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  • STW safe crackers assemble
  • PiknMix
    Free Member

    I have just taken over a charity shop and office space is at a premium, a big bit of wasted space is taken up by an old safe.

    Untitled by Pik n Mix[/url], on Flickr

    Any ideas how I can get in it (the key is obviously missing) there may be something in it or it may be empty. If I could get a spare key then I could sell it and put the money into the charity coffers. I can’t really afford to get a professional out.

    Any ideas?

    Free Member

    Get a professional out.

    Find out what’s inside.

    See if it’s possible to get a key made.

    Sell open safe on Ebay or even better with key.

    They are worth a fair few quid.


    Why on earth is there a sign saying “do not use this safe”? HTF would you if there is no key?

    Free Member

    Why on earth is there a sign saying “do not use this safe”? HTF would you if there is no key?

    There’s a reason the managers position became open 😉

    Free Member

    “Do not use this safe”
    Does it unlock reliably? Sir Michael Caine does a lot for charities, maybe he can help

    Full Member

    After that news article where tourist cracked a safe by luck, sell tickets to punters to have a go 😀


    Free Member

    there may be something in it

    Give it a shake

    Free Member

    Give it a shake

    How strong are are you feeling? Be my guest, I can’t even get the thing to budge a mm.

    Free Member

    Contact local paper. Sow seed of story where mystery safe is opened for charity. Get locksmih onboard for free given the good publicity.

    Full Member

    Just blow the bloody doors off….

    Free Member

    How strong are are you feeling? Be my guest, I can’t even get the thing to budge a mm.

    Erm yes. That’s what he meant.

    Anyway. We had a similar situation, just with a newer safe. When we broke through the wall into the under stairs area we found the old entrance had been bricked up and sat in the corner was a huge safe.

    We went through the exact same thought process and eventually got a safe cracker in to pick it open. He did it remarkably easily and we discovered what was in the safe….


    So he fitted a new lck and we just use it to store laptops and assorted paperwork in when we’re away.

    I think it cost around 200 quid

    Free Member

    The keys are probably just in a safe place…

    Full Member

    Heh. My grandparents had one exactly like that. The little shield slides upwards to reveal the keyhole, yeah?

    Whereabouts are you in the country?

    Free Member

    It does indeed slide up to reveal the keyhole. I’m in Perth.

    Full Member

    The “do not use” sign might be because there is asbestos in the door seal.

    Free Member

    I know with 100% certainty that, that safe has never been opened whilst the current charity has occupied that store (which has been for a very long time).

    Free Member

    Dust off and nuke it from orbit, only way to be sure.

    Free Member

    As Phil_H said. Do not attempt to smash it open, or you may require a Hazmat team from SFRS and full Decontamination from your friendly SORT team.*

    Speaking from experience after carrying out decon on 5 of Police Scotland’s finest. Follow up screening of asbestos exposure may also be required.

    Full Member

    It does indeed slide up to reveal the keyhole. I’m in Perth.

    Ah, bit of a trek for me to try out my lockpicking then. Get a locksmith.

    Full Member

    My brother in law ‘n’ sister took over an ex jewellery shop in Stratford. Had a mahoosive safe in there. Massive!

    I couldn’t even move it a millimetre and I’m nails.

    He phoned some company up, two blokes came and took it and gave him some money I do believe.

    I don’t know who or how much they gave, but it’s a thing.

    Free Member

    I don’t know who or how much they gave, but it’s a thing.

    I’ll just google safe taker awayers

    Full Member

    “I know a bloke tried to blow a Webley 1400 with gelignite. When the smoke cleared, the safe was intact and he was standing there stark naked with his dick in his hand.” (Eric Chappell, Theft)

    Full Member

    Just blow the bloody doors off….

    I thought Jim Morrison was dead?

    Full Member

    Drill a hole through the side somewhere and use one of those thin camera inspection things, you can get them quite cheap on ebay I think.

    Free Member

    Full Member
    Free Member

    Interesting info, I’ve seen a couple of pictures with the name plaque Alex Adam but Alexander Adam ones are harder to find.

    more research needed.

    Full Member

    Didn’t they use a Challenger tank on Brainiac? I think they opened it from about 700 meters away. There wasn’t much of the safe left after the Sabot round hit it.

    Free Member

    And as luck would have it I genuinely have access to several Challenger 2’s.

    Free Member

    Between the internal and external casing of safes is any scrap metal cutting discs, and asbestos to make it difficult to cut through and to protect the contents from fire, also the door will be fitted with multi point locking pegs, call a locksmith out, try these for advice, https://www.locksmiths.co.uk/ did some training with them many years ago, very proffesional organisation.

    Free Member

    “Do not use this safe”

    It’s probably unsafe.

    I knew this bloke in prison…..
    He did some work for one of the Kray brothers, IE, safe cracking. Shall I have a word with him?

    Free Member

    Yes, it’s properly bugging me. I think I’ll have to get a pro in, which will have to wait until a few things are sorted.

    Free Member

    You could approach lockpicking YouTubers like Bosnian Bill and The Lockpicking Lawyer and explain the situation. They might  ‘advertise’ what you’re trying to do in a video and ask for help from UK based folk with similar lockpicking skills.

    Free Member

    I thought this thread was going to be about gluten free, organic crackers or something… As you were.

    Full Member

    I know a locksmith of many years in the trade. Tried to get some amazing stories of finding forgotten millions out of him but sadly the reality is that it’ll be empty and someone just lost the key and left it.


    Your safe could be the one? 🤔

    Free Member

    It’s already the one, as long as I can get it open and a replacement key. It’s sale value would be a very welcome bonus, as would the space it leaves behind.

    Free Member

    Many years ago, the safe in in the supermarket I worked in developed a fault, so we called in an engineer and I had to chaperone him for several hours whilst he worked.

    One of the things I learnt was that inside the door was a large piece of plate glass, which had spring loaded locking pegs attached to it. All the locking mechanisms were behind this glass, and if someone tried to drill through the door the glass would shatter and dead-lock the door. Other things that would have the same effect:

    – Explosives
    – Trying to move the safe without “disarming” the springs
    – Slamming the safe door shut

    This was in the early 90s, and the safe was a lot more modern then the OP’s, but I imagine a botched attempt at trying to get it open may make it even more difficult for a “professional”.

    Full Member

    A couple of good ones in there.
    Commendations go to :
    myti, josh vegas and the george reynolds wikipedia entry.
    But the winner of today’s internet is MCTD

    Free Member
    Full Member

    Has anyone asked Kryton57 if he still has that angle grinder?

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