frame.

    There is a reason for that Mike. The seat stays support the top of the seat tube and allows the top tube to be dropped a little for the forward facing seat tube slot and stand over height.


    Free Member

    It’s these sort of threads that put me off posting on here more often.

    ‘Oh yeah, those angles are all wrong, that’ll be sh1t to ride.’ How can you possibly tell that from a picture? Look at what you’ve typed. And you’re compairing chainstay bridges?!? Jesus wept what next – Facebook groups to standardise bottle boss mountings? Seriously, some folks on here should spend less time typing and more time riding/working/having a life

    Free Member

    Seriously, some folks on here should spend less time typing and more time riding/working/having a life

    We do it to relieve the boredome whilst we are at work, nothing more. If I COULD go out and ride NOW, I can assure you I’d do just that!
    We can’t ride, so we talk about bikes. Nowt wrong with that is there?


    Free Member

    There is a reason for that Mike.

    I know, that’s why I don’t mind it 🙂 Form, function, etc.

    Free Member

    Actually, I think this thread is legend. Mike started it semi-tongue-cheek presumably so that we could have a fanboy collective soggy-biscuit competition over brant’s new bike. But every time we do that someone pops up to say I don’t like the look of it, and we get to lynch them. Brant, who often gives the impression of being drunk in charge of a computer and has a less petulant and more gonzo approach to abusing his customers than Fruit ever managed, wades in with a particularly wonderful insult which combines contempt for metrosexual southerners with a marvellous kick-off of the “form over function” debate. We may be here some time. 😉

    Free Member

    If I COULD go out and ride NOW, I can assure you I’d do just that!

    Hear hear.

    And +1 for BD 🙂 (as always)

    Free Member

    I’ve missed ths place… 🙂

    Free Member

    Hardly. Been mtbing for over 20 years. Owned a fair few bikes, worked in ‘the trade’.

    Big deal – so have I and alot of folk on here, we just don’t offer Brant et al “advice” – he actually designs and sells them (a WHOLE different ball game to riding them/working in shops) so some of us have the humility to let him get on with it.

    Enjoy your retort, but I doubt I’ll even bother reading it, you are just way too far up yourself.

    Free Member

    Out of curiosity, any singlespeeds on the horizon?

    Free Member

    Out of curiosity, any singlespeeds on the horizon?

    Not from us.

    Free Member

    You know I havent been on STW for yonks (maybe 2yrs), only came on today to see if you lot were having a gibber about Brants new frame pics. Rudeboy did you used to go under a different name ’cause I always remember some gobshite picking holes in all and sundry then having a huff ’cause your 20yrs of hardcore riding havent earned the respect they deserve?

    Can I just say (and honestly I dont really know a whole lot about geometry, I just know what feels right for me) I bought a Ti456 from Brant in October, has been just loads of fun, super comfortable and made riding through the winter a joy. Where else do you get to speak to the guy who designed your bike, get some good advice about set-up and be on the recieving end of some proper left-field sarcasm.

    Good luck with Shedfire fella, if the new Ti frame is half as good as the 456 you will sell loads.

    Free Member

    As for Rudeboy, I don’t have a go because of who you are, I’m not like that.

    As for Rudeboy, I have a go because of who you are, I’m like that.

    Free Member

    Very funny thread!!!

    Free Member

    Tandems? 96ers (ask WCA)? Fixie with disc mounts? Eccentric BB shells? Or just proper frames?

    Full Member

    …often gives the impression of being drunk in charge of a computer and has a less petulant and more gonzo approach to abusing his customers than Fruit ever managed, wades in with a particularly wonderful insult…

    Sheer brilliance there, BD!

    Free Member

    Jesus wept…. 😯

    Free Member

    I think its unfair to brand Rudeboy as a prissy f*cker, I’ve ridden with him on a few occasions and I would say he does have his own valid insights into many a riding thing, that said I do disagree with the way he will flatly refuse to admit that a white lace saddle doily that requires constant adjustment and repositioning is an unnecessary distraction.

    oh and Brant that head tube angle is .5 of a degree too steep! 😉

    Full Member

    if you want a traditional frame there are plenty about, you want something that looks different from most of the others but works just as well, then i saw vive la difference!
    it’s certainly sparked discussion and it’s not even in production, i’d have one just for the fact that it’s a bit iconoclastic

    Free Member

    Surely we won’t end it on a sensible note. Or will we?

    Free Member

    Where else do you get to speak to the guy who designed your bike, get some good advice about set-up and be on the recieving end of some proper left-field sarcasm.

    Good luck with Shedfire fella, if the new Ti frame is half as good as the 456 you will sell loads.

    Free Member

    I like it.

    Free Member

    I think some of the tags speak more about this ‘debate’ than some of the actual posts..

    Fortunately, there are one or two who are capable of independent thought, though.


    Rudeboy did you used to go under a different name ’cause I always remember some gobshite picking holes in all and sundry then having a huff ’cause your 20yrs of hardcore riding havent earned the respect they deserve?

    What I find really amusing, is that people take so much notice of what some ‘gobshite’ writes! To remember stuff from way back. Me, I don’t often pay enough attention to remember things for much more than a day or so, as most drivel on here is of such little consequence. Many people simply have absolutely nothing to say for themselves, so they just latch on to whatever seems to be the ‘trendiest’ school of thought on a subject.

    I notice that Brant can come across as quite arrogant, no doubt due to the Fanboi following he gets on here. A following which I think is well deserved, as the stuff he markets seems to work well, and be popular with those that use it. I do think the ravings are sometimes a little disproportionate; but it’s just not ‘cool’ to rave on about a Marin, Spesh or Trek…

    I acknowledge that the ‘rough and ready’ approach Brant takes to ‘design’ is refreshing and welcomed by may people. Certainly, On-One’s reputation was built on that ‘let’s try this see if it works’ approach.

    Good luck to Brant, and anyone trying to achieve something a little ‘different’ to the rest. Got to have a few eccentrics in shed, pottering away to come up with new ideas.

    But I feel the real issue here, is that as someone who won’t subscribe to the Brant Bum-Licking Society, I am therefore a Pariah, an Outcast, not one of the ‘Gang’. It can be very insular on here. People who’ve had a pop at me have conveniently ignored the positive things I’ve had to say about the frame, like the use of straight rather than bendy tubes. AndI’ve only actually criticised two aspects of it; the seatstay plate, which I accept is a purely aesthetic issue, and the rivnut things. Personally, I’ve experienced and seen a lot of rivnut fittings fail. It’s simply not as good a solution as welding something on. Brant himself even says that the decision to use them was a matter of cost.

    I rarely post on matters bike, on here, simply because of the attitudes. there’s always someone who knows better than you, or thinks you’re wrong, purely because they don’t want you to be right.

    As for humility; I think others need to look up what that word actually means…

    I do enjoy a debate, but please, people; think about stuff a bit more, before you decide to slag someone off. Try to understand their point of view, before simply dismissing them as a ‘prissy f*cker’ (that is such a rubbish insult anyway!).

    This will probbly end when I get bored of it. Which may be soon. So youse can all go back to worriting about something else.

    MrNutt: on that issue, Sir, you are wrong. Sooooo wrong.

    In fact, you’re probbly a racist, or something.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the bump, fanboy.

    Keep it going.

    Free Member

    No worries, Brant. 😉

    [Edited because that was personally insulting, and out of order]

    Free Member

    all i know is that frame aint aimed at me.

    im sure loads of people will be blowing their wads over it though. in fact i would bet padded puts the cash up pre production.

    Free Member

    I’ve only met Brant once. I neither liked or dislike him- he seemed a good bloke though. I have to meet/get to know someone over a length of time before I form a firm opinion rather than go on first impressions.
    How can you critise someone or have an opinion on someones product based on limited information??!!! 😐
    If someone is local (UK-based) and not out to rip people off surely it wouldnt hurt to give their products the benefit of the doubt/lay off?
    When hes swanning around in a BMW X5 and lording it over then, yes but not yet!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    But I feel the real issue here, is that as someone who won’t subscribe to the Brant Bum-Licking Society, I am therefore a Pariah, an Outcast, not one of the ‘Gang’.

    Oh sod off. I know little about Brant or his bikes, so you can count me out of that particular club. Which I think you’ve made up anyway.

    I just took issue with the attitude that you appeared to take. Admittedly, I should’ve been a bit more tactful with my complaints, and I should’ve re-read the thread before wading in too. But I do think that a bit more diplomacy and sensitivity to the way you come over would go a long way. Unless you like getting into rows of course..?

    It’s nice to see that Brant is far too wise to get involved in this crap. Although having said that, if he really does drive an X5 then he’s scum, naturally.

    Full Member

    But I feel the real issue here, is that as someone who won’t subscribe to the Brant Bum-Licking Society, I am therefore a Pariah, an Outcast, not one of the ‘Gang’.

    Surely being an Outcast means you are one of the gang…


    Free Member

    But I feel the real issue here, is that as someone who won’t subscribe to the Brant Bum-Licking Society, I am therefore a Pariah, an Outcast, not one of the ‘Gang’.

    It looked more like you said what your issues with the frame were, Brant told you why he disagreed and why he’d made those decisions, and then you repeated why he was wrong.

    Full Member

    Met him once, seems like a pleasant bloke.

    Decent quality, well designed frames that sell for under £200, ride nicely and don’t fall apart in five minutes?
    Can’t see the problem, frankly.

    Wish he did 15 inch frames though, always fancied a 456 and the 16 inch ones are a bit too big.

    Really don’t understand why people get so het up about all this – just an ordinary bloke trying to do a good job, no?

    Free Member

    Molgrips you drink too much coffee.

    It’s nice to see that Brant is far too wise to get involved in this crap

    Erm… 😕

    Brant told you why he disagreed and why he’d made those decisions, and then you repeated why he was wrong.

    Nope. I disagree with him, that’s all. I’m sure that frame will be just right for those that buy them.

    I won’t be. Simple as that.

    But I’m sure he’s loving this free publicity; fits right in with his ‘cantankerous Yorkshireman’ image.

    Brant, if you want to send me a sample frame, so I can see how ‘right’ you are, I’ll happily stick it on e-bay! 😉

    Surely being an Outcast means you are one of the gang…

    Oh dear. How confusing…

    Free Member

    oooooh!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaah! harder! yes! like that! Yes! yes! yes! yes! yes!!! gusset!!! ****! yes! oooooooohhhhhh yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes!! waaaahey!!!!!

    Free Member

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